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The Information Technology Committee evaluates and recommends policy and procedures concerning information technology and resources.

Meeting Schedule

At the August 25, 2020 meeting, the committee established Tuesday as the standard meeting day, and 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. as the standard meeting time for the committee for 2023-2024. The committee meets twice a month. Minor deviations in time are based on the agreement of the committee members. The meeting schedule and location is determined by the chair of the committee.


Committee Members

Glenn Martin, Chair
College of Graduate Studies
School of Modeling, Simulation and Training

Amy Sugar, Vice Chair
Division of Digital Learning
Center for Distributed Learning

Meeting Materials and Reports

Agendas and related materials are distributed to committee members one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Minutes and materials are posted once approved at the next meeting. Below are the official agendas, materials distributed, and approved minutes and materials for each meeting.

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The committee shall consist of an Instructional Designer from the Center for Distributed Learning; a Librarian from the UCF Libraries; faculty whose work in the areas listed here requires high IT resource or support levels and who are engaged in teaching (two members, one teaching primarily online and one teaching primarily in the classroom), physical or non-human biological research (four members, including mathematical and information sciences), research on humans or human populations (four members, including commerce, social sciences, health, politics, and communication), other research and scholarship (one member, including arts, music, letters and other humanities); an undergraduate student; a graduate student engaged in research requiring high IT resource or support levels; two faculty whose use of and expertise in IT is not above the norm; the Vice President for Information Technology or designee (ex officio); the Vice Provost for Digital Learning or designee (ex officio); the Vice President for Research or designee (ex officio); the Dean of the Libraries or designee (ex officio). At least two of the faculty representatives must work primarily on campuses other than the Main Campus. Student representatives will be selected by the Student Government Association. Faculty will be selected by the Committee on Committees, which will attempt to achieve broad representation among colleges and departments, within the constraints of expertise, above. The committee chair and vice chair shall be elected annually by its membership at the first meeting of the committee after the new Faculty Senate is elected, normally in the early fall term. Terms of service shall be two years, staggered.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To assist in the determination and evaluation of faculty information technology needs and to review general policies in this area.
  2. To review changes to educational media and communications recommended by the vice president for Information Technologies and Resources.
  3. To advise the vice president for Information Technologies and Resources on university and faculty needs and interests in developing information technology resources to enhance the campus environment for teaching, learning, research, other scholarly activities, and service.
  4. To make recommendations to the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate.

Committee Guidance

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