Resolutions 2006-2007
Archived 2006-2007 Resolutions Resolutions 2006-2007———————————————–1. Makeup Examinations2. Electronic Thesis and Dissertations (not approved)3. Conduct and Conflict of Interest (not approved) Resolution 2006-2007-1 Makeup Examinations Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University strongly support the university policy 4-401…
Resolutions 2005-2006
Archived 2005-2006 Resolutions Resolutions 2005-2006———————————————–1. TIP/SoTL awards2. Establish a College of Medicine3. Condolence for Officer Mario Jenkins4. Travel Reimbursement5. Apportionment and Committee Changes Resulting from the Division of the College of Arts and Sciences6. Course Levels in…
Resolutions 2007-2008
Archived 2007-2008 Resolutions Resolutions 2007-2008———————————————–1. Faculty Conflicts of Interest2. ETD Dissemination Policy3. Thesis and Dissertation Submittals4. Endorsement of Energy Efforts5. School Directors and Department Chairs (not approved)6. Budget Management (not approved)7. Funding of the Library Materials (not approved)8. Endorsement of…
Resolutions 2009-2010
Archived 2009-2010 Resolutions Resolutions 2009-2010———————————————–1. Promotion Stream for Instructors/Lecturers2. Electronic Promotion and Tenure Dossiers3. Florida Retirement System Benefits Resolution 2009-2010-01 Promotion Stream for Instructors/Lecturers Whereas, instructors and lecturers are actively engaged in teaching at UCF, and Whereas, instructors and lecturers…
Resolutions 2008-2009
Resolution 2008-2009-1 Appointment and Evaluation of School Directors and Department Chairs (Revised) Whereas, the University of Central Florida seeks to sustain growth, productivity and excellence in education and research, Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate endorses the following guidelines…
Resolutions 2010-2011
Archived 2010-2011 Resolutions Resolutions 2010-2011———————————————–1. Promotion of Non Tenure-Earning Faculty2. Non Discrimination; Affirmative Action Programs3. Approval of the Student Perception of Instruction Form4. Evaluation of the Student Perception of Instruction Form5. Revision to Policy re: Evaluation of Chairs and Directors6….
Resolutions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Resolutions Resolutions 2012-2013———————————————–1. Approval of the Student Perception of Instruction Form2. Equitable Treatment and Benefits for Personnel3. Encouraging Funded Interdisciplinary Research4. Adding Honors/Pass/Fail to the MD Program Grading Scale5. Caution in the Implementation of STEM Initiatives …
Resolutions 2011-2012
Archived 2011-2012 Resolutions Resolutions 2011-2012———————————————–1. Feedback Prior to the Withdrawal Deadline2. Membership of the University P&T Committee3. Endorsement of Smoke-Free Campus Initiative4. Staffing Joint Committees and Councils5. Calling Meetings of Joint Committees and Councils6. Emeritus Policy Revisions7. SPOI Administration Period…
Resolutions 2014-2015
2014-2015 Resolutions Resolutions 2014-2015———————————————–1. Amend the Definition of Faculty and Eligibility for Election to the Faculty Senate in the Bylaws of the Faculty Constitution2. Parental Leave Policy and Procedures for UCF Faculty Birth/Adoption (not…
Resolutions 2013-2014
2013-2014 Resolutions Resolutions 2013-2014———————————————–1. Caution in the Implementation of STEM Initiatives2. Compliance Check for Awards Programs3. SoTL Eligibility (not approved)4. Chronicle of Higher Ed Great Colleges to Work For program5. Awards Procedures Review Committee6. Universal Parking Fee Pricing (not approved)…