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The Academic Calendar Committee recommends to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs regarding the academic calendar.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are scheduled by the chair of the committee. No action can be taken at committee meetings unless a majority of the voting membership is present.

Committee Members

Robin Back, Chair
Food Service and Lodging Management
Rosen College of Hospitality Management

Peggy Nuhn, Vice Chair
UCF Connect Libraries
University Libraries


The committee shall consist of one faculty member from each academic unit selected by the Committee on Committees and one student nominated by the president of the Student Government Association. No more than two of the faculty members of the committee shall hold a rank of assistant dean or higher. The vice president for Student Development and Enrollment Services or designee (ex officio) shall identify other ex officio members, making every effort to ensure that areas relating to the Academic Calendar are represented. The number of ex officio members shall not exceed the number of faculty members. The chair and vice chair of the committee shall be a faculty member elected annually by the membership. Terms of service shall be two years, staggered, with the exception of the student member, who shall serve for one year.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To recommend the academic calendar and to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of the state of Florida and the university Board of Trustees.
  2. To consider the impact of changes in the academic calendar on students and faculty.

Committee Reports

The committee submits a brief annual report of the committees’ activities by the end of the second week of August each year. Below are the annual reports for the committee.

Committee Guidance

UCF Regulation 2.023 Academic Calendar
Florida Board of Governors Regulation 8.001 University Calendars

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