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Gather information on technology and distance learning to help faculty more efficiently address student needs.

Committee initiated on: 9-8-2011

Committee discharged on: 11-20-2014


Student Disability Services take an active role in testing accommodations for students.

Committee Members:

  • Vasquez, Trey, Chair, College of Education, Child, Family and Community Sciences
  • Allred, Kelly, College of Nursing, Nursing
  • Harrington, Joe, College of Sciences, Physics
  • Massiah, Carolyn, College of Business Administration, Marketing
  • Mills, Lisa, College of Arts and Humanities, Film
  • Murphey, Missy, University Libraries, Reference
  • Oetjen, Reid, College of Health and Public Affairs, Health Management and Informatics
  • Rabelo, Luis, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Industrial Engineering and Management Systems