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The Admissions and Standards Committee considers appeals of admissions and readmissions of undergraduate students. Additionally, the committee considers appeals of decisions concerning administrative record changes made by the College of Undergraduate Studies for undergraduate students and the College of Graduate Studies for graduate students.

Meeting Schedule

This committee meets remotely every other Tuesday from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Meetings are scheduled by the chair of the committee. No action can be taken at committee meetings unless a majority of the voting membership is present.

Note: Due to the nature of the committee duties, this committee meets during the summer. If you have a conflict or are unable to attend summer meetings, please contact the Faculty Senate Office at 407-823-0318.

Committee Members

Mark Gumble, Chair
Student Success and Well-Being

  • Mark Gumble
    Student Success and Well-Being -Learning Support Services; Ex Officio; Committee Administrator; Chair, Admissions and Standards Committee
  • Teresa Rodriguez
    Student Success and Well-Being; Student Engagement and Leadership Development; Ex Officio; Committee Administrator
  • Germayne Graham
    President’s Office – University Events and Engagement, Director, Student Programs and Outreach; Professional Staff; Co-Chair, Admissions and Standards Committee
  • Ana Mack
    Student Success and Well-Being -Student Academic Resource Center; Professional Staff
  • Angelia Jones Smith
    Student Success and Well-Being – UCF Connect-Student Services & Advising; Professional Staff
  • Caleb Miller
    Student Government Association; Student Representative
  • Chereeka Garner
    University Libraries-Academic Administration; Faculty Representative
  • Kelly Jennings-Towle
    College of Community Innovation and Education-School of Teaching, Learning & Leadership; Faculty Representative
  • Kurt Stresau
    College of Engineering and Computer Science-Mechanical &Aerospace Engineering; Senate Representative
  • Layla Archer
    College of Community Innovation and Education; Undergraduate Affairs; Professional Staff
  • Matt Lowe
    Student Success and Well-Being -Student Accessibility Services; Professional Staff Representative
  • Peder Hagglund
    Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Foodservice & Lodging Management; Senate Representative
  • Peter Wallace
    College of Undergraduate Studies-Interdisciplinary Studies; Professional Staff
  • Randi Fine
    Graduate Student Association; Student Representative
  • Scot French
    College of Arts and Humanities-History; Senate Representative
  • Susan Quelly
    College of Nursing – Nursing Systems; Program Director; Faculty Representative


The committee shall consist of at least six faculty members (at least three of whom shall be graduate faculty), selected by the Committee on Committees (in consultation with the senior vice president for Student Success and Well-Being), one undergraduate student nominated by the president of the Student Government Association, one graduate student nominated by the president of the Graduate Student Association (in consultation with dean of the College of Graduate Studies), and six members from the professional staff (selected by the senior vice president for Student Success and Well-Being). A representative from the professional advising office for each college may serve as a non-voting resource person to assist the committee members. The senior vice president for Student Success and Well-Being or designee (ex officio) will serve as chair and identify other ex officio members. The vice chair shall be elected annually by its membership at the first meeting of the committee after the new Faculty Senate is elected, normally in the early fall term. The chair will make every effort to ensure that areas relating to Admissions and Standards are represented. Terms of service shall be three years, staggered, with the exception of the student member, who shall serve for one year.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To consider all undergraduate student admissions that do not meet the minimum university admissions standards and that are referred to it by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
  2. To consider all undergraduate student appeals of readmission decisions or academic standing.
  3. To consider undergraduate student appeals of decisions that have been made by the College of Undergraduate Studies concerning late withdrawals, late drops, late adds, and medical withdrawals.
  4. To consider graduate student appeals of decisions that have been made by the College of Graduate Studies concerning late withdrawals, late drops, late adds, and medical withdrawals.

Committee Reports

The committee submits a brief annual report of the committees’ activities by the end of the second week of August each year. Below are the annual reports for the committee.

Committee Guidance

7.002 Tuition and Fee Assessment, Collection, Accounting and Remittance
UCF Regulation 1.014 University Committees
UCF Regulation 2.0011 Readmission as Undergraduate Student
UCF Regulation 2.002 Undergraduate Admission of First-time, Degree-seeking Freshman
UCF Regulation 2.004 Admission of Undergraduate Transfer Students
FL BOG Regulation 6.013 Military Veterans and Active Duty

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