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A Steering subcommittee, the Committee on Committees fills faculty committee vacancies annually and as vacancies occur during the academic year.

To express interest in serving, go to Faculty Senate Committee Service Interest Survey.

Meeting Schedule

This committee typically does not meet in person and conducts business through electronic mail.


Jeffrey L. Kauffman, Chair
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering and Computer Science

  • Tina Chiarelli
    College of Medicine-Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences; Senate Representative; Vice Chair, Undergraduate Council; Co-Chair, Undergraduate Course Review Committee
  • Peggy Nuhn
    University Libraries-UCF Connect Libraries; Senate Representative
  • Daniel Seigler
    Faculty Senate Secretary; College of Community Innovation and Education-School of Public Administration; Senate Representative
  • Aimee DeNoyelles
    Division of Digital Learning-Center for Distributed Learning; Senate Representative
  • Aristide Dogariu
    College of Optics and Photonics; Senate Representative
  • Jay Judy
    Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Foodservice & Lodging Management; Senate Representative
  • Humberto Lopez Castillo
    College of Health Professions and Sciences-Health Sciences; Senate Representative
  • Joy Parchment
    College of Nursing- Nursing Systems; Senate Representative
  • Devon Cadwell Bazata
    College of Undergraduate Studies- Interdisciplinary Studies; Senate Representative
  • Sabri Soheil
    College of Graduate Studies- School of Modeling Simulation & Training; Senate Representative
  • James Gallo
    College of Business Administration-Integrated Business; Senate Representative
  • Jeffrey Kauffman
    Faculty Senate Vice Chair; College of Engineering and Computer Science-Mechanical Aerospace Engineering; Senate Representative; Chair, Committee on Committee; Chair, Undergraduate Council and Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee
  • Reid Oetjen
    College of Community Innovation and Education - Health Management & Informatics; Senate Representative; Chair, Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee
  • Michael Proctor
    College of Engineering and Computer Science-Industrial Engineering & Management Systems; Senate Representative


The senators from each academic unit elect their representatives to the Committee on Committees from amongst the unit’s Steering Committee members. Members of the Committee on Committees are elected at the first Senate meeting of the year to a one-year term. Should a vacancy occur on the Committee on Committees, the senators from the academic unit in which the vacancy occurs shall designate a replacement. This committee will be chaired by the Senate vice chair.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To solicit committee preferences from senators for membership on the committees of the Senate, review and recommend committee membership, and to appoint a Senate liaison to provide monthly committee reports to the Senate.
  2. To consult with the faculty and deans of their academic units to identify nominees for university joint committees and councils and to review and recommend committee membership.
    1. The identification of faculty for service on joint university committees and councils is the result of collaboration between the college Committee on Committees representative and a representative of the college dean. The Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate will notify both parties when a vacancy occurs, who will come to an agreement on the new appointee.
    2. Based upon the criteria for the committee position, both parties may solicit nominations from the college’s faculty or administrators. If the dean’s representative and the college Committee on Committees representative cannot agree on the new appointee, both the nominations will be reviewed by the full Committee on Committees, which will make the final determination.
    3. Once the new appointee has agreed to serve, the Committee on Committees representative shall inform the Office of the Faculty Senate of the appointment.
  3. To provide the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate with a list of nominees for all Senate operational and curricular committees and the responsible university administrator with nominations for joint committees and councils. The Committee on Committees shall take into consideration minority and female representation, and to the extent possible, take into consideration approximate proportionate representation of the academic units to serve on Senate and joint committees.
  4. To determine the interest of faculty (by survey or other appropriate means) in serving on the various Senate and joint committees and to obtain names from department chairs, deans, and others of faculty members whom they believe have the requisite interest and experience to serve on specific committees.

Meeting Materials and Reports


Committee Guidance

Interested in serving?