The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Center director on professional improvement and instructional research activities that will enhance teaching and learning excellence and improve assessment and evaluation in all learning environments. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee also recommends Excellence in Faculty Academic Advising university winner. Details about membership, term, and duties and responsibilities can be found on the FCTL Advisory Committee website.
Meeting Schedule
The Committee as a whole meets once annually, early in the fall term. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee typically conducts business by subcommittee meetings as needed. For the complete schedule of meetings for each of the subcommittees, see the FCTL Advisory Committee website.
Committee Members
Christina Ferretti, Chair
College of Health Professions and Sciences
School of Social Work
Sandra Sousa, Co-Vice Chair
College of Arts and Humanities
Modern Languages and Literatures
Martha Hubertz, Co-Vice Chair
College of Sciences
College of Medicine-Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences; Faculty Representative
University Libraries-Student Learning & Engagement; Faculty Representative
Faculty Senate Secretary; College of Community Innovation and Education-School of Public Administration; Senate Representative
UCF IT-Information Technology; Ex Officio
Division of Digital Learning-Office of Instructional Resources; Ex Officio
Student Development and Enrollment Services-Student Accessibility Services; Ex Officio
UCF IT-Telecommunications; Ex Officio
Student Learning and Academic Success-UCF Connect; Administrator
College of Arts and Humanities-Modern Languages & Literature; Senate Representative
College of Sciences-Psychology; Senate Representative; Co-Chair, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee
College of Health Professions and Sciences-School of Kinesiology & Physical Therapy; Faculty Representative
Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Tourism, Events & Attractions; Faculty Representative
College of Sciences-Psychology; Senate Representative
College of Graduate Studies-School of Modeling, Simulation & Training
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning-Administration; Committee Administrator
College of Nursing- Nursing Practice; Faculty Represenative
Materials Science & Engineering; College of Engineering & Computer Science; Faculty Representative
College of Sciences- Psychology; Senate Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science- Electrical and Computer Engineering; Faculty Representative
College of Health Professions and Sciences- School of Social Work; Faculty Representative
College of Undergraduate Studies- Interdisciplinary Studies; Faculty Representative
College of Business Administration- Integrated Business; Faculty Representative
College of Optics and Photonics; Faculty Representative
Division of Digital Learning- Digital Learning; Faculty Representative
The committee consists of a minimum of at least one faculty member from each academic unit and a faculty member representing UCF Connect, who shall be the voting members of the committee. The chair and vice chair of the committee shall be a faculty member elected annually by the membership. The ex officio members of the committee shall be the vice president for Information Technologies and Resources (or designee), an associate or senior instructional designer, and the directors (or their designees) of offices that impact teaching and learning, who shall be designated by the director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. Terms of service shall be three years, staggered. Faculty members of the committee are selected by the Committee on Committees in consultation with the director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning and the college deans.
The committee submits a brief annual report of the committees’ activities by the end of the second week of August each year. Below are the annual reports for the committee.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Supporting and developing faculty professional development in areas of teaching, learning and the scholarship of teaching for all faculty, including full-time, adjunct and graduate teaching assistants.
- Overseeing and administering professional teaching development activities.
- Coordinating the nomination, review and selection of faculty fellowships and other awards for creative teaching and the innovative use of technology in teaching and learning.
- Administering and reviewing an annual assessment of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning activities.
- Considering and recommending to the Faculty Senate and administration regarding the needs and activities of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning.
Committee Reports