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Faculty Senate Committee Service Interest Survey

Service on university committees and councils is the primary means of direct participation in university governance by faculty. Each year, the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees (ConC) representatives identify faculty interested in participating in university governance by serving on Faculty Senate committees and councils.

Below you will find pertinent information regarding each Faculty Senate committee, including duties, time commitment, the term of service, and eligibility requirements. Use the information below to identify committees you are interested in serving. Once identified, submit your interest through the Committee Service Interest Survey. The survey remains open through the last day of the Spring semester each year.

Upon expression of interest, your college’s Faculty Senate Committee on Committees representative will contact you to discuss your interest further. The contact may happen in the Spring or earlier if an immediate vacancy is identified.

Senate Operational Committees

Senate operational committees serve to expedite the efficient functioning of the Senate and its affairs, and to address matters relating to faculty interests and function. Senate operational committees report monthly to the Faculty Senate.

Senate operational committees meet based on a standard meeting day and time. Please do not express interest if you are unable to attend meetings due to course conflicts.

Committee Standard Meeting Term Duties Eligible to Serve Budget and Administrative Committee Monthly, Wednesday from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. 2 years Evaluate and recommend policies and procedures concerning the university budget with emphasis on the academic budget; make recommendations on any administrative procedure that affects faculty members in the performance of their work; and participate in the academic planning process as appropriate. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; and all levels of Instructor/Lecturer. Faculty Senate Parking, Transportation and Safety Committee Monthly, Monday from 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. 2 years Evaluate and recommend policies and procedures concerning parking, transportation, and campus safety and security that will foster a mutually beneficial environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors in the university community. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; and all levels of Instructor/Lecturer. Information Technology Committee Biweekly, Monday from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 2 years Assist in the determination and evaluation of faculty information technology needs and to review general policies in this area; review changes to educational media and communications recommended by the vice president for Information Technologies and Resources and chief information officer; and to advise the vice president and chief information officer on university and faculty needs and interests in developing information technology resources to enhance the campus environment for teaching, learning, research, other scholarly activities, and service. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; and all levels of Instructor/Lecturer. Personnel Committee Monthly, Wednesday from 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. 2 years Study and recommend academic personnel policy and standards, including promotion and tenure criteria; responsible for procedures to evaluate administrators and department chairs and to oversee such evaluations; and consider other matters related to the professional well-being of the faculty, including academic freedom. Full-time, non-visiting Associate Professor or Professor; Associate or Senior Instructor, Associate or Senior Lecturer, or Associate or University Librarian. Research Council Monthly, Monday from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.. 3 years Recommend policies as it deems necessary and appropriate with respect to research activities, facilities, personnel, and patents; consult with and advise the vice president for the Office of Research on the stimulation of and support for research activities, including policies for allocation of monies to be invested in UCF research endeavors; assist in the evaluation of research programs within the university and advise on new research centers and institutes and the evaluation of performance of existing centers and institutes; recommend policies that will foster a strong, mutually productive relationship between research centers and institutes and departments; speak for the faculty on governmental, industrial, and other private sector and foundation support of the research programs of the university; review the activities of the committees that deal with the use of human subjects or animals in research; review the activities of the committee that deals with copyrights and patents; review and make recommendations to the vice president for the Office of Research on internal research grants and awards; and to work with the vice president for for the Office of Research in establishing guidelines for submissions and review of research proposals. Full-time, non-visiting Associate or Professor; Associate or University Librarian.

Senate Curricular Committees

Senate Curricular Committees govern college and university curricular and academic policies and procedures in cooperation with the College of Undergraduate Studies and/or the College of Graduate Studies. Senate operational committees report monthly to the Faculty Senate.

Senate Curricular Committees meet based on a standard meeting day and time. Please do not express interest if you are unable to attend the meetings due to a course conflict.

Committee Standard Meeting Term Duties Eligible to Serve Graduate Appeals Committee At least monthly, Thursday from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. 3 years Hear petitions for variances from established policies governing post-baccalaureate, certificate, or graduate degrees regardless of the administrative level from which the policy emanated including the graduate program, the college, or the university; hear other cases as referred by the vice president for Research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies including but not limited to appeals of adverse admissions decisions, appeals of adverse administrative decisions, and appeals originating in The Golden Rule and requiring a decision by the vice president for Research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies; hear all requests from graduate program directors for exceptions to graduate policies and procedures; identify graduate program practices that have policy implications and refer them to the vice president for Research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies; and to review all matters referred by the Graduate Council. Must be Graduate Faculty as listed in the graduate catalog. Graduate Curriculum Committee At least monthly, Wednesday from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. 3 years Review curricular issues related to graduate education and make recommendations to the vice president for Research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies; review changes to existing graduate programs (such as hours, thesis/non-thesis options); review new tracks or options to existing graduate programs and deletions of tracks or options; review new certificate programs and the deletion of existing certificate programs; and to review all requests for additions, revisions, and deletions of graduate and special topic courses. Must be Graduate Faculty as listed in the graduate catalog. Graduate Policy Committee At least monthly, Wednesday from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. 3 years Examine existing policies and procedures and recommend new policies and procedures with regard to graduate education, including but not limited to policies and procedures affecting admissions, academic progress, and financial support for graduate students; and to review all matters referred by the vice president for Research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies. Must be Graduate Faculty as listed in the graduate catalog. Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee At least monthly, Friday from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. 3 years Review graduate programs as part of the program review cycle, identify factors that promote quality in graduate programs, and update faculty status for those faculty members participating in the graduate programs; review proposals of new graduate programs and deletion of existing programs; and to review nominees for the graduate student awards for teaching, thesis, and dissertation given by the College of Graduate Studies and for the Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award. Must be Graduate Faculty as listed in the graduate catalog. Undergraduate Course Review Committee At least monthly, Tuesday from Noon – 1:00 p.m. 2 years Review all undergraduate course additions, revisions or deletions, and special topics course requests and transmit its recommendations to the vice provost for Teaching and Learning and dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies (or designee) for approval ; and to review recommendations from the Undergraduate Common Program Oversight Committee regarding course proposals related to the General Education Program. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Instructor, Associate or Senior Instructor; Lecturer, Associate or Senior Lecturer; or Assistant, Associate or University Librarian. Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee At least monthly, Tuesday from Noon – 1:00 p.m. 2 years Study, review, and provide recommendations on undergraduate academic policies; study, review, and provide recommendations on university-wide undergraduate degree requirements, including the General Education Program (GEP), foreign language requirements or proficiency, admission standards, and baccalaureate academic honors; study and review recommendations from the University Common Program Oversight Committee on changes to the General Education Program and to transmit recommendations to the vice provost for Teaching and Learning and dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies; review and make recommendations on all proposals for planning or implementation of new undergraduate degree programs, minors, and elimination of existing programs that will be submitted by the committee to the Office of Academic Affairs prior to submission to the Board of Trustees for final approval; review and make recommendations on all proposals for revisions to existing degree programs and certificates; and to review and make recommendations on the allocation of the Equipment Fee to the vice provost for Teaching and Learning and dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies, who submits his/her recommendations to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Instructor, Associate or Senior Instructor; Lecturer, Associate or Senior Lecturer; or Assistant, Associate or University Librarian.

Joint Committees and Councils

Joint Committees and Councils have a broad range of responsibilities at the university level. The committees are administered by the designated committee administrator. The frequency of the committee meeting depends on the work of the committee. The initial meeting is scheduled by the committee administrator with all subsequent meetings called by the chair.

Committee Standard Meeting Term Duties Eligible to Serve Academic Calendar Committee Typically meets once in January 2 years Recommend the academic calendar and to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of the State of Florida and the university Board of Trustees; and to consider the impact of changes in the academic calendar on students and faculty. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. Admissions and Standards Committee Every other Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. 3 years Consider all undergraduate student admissions that do not meet the minimum university admissions standards and that are referred to it by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions; consider all undergraduate student appeals of readmission decisions or academic standing; consider undergraduate student appeals of decisions that have been made by the College of Undergraduate Studies concerning late withdrawals, late drops, late adds, and medical withdrawals; and to consider graduate student appeals of decisions that have been made by the College of Graduate Studies concerning late withdrawals, late drops, late adds, and medical withdrawals. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. Commencement, Convocation, and Recognitions Committee Late February and via email 2 years Examine and review commencement and convocation procedures and to make recommendations for future commencements and convocations, taking into account budgetary implications; make recommendations to the president regarding speakers for commencements and convocations; make recommendations regarding the number and kinds of commencements and convocations; review proposals for awards, emeritus status, honorary degrees, awarding posthumous degrees, and any other recognition or honors bestowed by the university and to make recommendations to the president; recommend the standards and criteria by which to judge the qualifications for awarding honorary degrees; recommend criteria for the selection of those to be honored by the university with the designation distinguished alumnus; and serve as a selection committee for those to be named distinguished alumni. Full-time, non-visiting tenured Associate or Professor; Associate or University Librarian. Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee Once a semester 3 years Supporting and developing faculty professional development in areas of teaching, learning and the scholarship of teaching for all faculty, including full-time, adjunct and graduate teaching assistants; coordinate the nomination, review and selection of faculty fellowships and other awards for in teaching and learning; and review an annual assessment of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning activities. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. General Undergraduate Requirements Committee Monthly 2 years Monitor university-wide undergraduate curriculum requirements such as the General Education Program, diversity, Gordon Rule, civic literacy, and to review any changes, additions, or deletions to those curriculum requirements; review, monitor, and make recommendations to the vice provost for Teaching and Learning and dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies on courses and syllabi submitted to fulfill the university diversity requirement to meet the established definition of diversity; make recommendations to the Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee on changes to the General Education Program, diversity, Gordon Rule, civic literacy, and other state-mandated requirements; and to make recommendations to the Undergraduate Course Review Committee regarding course proposals related to the General Education Program, diversity, Gordon Rule, civic literacy, and other state-mandated requirements. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee Once a semester 2 years Study fringe benefits and other benefits and services provided to all faculty and staff of the university in relation to those offered in other institutions; examine, analyze, and make recommendations on insurance and other benefit programs offered for consideration and implementation by the university; make recommendations to the president on any proposed changes in benefits provided to the faculty and staff; and to report the results of fringe benefits and other related faculty and staff benefits studies to the Senate. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. Library Advisory Committee Once a semester 3 years Facilitate communication between the Libraries and its academic clientele; act as advocates of the Libraries in university-wide decision-making groups; and to act as an advisory council to the Libraries administration. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. Strategic Planning Council Once a semester 3 years Advise and assist the provost and executive vice president in developing and updating the university’s strategic plan; recommend policies to support the university’s strategic planning process, including academic planning, institutional effectiveness, accountability, budget planning, and student services; and to recommend to the provost and executive vice president the university’s academic plan and any budget or academic actions necessary to support those recommendations. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. Textbook Committee Once a semester 2 years Reviews and recommends procedures to meet textbook adoption dealdines and reporting requirements; promotes a culture that values textbook affordability; and and develops scholarship selection criteria, review applications, and select scholarship recipients each year to receive free course textbooks and other awards for each semester. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer; associate or senior instructional designer. University Athletics Advisory Committee Once a semester 3 years Nurture and foster academic integrity through an oversight of academics matters related to University Athletics; supervise the relationship of the university to the athletic conference in which it holds membership and the National Collegiate Athletic Association and to ensure that university policies and procedures are being followed in order to maintain the integrity of the university with NCAA rules and regulations; ensure that the university’s athletic program is in keeping with the educational objectives of the university; review the academic advisement, retention, and admissions of athletes; recommend to the Faculty Senate policies to ensure the academic integrity of the athletic programs; and to serve as an advisory and recommending body for intercollegiate athletics on policies and procedures that relate specifically to student-athlete welfare and academic progress. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. University Honors Committee Once a semester 2 years Consider and recommend fundamental policies and procedures relating to The Burnett Honors College, including the general direction of the college and its programs, requirements, faculty participation, and curricular matters; make recommendations to the dean of The Burnett Honors College on matters requiring judgments regarding faculty and student awards, scholarships, and other benefits; and to make recommendations to the dean of The Burnett Honors College as required on disciplinary matters relating to The Burnett Honors College including the removal of a student from the program. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. University Master Planning Committee At least 6 times a year 3 years Review short-range as well as long-range issues related to land use, facilities planning, and future development of the campus, including protection and preservation of natural resources on the campus; make recommendations to the president regarding matters of aesthetics and suitability for minor projects and modifications of the campus landscape, utilities, and building exteriors; review signage, site furniture, public art, and some temporary installations; and to serve as a clearinghouse for communication to the campus community. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. University Parking and Transportation Committee Monthly 2 years Recommend to the vice president for Administration and Finance changes to the UCF regulations that govern traffic and parking on the UCF campus; review programs or services designed to improve traffic, transportation, or parking services to the UCF community; review and approve special parking permits and 24-hour reserved parking spaces; and to review and approve conversion of metered, faculty/staff parking spaces, or drop-off and pick-up spaces. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. University Travel Awards Committee Once a semester 2 years Develop guidelines for travel awards to faculty; make announcements to the faculty regarding availability and procedures for application for travel awards; solicit applications for travel awards; and to review faculty applications for travel awards and make recommendations to the provost and executive vice president for making these awards. Full-time, non-visiting Assistant, Associate or Professor; Assistant, Associate or University Librarian; Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Instructor/Lecturer or Senior Instructor/Lecturer. Home  |   Senators  |   Senate Meetings and Minutes  |   Senate Attendance  |   Steering  |   Committees and Councils  |  
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