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On September 3, 2020, the University Undergraduate Common Program Oversight Committee was changed to the General Undergraduate Requirements Committee, including the duties with Resolution 2020-2021-2 Faculty Senate Bylaw Change – Undergraduate Common Program Oversight Committee. The General Undergraduate Requirements Committee provides oversight of courses and alternative plans to fulfill the General Education Program, diversity and technology requirements, as well as other program requirements common to all undergraduate students.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are schedule by the College of Undergraduate Studies. See, General Undergraduate Requirements Committee website for the meeting schedule and supporting materials. No action can be taken at committee meetings unless a majority of the voting membership is present.

Committee Members

Elena Flitsiyan, Chair
College of Sciences

Kersten Schroeder, Vice Chair
College of Medicine
Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences


The committee shall consist of at least fifteen faculty members, with at least one faculty member from each of the colleges with undergraduate programs and one professional librarian (selected by the Committee on Committees in consultation with the college deans and the dean of Undergraduate Studies). The Committee on Committees shall consider the proportion of general education credit offered between the colleges. If possible, members of the general faculty responsible for general education courses shall serve on the committee. The dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies or designee (ex officio) shall identify other ex officio members, making every effort to ensure that areas relating to General Undergraduate Requirements are represented. The chair and vice chair of the committee shall be a faculty member elected annually by the membership. Terms of service shall be two years, staggered.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To monitor university-wide undergraduate curriculum requirements such as the General Education Program, diversity, Gordon Rule, foreign language proficiency, and to review any changes, additions, or deletions to those curriculum requirements.
  2. To review, monitor, and make recommendations to the dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies on courses and syllabi submitted to fulfill the university diversity requirement meet the established definition of diversity.
  3. To make recommendations to the Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee on changes to the General Education Program.
  4. To make recommendations to the Undergraduate Course Review Committee regarding course proposals related to the General Education Program.

Meeting Materials

The committee submits a brief annual report of the committees’ activities by the end of the second week of August each year. Below are the annual reports for the committee.

Annual Report

Committee Guidance

General Undergraduate Requirements Committee website

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