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The Graduate Appeals Committee hears petitions from graduate students and applicants for variances from graduate program requirements.

Meeting Schedule

Note: Due to the nature of the committee duties, this committee meets at least twice during the summer. If you have a conflict or are unable to attend summer meetings, please contact the Faculty Senate Office at 407-823-0318.

On April 7, 2016, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee established Thursday as the standard meeting day and 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. as the standard meeting time. The standard meeting time does not prevent the curricular committees from scheduling a longer or additional meeting to address time-sensitive deadlines. The specific meeting schedule for the committee is maintained by the College of Graduate Studies at Graduate Appeals Committee Website.

Committee Members

Crystal Maraj, Chair
College of Graduate Studies
School of Modeling and Simulation

Cayla Bartley
College of Graduate Studies


The Graduate Appeals Committee shall consist of at least one graduate faculty member from each academic unit, a graduate student, and the dean of the College of Graduate Studies (ex officio) or her/his designee. The council chair will appoint the chair of the Graduate Appeals Committee. The vice chair shall be elected annually by its membership at the first meeting of the committee after the new Faculty Senate is elected, normally in the early fall term. Terms of service shall be three years, staggered. The graduate student representative will be appointed by the chair of the council based on recommendations made by the president of the Graduate Student Association and the dean of the College of Graduate Studies.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To hear petitions for variances from established policies governing post-baccalaureate, certificate, or graduate degrees regardless of the administrative level from which the policy emanated including the graduate program, the college, or the university.
  2. To hear other cases as referred by the dean of the College of Graduate Studies including but not limited to appeals of adverse admissions decisions, appeals of adverse administrative decisions, and appeals originating in The Golden Rule and requiring a decision by the dean of the College of Graduate Studies.
  3. To hear all requests from graduate program directors for exceptions to graduate policies and procedures.
  4. To identify graduate program practices that have policy implications and refer them to the dean of the College of Graduate Studies.
  5. To review all matters referred by the Graduate Council.
  6. All conclusions of deliberations by the Graduate Appeal Committee are considered recommendations to the dean of the College of Graduate Studies who makes the final decision for the university.

Meeting Materials

The official agendas, materials distributed, and approved minutes and materials for each meeting are distributed and maintained by the College of Graduate Studies and can found on the Graduate Appeals Committee Website.

Committee Guidance

Committee References

UCF Regulation 5.017 Appeals of Graduate Program Actions or Decisions

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