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The Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee provides guidance to the dean of the College of Graduate Studies about the quality of graduate programs, and will reviews nominees for graduate teaching and mentoring awards.

Meeting Schedule

On April 7, 2016,the Faculty Senate Steering Committee established Friday as the standard meeting day and 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. as the standard meeting time. The standard meeting time does not prevent the curricular committees from scheduling a longer or additional meeting to address time-sensitive deadlines. The specific meeting schedule for the committee is maintained by the College of Graduate Studies at Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee Website.

Committee Members

Reid Oetjen, Chair
College of Community Innovation and Education
Health Management and Informatics

Administrative Support

Emily Stettner
College of Graduate Studies

Meeting Materials

The official agendas, materials distributed, and approved minutes and materials for each meeting are distributed and maintained by the College of Graduate Studies and can found on the Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee Website.


The Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee shall consist of one graduate faculty member from each academic unit, at least four of whom are members of the Faculty Senate, and the dean of the College of Graduate Studies (ex officio) or her/his designee. The council chair will appoint the chair of the Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee. The vice chair shall be elected annually by its membership at the first meeting of the committee after the new Faculty Senate is elected, normally in the early fall term.Terms of service shall be three years, staggered.

A committee member designated as an ex officio member is a contributing member who takes part in all discussions and serves as a resource person but is non-voting and cannot serve as the chair of the committee.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To review graduate programs as part of the program review cycle, identify factors that promote quality in graduate programs, and update faculty status for those faculty members participating in the graduate programs. The committee reports findings and recommendations to the dean of the College of Graduate Studies.
  2. To review proposals of new graduate programs and deletion of existing programs that will be submitted to this committee by the dean of the College of Graduate Studies. The dean of the College of Graduate Studies will forward the resulting recommendations to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs. Following all necessary reviews and approvals, the recommendations will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for their review and approval.
  3. To review nominees for the graduate student awards for teaching, thesis, and dissertation given by the College of Graduate Studies and for the Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award. Recommendations are forwarded to the dean of the College of Graduate Studies

Committee Guidance

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