The Research Council recommends policies with respect to the research activities, facilities, personnel, and patents.
Meeting Schedule
At their August 31, 2020 meeting, the Research Council established Mondays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. as their standard meeting day and time for the 2020-2021 academic year. Minor deviations in time are based on the agreement of the council members. The meeting schedule and location is determined by the chair of the committee.
Committee Members
Linda Walters, Chair
College of Sciences
Steven Duranceau, Vice Chair
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Civil, Environmental, and Construction
Florida Space Institute; Institutes and Centers Representative
College of Optics and Photonics; Faculty Representative
College of Community Innovation and Education-School of Public Administration; Faculty Representative
College of Business Administration-Marketing; Faculty Representative; Vice Chair, Research Council
University Libraries-Scholarly Communications; Faculty Representative
Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Hospitality Services; Faculty Representative
College of Nursing-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
College of Optics and Photonics; Ex Officio
College of Health Professions and Sciences-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
College of Medicine-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
Office of Research-Administration; Ex Officio
College of Sciences-Nicholson School of Communication & Media; Faculty Representative
College of Arts and Humanities-History; Senate Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Industrial Engineering & Management Systems; Senate Representative
College of Community Innovation and Education-Educational Leadership & Higher Education; Senate Representative
College of Sciences-Biology; Senate Representative; Chair, Research Council
College of Graduate Studies-School of Modeling & Simulation; Administrator- Research Council
College of Arts and Humanities-English; Senate Representative
College of Health Professions and Sciences-Social Work; Senate Representative
College of Sciences-Chemistry; Senate Representative
College of Nursing-Nursing Practice; Faculty Representative
College of Arts and Humanities-History; Department Chair Representative
College of Health Professions and Sciences-Health Sciences; Senate Representative
College of Graduate Studies- Administration; Ex Officio
College of Medicine-Internal Medicine; Faculty Representative
College of Business-Economics; Faculty Representative
College of Community Innovation and Education-Public Administration; Administrator
College of Arts and Humanities-School of Performing Arts; Faculty Representative
UCF RESTORES; Faculty Representative
NanoScience Technology Center; Institutes and Centers Representative
College of Sciences- Biology; Faculty Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science- Civil, Environmental, and Construction; Vice Chair, Research Council; Senate Representative
College of Community Innovation and Education- School of Public Administration; Faculty Reprsentative
College of Science- Deans Office; Administrator
College of Business Administration-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
College of Sciences- Physics; Faculty Representative
College of Community Innovation and Education- School of Global Health Management and Informatics; Faculty Represenatative
College of Engineering and Computer Science- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering; Faculty Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering; Faculty/Senate Representative; Co-Chair, Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee
College of Arts and Humanities- English; Senate Representative
Meeting Materials and Reports
Agendas and related materials are distributed to committee members one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Minutes and materials are posted once approved at the next meeting. Below are the official agendas, materials distributed, and approved minutes and materials for each meeting.

The committee shall consist of eighteen faculty members with at least one representative from each of the academic units selected by the Committee on Committees and two additional faculty members from the institutes and/or centers will be designated by the vice president for the Office of Research. Academic unit faculty membership shall proportionally represent the number of faculty of the colleges. Only faculty members holding the rank of associate professor or professor or professional librarians of comparable rank shall be eligible for membership. The vice president for the Office of Research (or designee) shall serve as an ex officio member. Terms of service shall be three years, staggered. The chair and vice chair of the council shall be elected annually by its membership.
Duties and Responsibilities
- To recommend policies as it deems necessary and appropriate with respect to research activities, facilities, personnel, and patents to the vice president for the Office of Research.
- To consult with and advise the vice president for the Office of Research on the stimulation of and support for research activities, including policies for allocation of monies to be invested in UCF research endeavors.
- To assist in the evaluation of research programs within the university and advise on new research centers and institutes and the evaluation of performance of existing centers and institutes.
- To recommend policies that will foster a strong, mutually productive relationship between research centers and institutes and departments.
- To speak for the faculty on governmental, industrial, and other private sector and foundation support of the research programs of the university.
- To review the activities of the committees that deal with the use of human subjects or animals in research.
- To review the activities of the committee that deals with copyrights and patents.
- To review and make recommendations to the vice president for the Office of Research on internal research grants and awards.
- To work with the vice president for the Office of Research in establishing guidelines for submissions and review of research proposals.
- To recommend policies to promote the responsible conduct of research by UCF faculty, staff, and students.
- To make recommendations to the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate.