On January 27, 2020, the University Bookstore Advisory Committee was changed to the Textbook Committee, including the duties with Resolution 2019-2020-13 Faculty Senate Bylaw Change – Bookstore Advisory Committee. The Textbook Committee recommends procedures to the dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies to meet textbook adoption deadlines and reporting requirements and promotes a culture that values textbook affordability.
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are scheduled by the chair of the committee. No action can be taken at committee meetings unless a majority of the voting membership is present.
Lily Dubach, Chair
University Libraries
Academic Administration
Email: Lily@ucf.eduOlga Russell, Vice Chair
College of Community Innovation and Education
School of Global Health Management and Informatics
Email: Olga.Russell@ucf.edu
College of Nursing-Nursing Systems; Faculty Representative
College of Community Innovation and Education-Health Management & Informatics; Faculty Representative
College of Undergraduate Studies; Deans Office; Ex officio
College of Optics and Photonics; Faculty Representative
Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Hospitality Services; Faculty Representative; Vice Chair-Graduate Council; Chair, Graduate Curriculum Committee
College of Medicine-Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences; Faculty Representative
Administration and Finance-University Services; Administrator, Parking, Transportation and Safety Committee and University Parking and Transportation Committee
UCF Bookstore-Business Services; Administrator
UCF Bookstore-Business Services; Ex Officio
College of Arts and Humanities-Modern Languages & Literature; Faculty Representative
University Libraries-Academic Administration; Faculty Representative
Center for Distributed Learning; Instructional Designer407-823-4709
College of Health Professions and Sciences- School of Social Work; Senate Representative
College of Sciences; Faculty Represenative
Student Government Association; Student Representative
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning- Faculty Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Civil, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Faculty Representative
College of Nursing- Nursing Practice; Senate Representative
College of Business Administration- Integrated Business; Faculty Representative
The committee shall consist of one faculty member from each academic unit (selected by the Committee on Committees), one associate or senior instructional designer from the Center for Distributed Learning, one student (nominated by the president of the Student Government Association), one representative from the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, one representative from the University Libraries, the bookstore manager, and the dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies (or designee). The dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies (or designee) shall identify ex officio members. The chair and vice chair shall be elected annually from its faculty membership. Terms of service shall be two years, staggered, with the exception of the student member, who shall serve for one year.
Meeting Materials and Reports
The committee submits a brief annual report of the committees’ activities by the end of the second week of August each year. Below are the annual reports for the committee. Resolution 2019-2020-13 Faculty Senate Bylaw Change – Bookstore Advisory Committee approved January 27, 2020 changed the name and duties of the committee. Meeting materials are kept together for historical purposes.

Duties and Responsibilities
- To review and recommend to the dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies procedures to meet textbook adoption deadlines and reporting requirements.
- To promote a culture that values textbook affordability.
- To respect the faculty member’s expertise in choosing appropriate curriculum materials while highlighting the cost-effectiveness for students.
- To develop scholarship selection criteria, review applications, and select scholarship recipients each year to receive free course textbooks and other awards for each semester from the university Bookstore.