The Undergraduate Council reports undergraduate policy and curriculum matters to the Faculty Senate on a monthly basis. Business is conducted by the two committees of the council.
Meeting Schedule
The council as a whole typically meets once a year, unless a specfic issue or topic is relevant to the whole council.
For the complete schedule for each council subcommittee, see Undergraduate Course Review Committee or Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee found on the Provost’s website.
Meeting Materials
The official agendas, materials distributed, and approved minutes and materials for each subcommittee are distributed and maintained by the Provost’s Office and can found at Undergraduate Course Review Committee or Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee.
Topics Tracker
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Committee Members
Jeffrey Kauffman, Chair
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Tina Chiarelli, Vice Chair
College of Medicine
Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences
College of Undergraduate Studies- Deans Office; Ex officio
College of Optics and Photonics; Faculty Representative
College of Optics and Photonics; Faculty Representative
Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Tourism, Events & Attractions; Ex Officio
College of Medicine-Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences; Senate Representative; Vice Chair, Undergraduate Council; Co-Chair, Undergraduate Course Review Committee
College of Health Professions and Sciences-Health Sciences; Faculty Representative
Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Foodservice & Lodging Management; Faculty Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Civil, Environmental & Construction Engineering; Ex Officio; Chair, University Athletics Advisory Committee
College of Nursing-Undergraduate Affairs; Ex Officio
Burnett Honors College-Dean's Office; Ex officio
Academic Affairs; Ex Officio
College of Community Innovation and Education-Health Management & Informatics; Ex Officio
College of Business Administration-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
College of Health Professions and Sciences-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
College of Business Administration-Integrated Business; Faculty Representative
College of Health Professions and Sciences-School of Kinesiology & Physical Therapy; Faculty Representative
College of Arts and Humanities-Dean's Office; Ex Officio
University Libraries-Cataloging; Faculty Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering; Faculty Representative
College of Optics and Photonics; Faculty Representative
College of Sciences- Anthropology; Ex Officio
College of Sciences-Statistics; Senate Representative
College of Sciences-Chemistry; Senate Representative
College of Community Innovation and Education-Global Health Management & Informatics; Faculty Representative
College of Nursing-Nursing Practice; Faculty Representative
University Libraries-Research & Information Services; Faculty Representative
College of Nursing-Nursing Practice; Faculty Representative
College of Sciences-Chemistry; Senate Representative
Center for Distributed Learning; Instructional Design Team; Faculty Representative
Division of Digital Learning- Asst Instructional Designer; Faculty Representative
College of Science; Nicholson School of Communication and Media- Faculty Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Computer Science; Faculty Representative
College of Medicine-Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences; Ex Officio
College of Graduate Studies-School of Modeling Simulation & Training; Faculty Representative
The council shall consist of all of the members of the committees of the Undergraduate Council and the dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies (ex officio). All faculty members must be full-time general faculty. The Committee on Committees shall select the faculty members for all committees of the Undergraduate Council and shall solicit nominees from the deans of the respective academic units as well as from the dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies, among others. The council chair and the vice chair are elected annually by the membership of the council at the first meeting after the new Senate is elected, normally early in the fall term. The elected chair of the council will serve as the chair of the Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee. The vice chair will serve as the chair of the Undergraduate Course Review Committee.
Duties and Responsibilities
- To report to the Senate on undergraduate policy and curriculum matters. Business is conducted by the two committees of the council, which examine and formulate policies and procedures and review undergraduate course action requests and requests for new programs, among other matters.
- To review all matters referred by committees of the Undergraduate Council.
- To transmit its recommendations to the dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies, who submits his/her recommendations to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs. The council may also make recommendations to the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate.