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Archived 1972-1973 Resolutions

Resolution 1972-1973-1 Credit Fee

That the fees for up to six hours of credit per quarter be waived for faculty and staff personnel and that if more than six credit hours are taken , a fee be assessed only for those hours in excess of six.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 10, 1972.

Resolution 1972-1973-2 Summer Sessions

It is moved that commencing for the Summer Quarter, 1973 that the Florida Technological University offer three summer sessions, to wit:

  1. a full quarter summer session,
  2. a one-half quarter summer session commencing concurrently with the beginning of the full quarter summer session and,
  3. a one-half quarter summer session to commence with the end of the first one-half summer session.

It is further moved that the Director of Public Information be asked to take such measures as are necessary to give the widest possible publicity to this new scheduling with particular efforts to insure that all public school teachers in the area served by FTU are so apprised. It is further moved that a single registration be held for all summer sessions.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 5, 1972.

Resolution 1972-1973-3 Reduced Credit Hour Degree Program

Florida Technological University is prepared to offer an experimental program permitting a student to complete degree requirements with less than 180 quarter hours. This experimental program will be limited to the best qualified 100 students beginning in the fall of 1973. Students electing this option will be expected to have a Florida 12th grade test score of 400 or higher and will be examined individually to identify equivalency between courses completed in high school and required university courses particularly in the Environmental Studies (General Education) program. Where equivalence exists and where the high school course under consideration has been completed with a grade of “B” or better, the university requirement (including credit hours) will be waived thereby reducing the 180 credit hour requirement. A maximum of 45 quarter hours may be waived in this manner reducing the credit hour requirement for graduation to 135 quarter hours. Additionally, if it is determined for any reason that a previously waived course must be taken, credits received upon completion of the course will be considered remedial and will not be counted for degree purposes. The waiving of specific university requirements for duplicated or overlap areas of high school course work implies that closely related topics have been studied. For purposes of general education, some introductory courses, and elective credit, the student satisfies the intent of the normal baccalaureate degree program and is prepared to proceed satisfactorily to higher level courses if required as part of the complete degree program.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 5, 1972.

Resolution 1972-1973-4 Interuniversity Activities Committee

That the Faculty Senate empower the Interuniversity Activities Committee to:

  1. Establish a liaison with sister sneates on the other Florida public University campuses.
  2. Pursue the establishment of a Faculty Club.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 5, 1972.

Resolution 1972-1973-5 Guideline Recommendations for Awarding Honorary Degrees

The Board of Regents policy manual states that honorary degrees shall be made at the discretion of the President of the University with the approval of the Board of Regents.

The constitution of the Faculty Senate gives the Steering Committee the responsibility of recommending “guidelines regarding honorary degrees.”


  1. Preference in the awarding of such honors should be given to those persons who have made significant contributions to cultural, scientific, or spiritual welfare.
  2. Awards should be given sparingly and should be appropriate to the recipients.
  3. Nominations may come from any individual or group, providing that a statement of rationale and a vita of the nominee be presented. Such nominations shall be held in confidence.
  4. An ad hoc honorary committee of the Faculty Senate, appointed by the Chairman–of the Senate with the approval of the President of the University, shall assist in the process of determining who shall receive honorary degrees. This committee shall review all nominations submitted by groups and individuals and shall make recommendations to the President of the University concerning which individuals should be considered for honorary degrees.
  5. All nominations shall be submitted at least six months prior to the commencement in question so that the ad hoc honorary degree committee may make its recommendations to the President four months before commencement.
  6. The final approval is the responsibility of the President of the University with the approval of the Board of Regents.
  7. The President of the University in conferring the honorary degree shall present the major contributions of the recipient.
  8. Certain general conditions should be recognized in awarding honorary degrees, as follow:
    1. Normally, persons employed in the University or in public office shall not be honored.
    2. The recipient of an honorary degree shall be asked to speak on his field of contribution, or to deliver the major address at commencement.
    3. Persons holding honoraria for past achievements may only be considered for recognition for new contributions.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 9, 1973.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on January 9, 1973.
Revised and approved by President Millican on November 7, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-6 Guideline Recommendations for Awarding Distinguished Service Awards

In the process of determining guidelines for Honorary Degrees, it became evident that for many universities the practice of awarding honorary degrees could, if not carefully controlled, become a less than desirable practice. Many universities have felt that significant contributions could just as well be recognized by honoring the individual through other means than the honorary doctorate.

The steering committee of the Faculty Senate of FTU supports this position and hereby recommends the following guidelines.


  1. Preference in the awarding of such honors should be given to those persons who have made a major contribution to cultural, scientific or spiritual welfare.
  2. Awards should be given sparingly.
  3. Nominations may come from any individual or group, providing that a statement of rationale and a vita of the nominee be presented. Such nominations shall be held in confidence.
  4. An ad hoc honorary and Distinguished Service Award committee of the Faculty Senate, nominated by the Chairman of the Senate with the approval of the President of the University, shall assist in the process of determining who shall receive Distinguished Service Awards. This committee shall review all nominations submitted by groups and individuals and shall make recommendations to the President of the University concerning which individuals should be considered for Distinguished Service Awards.
  5. The final approval is the responsibility of the President of the University with the approval of the Board of Regents.
  6. The President of the University in awarding Distinguished Service Awards shall present the major contributions of the recipients to an appropriate body politic or to the media.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 9, 1973.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on January 9, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-7 Interuniversity Faculty Representatives Exploratory Meeting

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University approves and endorses the holding of an exploratory meeting of faculty representatives from the several universities of the Florida State System, for the purpose of discussing the most feasible method of information exchange and, if desirable, methods of common action in areas of mutual interest.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 13, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-8 Semester Plan

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends the abolition of the quarter system currently in effect at the state universities and the adoption of the modified semester plan consisting of two sixteen-week semesters and a twelve-week summer session divided into two six-week terms.

Implementation of the proposed resolution not be made prior to the beginning of the 1974-75 academic year in order to provide for needed adjustments in the curriculum.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 13, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-9 ABCDX Grading System
(Returned to Committee)

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends the implementation of an ABCDX Grading system for all coursework as soon as possible. These grades will remain an official part of a student’s record and only the ABCD grades will be used to compute the gradepoint. The X grade can only be removed during the first half of the following quarter in which the X was received, and under those circumstances the X can be interpreted as being equivalent to an incomplete grade. In all other cases, the X grade will remain a part of the student’s record, but will not be used to compute the gradepoint. Sickness, lack of attendance, withdrawal, performance below minimum passing standards, etc., will all result in an X grade, which simply means the student did not complete the course without any implication, good or bad, as to why this was so.

Returned to the Admissions and Standards Committee by the Faculty Senate on March 6, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-10 Common Academic Calendar

The Faculty Senate of the Florida Technological University recommends that a compatible academic calendar system be developed to include educational systems at all levels within the State of Florida.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 6, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-11 Scheduled Free Time

The Faculty Senate of the Florida Technological University recommends that the “free time” hours he scheduled with one hour on Tuesdays from 16:00 to 16:50 and a second hour on Thursdays from 11:00 to 11:50 AM.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on March 6, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-12 University Name Change

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends a name change for the University. It further recommends that the new name avoid local and regional denotation and accurately represent the diverse educational nature of the institution.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 8, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-13 Petition to Reject Proposed Univeristy Name Change

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University petitions the Academic Vice President, the University President, the Board of Regents and the State Board of Education to reject the proposed name change for this university for the following reasons:

  1. The proposed change would make this institution the only state university without “Florida” in its name.
  2. The proposed name departs from past practice of giving each institution of higher education in this state a unique and clearly recognizable identify.

We respectfully request reconsideration of the second alternative, Florida University at Orlando, as presented by the Facilities Committee at the April 9 meeting of the Board of Regents.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 10, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-14 Support of President Millican Regarding University Name Change

The Faculty Senate assures President Millican of their support for his prospective actions and pleas before the Board of Education and the Board of Regents relative to the future name of FTU.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 13, 1973.

Resolution 1972-1973-15 University Name Change

That the Senate endorse the name The State University at Orlando, Florida. (The, Florida added.)

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 13, 1973.

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