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Archived 1973-1974 Resolutions

Resolution 1973-1974-1 ABCDX Grading System

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends the implementation of an ABCDFX Grading system for all coursework. These grades will remain an official part of a student’s record. The X grade can only be removed during the following quarter in which the X was received, and under those circumstances the X can be interpreted as being equivalent to an incomplete grade. In all other cases, the X grade will remain a part of the student’s record, but will not be used to compute the gradepoint. All grades will be assigned by the instructor at the end of the quarter and there will be no grade or withdrawal deadlines during the quarter.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on May 10, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-2 Selection of Department Chairman
(Returned to Committee)

We resolve that in the event that a Chairman is needed by a department, the final selection of a new chairman be shared by the faculty of that department and the administration.

Returned to the Personnel Committee by the Faculty Senate on May 10, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-3 University Bulletin – Transfer Student

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends that the following statement be placed in the University Bulletin in some prominent position (or perhaps in boldface type) under the section on transfer students.

Regardless of where the student transfers from, – a Florida Community college, another Florida University, or another college or university outside of the state, it is the student’s responsibility to execute the necessary petition(s) in order to determine how his or her courses will transfer with regard to degree progress at FTU. Each college has different petition procedures but generally the petitioning should be done during the second full quarter of the student’s residency at FTU in order that the accepted transfer courses are clearly understood by the student and the faculty adviser early in the student’s program.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on May 10, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-4 Faculty Assignment of Duties

The Faculty Senate of F.T.U. recommends that any future written statement of assigned duties and responsibilities for individual faculty members should omit all reference to clock time.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on November 13, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-5 Appointment of Department Chairmen

The Faculty Senate of F.T.U. recommends that department chairmen be appointed by the proper administrative officers from recommendations offered by tenure-earning faculty members of the department concerned.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 13, 1973.
Approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on January 30, 1974.

Resolution 1973-1974-6 Establish SUS Faculty Senate Council
Priority List (Defeated)

The Faculty Senate of F.T.U. recommends that the State University System Faculty Senate Council establish the following priorities in its efforts to ameliorate the problem of employee benefits for faculty in the State University System:

  1. Endorsement of the Mobile Teachers Retirement Act (MTRA)
  2. Insurance
    1. fully paid medical and hospital
    2. accident and disability insurance
    3. life insurance
  3. Retirement
    1. non-contributoary (or larger contributions by the State)
    2. reduce the period for vesting
    3. have the retirement plan transferred to an independent trustee – – e.g., T.I.A.A./CREF
    4. have the retirement plan fully funded by the State
  4. Increase support for the faculty development program

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on November 13, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-7 Student Evaluation of Faculty

In fulfillment of the Board of Regents requirement that student input be part of the annual evaluation of faculty in the State University System, the Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends that the procedures for obtaining the assessment be standardized at the departmental level by the common consent of department members.

These procedures should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following characteristics of effective teaching:

  1. Preparation for teaching
  2. Demonstrated interest in students
  3. Demonstrated interest in subject
  4. The ability to stimulate students intellectually
  5. The ability to express thoughts and explain or interpret material
  6. Self-confidence and academic poise
  7. The achievement of course objectives

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 20, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-8 In Memoriam – Dr. Gale Sperry

When the shocking news reached me late last Saturday afternoon about the very sudden death of Dr. Gale Sperry, I felt deep personal grief for our professional association began ten years ago and was one of steady personal respect and admiration.

Perhaps few of you realize the breadth of Gale Sperry’s influence — locally, state-wide, and nationally — as a conductor, clinician, educator, and administrator. Gale was known in virtually every professional organization as an officer and as an unusually effective committee member. Although his tenure at FTU lasted only a little over one year, in that short time he laid the foundation for an outstanding music program.

Perhaps the greatest tribute the music faculty can give to Gale Sperry, both individually and collectively, is to continue to build and develop a superior and unique music institution. This was Gale’s dream and ideal, and we as a department pledge our devotion to this fulfillment. My feelings, and I am sure they reflect those of my immediate colleagues, have changed from one of grief and sorrow to thankfulness for having been a part of Gale’s life.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 20, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-9 Faculty Senate Slate of Officers

Resolved that at the May meeting of the Faculty Senate, the Steering Committee will present a slate of at least two nominees for each of the offices of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary. The proposed slate will be included in the Faculty Senate May meeting notice along with a biographical summary for each nominee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 11, 1973.

Resolution 1973-1974-10 Pass-Fail Grade Option

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends that members of the faculty be permitted to grant each student the option of selecting either a letter grade or a satisfactory-unsatisfactory grade for a course subject to the following limitations:

  1. The extending of such an option for a course must be approved by the chairman of the department offering the course.
  2. The student may select the satisfactory-unsatisfactory option in elective courses only.
  3. The student may select the satisfactory-unsatisfactory option for a maximum of sixteen (16) quarter hours of credit applied toward a degree.
  4. For the purpose of this grading system, the grades of A, B, and C will be considered Satisfactory and the grades D and F will be considered unsatisfactory.
  5. The student must decide whether to exercise the satisfactory-unsatisfactory option by the end of the add-drop period.
  6. The registrar shall be responsible for implementing the mechanics of allowing a student to exercise his satisfactory-unsatisfactory option within a course.
  7. Defeated by the Faculty Senate on January 17, 1974.

    Resolution 1973-1974-11 Non-retention of Faculty

    RESOLVED: Whereas AAUP guidelines recommend early, careful, and meaningful faculty involvement in decisions relating to the reduction of instructional research programs, the Faculty Senate recommends that each college of the University draw up criteria for non-retention of faculty due to possible reductions in instructional and research resources within the University.

    Until such time as appropriate criteria are developed within each college, termination of faculty due only to diminution of resources should be held in abeyance.

    Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 14, 1974.

    Resolution 1973-1974-12 Procedures Governing Faculty Grievances and Dismissal

    RESOLVED: Whereas apparent inconsistencies exist between the current Plan for Academic Administration, the Faculty Constitution, and the Faculty Handbook concerning faculty grievance and dismissal procedures, the Faculty Senate recommends the adoption of the following uniform policy for Procedures Governing Faculty Grievances and Dismissal (document attached to February agenda).

    Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 14, 1974.

    Resolution 1973-1974-13 Annual Review of Academic Administrators
    (Returned to Committee)

    RESOLVED that all academic administrators at Florida Technological University should be evaluated annually by the faculty; that each department chairperson be evaluated by the full-time faculty in his or her department; that each college dean be evaluated by the full-time faculty in his or her college; and that all other academic administrators, including the vice presidents and president, be evaluated by all full-time faculty members.

    RESOLVED that all academic administrators at Florida Technological University be evaluated by the attached form, modified from one used at the University of West Florida.

    1. This form will be administered by the Faculty Senate Instruction Committee.
    2. The results will be tabulated by the Instruction Committee, and one copy will be sent to each person who has been evaluated and to his immediate supervisor.
    3. After the form has been used for one year the Instruction Committee wi1l evaluate the form’s suitability, considering any modifications suggested by faculty and administrators.
    4. Administrators shall be evaluated as soon as possible during the 1973-74 academic year, and at the end of the fall quarter each year thereafter.

    Returned to the Instruction Committee by the Faculty Senate on February 21, 1974.

    Resolution 1973-1974-13a Annual Review of Academic Administrators (revised)

    1. Resolved that all department chairpersons at Florida Technological University should be evaluated annually by the full-time faculty in his or her department, using the attached form, modified from one used at the University of West Florida.
      1. This form will be administered by the Faculty Senate Instruction Committee.
      2. Any expenses incurred in the administration of the form wil1 be paid by the Faculty Senate.
      3. Department chairpersons shall be evaluated as soon as possible during the 1973/74 academic year, and at the end of the fall quarter each year hereafter.
      4. After the results have been tabulated, the completed questionnaires will be sent to the chairpersons whose performance has been evaluated.
      5. Summaries of the results wi1l be handled in the same manner as the student evaluations of faculty members.
    2. During the 1974-1975 academic year, the Instruction Committee, in consultation with the deans, shall devise and administer a separate questionnaire for the annual evaluation of deans. The Instruction Committee also shall consider the problem of evaluating the performance of the academic vice presidents and the president.


                /            /            /            /            /

                /            /            /            /            /

       Outstanding         Average             Below Average


    1. Is regularly available for questions and conferences.
    2. Welcomes suggestions and criticism regarding departmental issues.
    3. Administers his or her budget impartially.
    4. Promotes an atmosphere conducive to cooperation, mutual trust and high morale.
    5. Delegates authority effectively.
    6. Takes the views of faculty into consideration when making decisions concerning important departmental, college and university issues.
    7. Keeps the faculty informed about decisions, policies and events which will significantly affect them.
    8. Is just and equitable in his role in such personnel matters as evaluation, promotion and tenure.
    9. Encourages the maintenance of high academic standards.
    10. Promotes the professional growth of the faculty.
    11. Represents the interests of the department effectively.
    12. Is just and equitable in the assignment of courses, schedules and other duties.
    13. Holds departmental meetings when necessary.
    14. How would you rate this chairperson’s overall performance?

    Please make any additional comments about your department chairperson’s strengths and weaknesses on the back of this page; suggest solutions to the problems you perceive.

    The Faculty Senate recommends that faculty members explain why they gave their department chairpersons the very highest or the very lov1est ratings on any questions.

    Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 11, 1974.
    Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on April 11, 1974.
    Endorsed by Vice President Gambrell on May 8, 1975.

    Resolution 1973-1974-14 Establish University Undergraduate Curriculum Council

    The Faculty Senate of FTU recommends that Florida Technological University establish a University Undergraduate Curriculum Council consisting of two representatives from each college elected by the faculty of the respective colleges. This council would make recommendations to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs concerning:

    1. All proposed undergraduate degree programs
    2. All proposed undergraduate courses, and
    3. Periodic reviews of existing programs and courses.

    Recognizing that the responsibility for directing university curriculum matters now rests primarily with the Dean’s Council, we propose that the University Undergraduate Curriculum Council become responsible for actions in areas 1, 2 and 3 listed above. The University Undergraduate Curriculum Council shall inform the Dean’s Council of its specific actions and recommendations and shall forward these actions and recommendations to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.

    Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 14, 1974.
    Approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell, April 1974.

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