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Archived 1974-1975 Resolutions

Resolution 1974-1975-1 SUS Faculty Senate Council Representative

Resolved that the F.T.U. representatives to the SUS Faculty Senate Council will be the Chairman of the Faculty Senate and one member elected by the Senate at the May meeting. In addition, the member elected at large by the Faculty Senate will serve as his or her college’s representative on the Inter-University Committee of the Faculty Senate.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 26, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on September 26, 1974.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on December 5, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-2 Outside Employment

Because of the need for uniform administrative ease of implementation and operational adherence to the BOR policy toward outside employment, it is recommended that each faculty member be required to file a notice of outside employment reflecting the general nature of the employment and the amount of time this will entail. Further, a statement to the effect that this employment and any other employment either engaged in or contemplated does not and will not interfere with his regular assigned work. It is recognized that it is the duty of the Chairman or the immediate supervisor to ascertain that the outside employment does not interfere with the assigned duties of the faculty member.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 26, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on September 26, 1974.
Approved by vice President Gambrell on December 5, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-3 Consolidate Faculty Handbook and Plan for Academic Administration

The Faculty Senate recommends that the Office of Academic Affairs consolidate the Faculty Handbook and the Plan for Academic Administration into a single document. Further, that the consolidated document should be distributed to all faculty members.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 26, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on September 26, 1974.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on December 5, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-4 Retention of Student Examinations

The Faculty Senate recommends that the retention of student examinations and papers continue to be the sole prerogative of the instructor.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 26, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on September 26, 1974.
Approved by vice President Gambrell on December 5, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-5 Ad Hoc Committee Report on Collective Bargaining

Resolved that the Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall distribute the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Collective Bargaining with the minutes of this meeting.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 17, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on October 25, 1974.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on December 5, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-6 Plan for Academic Administration

The Faculty Senate recommends that the Plan for Academic Administration retain, until March, 1977, the policy stated in Section VA2 (b), specifically: “An exception to the policy expressed (above on the time requirement for promotion consideration) will be made for a faculty member holding a tenurable position at FTU at the time this policy is implemented.”

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 17, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on October 25, 1974.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on December 5, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-7 Withdrawal Period
(Returned to Committee)

The Faculty Senate recommends that the current withdrawal period of four weeks be retained and not be extended to six weeks pending determination by the Instruction Committee of the effects of such a change and further consideration by the Faculty Senate.

Returned to the Instruction Committee by the Faculty Senate on October 17, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-8 Implementation of the Rules of Procedure Governing Faculty Grievances

The Faculty Senate recommends adoption of the operational rules described in the paper Implementation of the Rules of Procedure Governing Faculty Grievances.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 7, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on November 14, 1974.
Pending – Under review on November 14, 1974.
Ad Hoc Committee, President Millican, and the University attorney revised and finalized procedures on February 11, 1975.

Resolution 1974-1975-9 Students Ushering at Commencements

The Faculty Senate recommends that students be granted the honor of ushering at all commencements.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 7, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on November 14, 1974.
Approved by vice President Gambrell on November 15, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-10 Faculty Senate Officer Election

The following procedures, in addition to the Constitution, shall govern the election of officers at the regular May meeting:

  1. Separate and secret ballots shall be conducted for each office in the following order: (1) Chairman, (2) Vice Chairman, (3) Secretary. No person may be elected to more than one office. The newly elected officers shall assume office immediately after election of the Secretary.
  2. If no person receives a majority of votes cast on the first ballot for an office, a second ballot shall be conducted between those fewest nominees whose cumulative first ballot vote constitutes a majority of votes cast. In the event this rule results in a tie, all tied nominees shall be included in the second ballot. This procedure shall be continued until one person receives a majority of votes cast.
  3. Any vote cast for a person not in nomination on that ballot shall be considered invalid and not counted in determining the majority requirement.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 7, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on November 14, 1974.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on November 15, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-11 Faculty Senate Operational Resolutions

The Chairman of the Faculty Senate is directed to maintain a record of all approved resolutions relating to internal Senate operation and to distribute copies of such resolutions to all Senators at the regular May meeting.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 7, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on November 14, 1974.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on December 5, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-12 Amend Faculty Senate Constitution

The Faculty Senate recommends the following amendments to the Constitution:

Section Delete in its entirety. (Now reads, under duties of the Personnel Committee: “To sit as a part of a Faculty Grievance Committee whenever requested by the Vice f President for Academic Affairs or the President”).

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 5, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on December 11, 1974.
Transmitted to President Millican on December 13, 1974.
Approved by the Faculty Assembly on November 3, 1977.
Approved by the Florida Board of Regents on March 6, 1978.

Resolution 1974-1975-13 Faculty Lounge

The Faculty Senate recommends that a Faculty Lounge be established as soon as suitable space becomes available.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 5, 1974.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on December 11, 1974.
Transmitted to the University Space Committee for action on December 13, 1974.

Resolution 1974-1975-14 Student Evaluation of Faculty
(Returned to Committee)

The Faculty Senate recommends that it be the instructor’s discretion to be evaluated by students more often than minimally required by Board of Regents’ policy. The instructor shall also have the discretion to select the class(es) by which he or she is to be evaluated.

Returned to the Instruction Committee by the Faculty Senate on January 16, 1975.

Resolution 1974-1975-15 Faculty Senate Minutes

Resolved that the Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall prepare a summary of the actions taken at each Senate meeting for distribution to members of the Faculty Assembly. The minutes of each meeting shall be distributed only to the members of the Faculty Senate, Deans, and the President.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 16, 1975.

Resolution 1974-1975-16 Faculty Senate Response to BOR Finance Committee Recommendations

The Faculty Senate of FTU requests that President Millican report the following faculty response concerning the Finance Committee recommendations, to the Board of Regents at their February 3 meeting.

The Faculty of FTU is aware of the recent decline in State revenues, Governor Askew’s opposition to new or higher taxes and rising university enrollments. We recognize that sound budget planning calls for the preparation of contingency plans in the event State revenues continue below previous forecasts. We believe, however, that the revenue shortfall is temporary, so that contingency budgets should focus on temporary measures.

The Faculty Senate opposes the elimination of freshman enrollments at FTU or USF, however temporary. Such action would severely disrupt the communities served by these universities, would demoralize their faculties and administrators, would cripple many current programs and would threaten several present accreditations and require reconsideration by several organizations including the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. We believe such action would be totally unwarranted, and we strongly urge the Board of Regents to reject this proposal.

The FTU Faculty Senate further recommends that any necessary budget reductions be achieved proportionately among all units of the State University System. This is the best way to provide equitable treatment to Florida citizens. President Millican has stated that FTU could, on a temporary basis, achieve a proportionate reduction in the budget for next fiscal year without irreparable damage to academic programs. We support President Millican in that declaration.

In searching for ways to reduce expenditures, we recommend:

  1. that actions affecting personnel or salaries be uniform throughout the State University System,
  2. that statements be prepared documenting the impact of any planned reduction in quality of service and cost incurred as well as savings made as a result of the planned reduction,
  3. that any planned workload increases be shared equitably among academic and non-academic personnel,
  4. and, that research and public service continue to be recognized as proper and important university functions.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 30, 1975.

Resolution 1974-1975-17 Establish Ad Hoc Committee to Improve Academic Advisement and Counseling

Whereas, one educational purpose of a university is the counseling and guidance of its students both in academic and non-academic areas,

Whereas, many personnel at the University do not have comprehensive and/or coordinated material or knowledge as to academic programs or counseling and guidance services) Whereas , the Faculty, Staff, Administration, and students would benefit from a coordinated effort in establishing a guidance and counseling program which would inform all concerned about the many programs which aid in a student’s welfare.

Therefore, the Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University recommends that the Administration establish an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of representatives of the Faculty Senate, Division of Student Affairs, and the Student Body to investigate and recommend for implementation ways to improve (1) academic advisement, (2) awareness of the many varied non-academic programs and facilities, (3) the transmission of information to all concerned for use in advising and counseling students.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 13, 1975.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 21, 1975.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on March 12, 1975.

Resolution 1974-1975-18 Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Recommended Procedures

Whereas the revised Plan for Academic Administration states that “The University shall develop processes of evaluation of faculty by faculty of Teaching, Research and Other Creative Activities, Service, Other University Duties, and Professional Development when appropriate,” and this will “normally” occur when a “change of status will be involved…,” the following procedure for such evaluation is to be established.

I. Establishment of Department Evaluation Committee

  1. A department level evaluation committee is to be established within each department of the University. By majority vote of the tenured and tenure-earning members of each department, the composition of the Evaluation Committee shall be established. The Committee will normally consist of either all tenure-earning and tenured members of the department or only the tenured members of the department. The department may designate criteria for evaluation in addition to those in the BOR Manual. These criteria must be supported by a majority of the faculty of the department and the chairman.
  2. The faculty member being evaluated, in consultation with his chairperson, is responsible for assembly of a folder containing facts and supporting evidence pertaining to the areas to be evaluated as specified in the revised Plan for Academic Administration. The folder is to be assembled by October 1 of the academic year in which the faculty member is applying for change of status, i.e., promotion and/or tenure. The faculty member may be evaluated by the department committee during any academic year he/she so wishes, even if there is no change of status in prospect for a given year.
  3. The Department Evaluation Committee, as a whole, shall make a report on the faculty member who is evaluated. This report shall be presented to a College Evaluation Committee in the format shown in Appendix A. The actual vote count in support of the Department Evaluation Committee report shall also be reported to the College Evaluation Committee. The Department Evaluation Committee shall also designate a member of the Committee to verbally report the basis for the Committee recommendation to the College Evaluation Committee.

II. College Personnel Committee

  1. The College Personnel Committee is to make its review based on the facts and supporting evidence contained in the folder submitted by the evaluated faculty member, as well as the written and verbal report of the Department Evaluation Committee. The College may designate criteria for evaluation at the College-wide level in addition to those in the BOR Manual. The criteria must be supported by a majority of the faculty of the College and the Dean of the College.
  2. The College Personnel Committee is to review the folders of those faculty up for change in status or tenure during the current academic year.
  3. The College Personnel Committee is to complete the College Personnel Committee Form for each of the faculty members evaluated. The evaluation of the College Personnel Committee is not to be an order ranking, but consists rather of a recommendation: recommended, or not recommended. Each of the recommendations must be accompanied by an explanation of the committee action as provided on the College Personnel Committee Form. A person “not recommended,” may, at his/her option request a written explanation from the committee.
  4. Upon completion of step II.C., the faculty member evaluated is invited to individually review the evaluation of the College Personnel Committee with that committee. If the faculty member chooses to contest the College Personnel Committee evaluation, he/she may do so in writing within 10 working days, and place it into his/her file.
  5. Upon completion of II.D., the evaluation cited in II.C. is to be forwarded to the department chairman, the dean of the faculty member being evaluated, and the University Evaluation Committee. This action is to be completed by the close of the Fall Quarter of the academic year in cases of promotion, and by the end of October in cases of tenure.
  6. College Personnel Committee Operations
    The following shall apply unless otherwise specified by majority vote of the faculty of the College.
    1. Structure
      1. The College Personnel Committee, for the purposes of faculty evaluation of faculty, shall consist of five members.
      2. The College Personnel Committee shall elect one of its members as chairperson.
      3. The five College Personnel Committee members must have representation of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor. The other members of the College Personnel Committee may be from any rank of a full time faculty member.
    2. Length of Service
      1. Each member of the College Personnel Committee shall serve a term of one academic year.
      2. A member of the College Personnel Committee is not allowed to serve two successive terms.
    3. Selection and Eligibility
      1. The five members plus an alternate comprising the College Personnel Committee shall be elected by a group of their fellow College faculty members.
      2. All full time faculty members in tenure-earning positions, except those on the previous academic year College Personnel Committee are eligible for service on the College Personnel Committee. No more than two members may be elected from one department.
      3. Nomination for election to the Personnel Committee shall be from the floor of a meeting of the College faculty.
      4. The election shall be conducted as follows: First, nominations from the floor shall be received for the representative having the rank of Professor. The balloting shall then take place for this committee seat. The departmental affiliation of the winner shall be noted. The same procedure is followed for the representatives to the committee having the rank of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, noting the respective department of each person elected so that no department has more than two representatives seated on the committee. Next the two “at large” committee members are elected, noting again their respective departmental affiliations. The alternate is then elected from the remaining eligible members, bearing in mind that this person cannot be from a department already having two members on the committee.
      5. The chairperson of the previous academic year College Personnel Committee shall conduct the election. In the academic year the faculty evaluation of faculty College Personnel Committee is initiated, the dean of the college shall serve as the election official.
      6. The election of the College Personnel Committee is to be by secret ballot and by simple majority of those voting. The person receiving the simple majority of those voting shall be declared the winner. In the event no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast, a run-off election shall be held among the fewest number of nominees whose totals accumulate to be 50% or more of the votes cast.
      7. The election results are to be reported by the College Personnel Committee chairperson to the following:
        1. The members of the represented faculty.
        2. The department chairmen affected.
        3. The Dean of the College
        4. The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
      8. The election of the College Personnel Committee is to be held in September of the academic year.
      9. In committee operations a simple majority rules.
      10. Personnel Committee meeting quorums shall consist of all five members. In case of illness the alternate shall serve.
      11. At such time that a College Personnel Committee member has his/her case come before the College Personnel Committee, the elected alternate member shall serve in his/her seat for review of that particular case.

    Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 20, 1975.
    Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 21, 1975.
    Modified, approved, and final procedures promulgated by Gambrell to faculty on February 28, 1975.

    Resolution 1974-1975-19 Student Evaluations of Faculty Policy

    The Faculty Senate recommends that the following be adopted as policy regarding student evaluations of faculty at F.T.U.:

    1. Each full-time faculty member must be evaluated for a minimum of 3 courses per academic year. Such evaluation must be conducted for at least one regular course per quarter – excluding summer quarter.
    2. Part-time faculty must be evaluated in each quarter that they teach for a minimum of l course per quarter.
    3. At least one course for every three in which the faculty member is evaluated must, where possible, have a minimum size of 25.
    4. Each faculty member may choose to have evaluations in any number of courses beyond the minimum requirement set by the Board of Regents’ policy. Such evaluations will be processed by, and all cost born by F.T.U.
    5. Chairpersons may request additional evaluations beyond the Board of Regents minimum requirements. If the instructor to be evaluated feels that such is unnecessary, he should state his objections to the chairperson in writing. Final discretion over evaluations beyond Board of Regents requirements rests solely with each instructor.
    6. Summaries of all evaluations shall be sent to the faculty member being evaluated, the Department Chairman, and the College Dean.
    7. All evaluation scoring sheets shall become property of the faculty member being evaluated.
    8. No evaluation summaries, individual item scores, or score sheets shall be published without the expressed written consent of the faculty member being evaluated.
    9. Procedures should be instituted under joint supervision of Student Government and the Office of Academic Affairs to ensure that the evaluations are administered with uniformity and integrity. Specifically, the procedures should ensure that the instructor is not directly involved in administering and collecting the forms.
    10. It shall be the department chairman’s responsibility, in consultation with the faculty member, to ensure that a reasonably representative sampling is made of all courses taught by each instructor. It is expected that such a representative sampling may require several years in some cases.

    Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 13, 1975.

    Resolution 1974-1975-20 Changes to Chairperson Evaluation Form

    The following changes to the Chairperson Evaluation form are recommended:

    1. Evaluation scale should be changed to:
            A               B               C               D               E
      Outstanding            Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory
    2. Questions changed:
      1. “Is receptive to” in place of “Welcomes” in question 2 so that question 2 reads “Is receptive to suggestions and criticism regarding departmental issues.”
      2. Rewrite question 6 “Takes the views of faculty into consideration when making decisions concerning important departmental, college and university issues,” to read “Represents the views of department faculty in all meetings that concern college and university issues.”
      3. Delete question 11 “Represents the interests of the department effectively.”

    Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 10, 1975.

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