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Archived 1975-1976 Resolutions

Resolution 1975-1976-1 Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedure Section IE

The Faculty Senate recommends that in the Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedure Section IE, the words “ten (10) working days” be eliminated and the words “seven (7) calendar days” be inserted in their place.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 30, 1975.
Approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell.
Vice President Gambrell promulgated to all Department Chairmen on October 2, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-2 Class Withdrawal Policy

The Faculty Senate recommends that the existing University policy for class withdrawal and auditing should be retained as stated in the 1975-1976 University catalogue (page 68.)

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 30, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-3 Fifth Year Tenure Processing

In view of the revised Board of Regents’ tenure guidelines that permit a faculty member to apply for tenure during his fifth year of employment, the Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University endorses the adoption of this rule of procedure and the immediate processing of the tenure applications of all eligible faculty members.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 21, 1975.
Transmitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on October 22, 1975.
Approved by vice President Gambrell on December 18, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-4 Annual Faculty Activities Report
(Returned to Committee)

The annual faculty activities report used by each college should be equivalent or similar in form to the promotion and tenure forms used within each college.

Returned to the Personnel Committee by the Faculty Senate on October 21, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-5 Tenure Earning Transfer Credit

Each non-tenured faculty member in a tenure earning position at F.T.U. should receive in writing from the appropriate administrative official of his/her college a statement of the amount of transfer credit for time spent at another University in a tenure earning position or other equivalent experience.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 21, 1975.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on October 22, 1975.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on October 23, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-6 Final Examination Period
(Returned to Committee)

The Office of Academic Affairs should remind all faculty members of the current university policy prohibiting the giving of any comprehensive examinations during the week immediately preceding a designated Final Examinations Period.

Returned to the Instruction Committee by the Faculty Senate on October 21, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-7 Tenure Transfer Credit

A minimum of one year transfer credit towards tenure should be awarded a faculty member who has two or more years’ credit in a tenure earning position at another accredited university or for equivalent experience.

Tabled by the Faculty Senate on November 20, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-8 Consideration of Tenure

Faculty members in their fifth year of service at FTU should be eligible for consideration for tenure beginning at the department level by December 1, 1975 (this year only). A final decision should be reached by the higher administration by March 1, 1976.

Tabled by the Faculty Senate on November 20, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-8a Consideration for Tenure – Fifth Year

Faculty members in their fifth year of FTU tenure-earning service who elect to be considered for tenure should be given normal consideration for promotion by January 15, 1976.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 20, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-9 Outside Tenure-Earning Credit

Resolved: Florida Technological University should continue its present practice of awarding outside tenure-earning credit to Faculty Members who have been in a tenure-earning position at the University. If any change in practice is to be considered, this change should not apply to faculty members who are presently in a tenure-earning position with the University.

Should a major change in the awarding of outside-tenure earning credit be under consideration, it is the recommendation of the Faculty Senate that the President establish an advisory committee of Faculty members, to be designated by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, and Administrative personnel to be designated by the President, who will make recommendations to the Office of the President.

Tabled by the Faculty Senate on December 9, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-10 Advanced Registration
(Returned to Committee)

The Faculty Senate endorses the Administration’s plan to eliminate advance registration at Florida Technological University.

The Administration has noted that present policies are inefficient and costly. The Faculty Senate agrees.

The Faculty Senate believes that the amount of time currently scheduled for advisement (eight days for the Spring Quarter alone) is excessive. The long periods of advisement and registration make it more difficult for faculty members to fulfill their teaching, research and other responsibilities.

The elimination of advance registration should also reduce the number of students who go through drop-add. Advance registration takes place so early that students’ schedules change before the start of the next quarter. Changes in their jobs, work schedules, car pools and other activities require frequent changes in their class schedules.

Returned to the Instruction Committee by the Faculty Senate on February 10, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-11 Collective Bargaining Forum

Whereas collective bargaining is an important issue for all faculty members, and a collective bargaining election is soon to occur throughout the State University System of Florida; therefore,

Be it Resolved that the Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University shall sponsor a forum in which all parties on the ballot for collective bargaining, including a representative from the administration for ‘no’ agent, shall be invited to state their cases publicly and answer questions from the faculty.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 10, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-12 Parking – Night Classes

Whereas, many of our faculty members have reported much difficulty in finding parking space when returning for their night classes at 1700, 1800, and 1900 hours. It is recommended that one of the “B” parking lots at the administration building and the “B” parking lot at the Humanities and Fine Arts Building be reserved for faculty and administrative use only until 1900 hours. The Personnel Committee was asked informally to suggest that the reserved parking lots be posted to that effect.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 10, 1976.
Vice President Goree in a memo to the Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell dated February 19, 1976 indicated the request could be accommodated at least by the beginning of the Spring Quarter.

Resolution 1975-1976-13 Revision to Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures-I

The following revision to the FTU Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures is recommended:

Amend IIIA1. as follows: ELIMINATE “consist of at least five members” and substitute “be determined by a vote of the majority of faculty members in each college. In no case shall there be less than five members on the Committee.”

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 17, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 20, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-14 Revision to Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures-II

The following revision to the FTU Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures is recommended:

Add an additional sentence at the end of IIIA.1: Every department consisting of 3 or more members must have at least one representative on its College Personnel Committee unless a majority of the members of the Department vote to decline to be represented.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 17, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 20, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-15 Revision to Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures-III

The following revision to the FTU Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures is recommended:

Add sentence at end of IIIC.4: If a College faculty chooses to have more than five members on the College Personnel Committee, there should be a maximum of two assistant professors on the Committee.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 17, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 20, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-16 Revision to Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures-IV

The following revision to the FTU Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures is recommended:

After first sentence in IIIC.4 add the following: Deans, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, and Department Chairpersons shall not be eligible to serve on College Personnel Committees unless a two-thirds majority of the nonadministrative faculty in the College specifically vote to declare them eligible for the Committee. This restriction will not apply to Committee members elected in 1975 for the duration of their term of office.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 17, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 20, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-17 Revision to Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures-V

The following revision to the FTU Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures is recommended:

Appendix, i.e., the Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Form, change the statement in the parentheses directly above “Committee Members’ Signatures” to read as follows: (If space is required for additional comments, amplification, or summary, use reverse side of form.)

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 17, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 20, 1976.
Approved and implemented by Vice President Gambrell on March 9, 1975.

Resolution 1975-1976-18 Proposed Method of Student Registration Opposition

The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University opposes the proposed method of student registration.

The Faculty Senate proposes that a committee be established to investigate registration procedures which would be in the best interest of students, administration, and faculty.

The Faculty Senate recommends that the proposed committee have six members–two faculty members to be designated by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, two students to be designated by student government, and two administrators to be designated by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 17, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on February 20, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-19 Minor Area of Study
(Not Approved)

A department may elect to offer a minor area of study if it offers a major in that area. A minor concentration shall consist of a minimum of 24 quarter hours. A college or department may impose additional requirements for a minor or may elect not to offer a minor. The registrar shall note the minor concentration on the student’s transcript.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 9, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on March 30, 1976.
Update – Being vetted with the Deans, Department Chairmen, and the Registrar on April 7, 1976.
1976-1977-2 Minor Area of study approved by President Millican on December 8, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-20 Notification of Cancellation of Classes

Whereas, classes occasionally are cancelled due to important campus social functions such as parades, and

Whereas, such cancellation of classes often necessitates the rescheduling of examinations, guest speakers, and other academic events, and

Whereas, students and faculty alike are inconvenienced when notification of such cancellation is not received prior to the day of the cancellation,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate requests that notification of cancellation of classes due to campus social events be sent to the faculty so as to be received a minimum of 72 hours in advance of said cancellation.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 9, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on March 30, 1976.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on April 13, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-21 Fifth Year Application for Tenure Withdrawal

Be it resolved that since public assurances have been given by the administration that a fifth year application for tenure may be withdrawn at any time without prejudice prior to a final consideration by the President, and since the issue has now been subject to conflicting interpretations, the Faculty Senate recommends that:

For the 1975/76 academic year, the administration allow a faculty member to withdraw a fifth year application for tenure unconditionally and without prejudice at any time prior to the final consideration by the President. Such a withdrawal shall not be grounds for issuing a terminal contract for the subsequent year.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 13, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President of Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on April 14, 1976.
Vice President Grambrell transmitted to President Millican by Gambrell on April 16, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-22 Advanced Environmental Studies Program

The Advanced Environmental Studies Program shall consist of 12 hours of upper-division courses outside the college in which the student is enrolled. The student shall choose these courses in consultation with his advisor. This new program will become effective September, 1977.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 20, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on April 21, 1976.
Being vetted with Dr. Grasty, Deans, Department Chairmen, and FTU Alumni on April 27, 1976.
Questions raised by Vice President Gambrell being researched by the Curriculum Committee on September 28, 1976.
Referred to the Dean’s Council and the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee on December 8, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-23 Revisions to Faculty Evaluation of Faculty Procedures

  1. IIIA1. Amend as follows: Eliminate “consist of at least five members” and substitute “be determined by a vote of the majority of faculty members in each college. In no case shall there be less than five members on the Committee nor more than two more than the number of departments.”
  2. IIIC4. (after first sentence) Deans and Department Chairpersons shall not be eligible to serve on College Personnel Committees. This restriction will not apply to Committee members elected in 1975 for the duration of their term of office.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 20, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on April 21, 1976.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on April 23, 1976.

Resolution 1975-1976-24 Student Evaluation of Faculty Procedure

Whereas the Faculty Senate feels that point 10 of F.T.U.’s policy statement 2012 (1/31/75) should be amended to completely eliminate both students and faculty members from the administration and collection of student evaluation of faculty forms; and to ensure that the evaluations are administered with uniformity, integrity, and confidentiality;

Be it resolved that point 10 of the policy statement be amended to read as follows:

“Procedures should be instituted by the Office of Academic Affairs to insure that student evaluation of faculty are administered with uniformity, integrity, and confidentiality. Specifically, the procedure should insure that neither the instructor nor the students should be directly involved in the administering and collecting of the evaluation forms.”

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 20, 1976.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on April 21, 1976.

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