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Archived 1977-1978 Resolutions
Resolution 1977-1978-1 In Honor of President Millican
The Faculty Senate, on behalf of the faculty of Florida Technological University, recognizes the leadership that you, President Charles N. Millican, have given in establishing an educational institution dedicated to the realization of individual potential and the achievement of academic excellence. In your twelve years as founding president, you have overseen the development of a campus designed to enhance higher education. Also, your dignified, personable approach in your relationships with the central Florida community has resulted in a strong Florida Technological University Foundation and in feelings of mutual respect between the university and the people whom it serves.
You have earned an assured place in the history of higher education in Florida.
We wish you well and hope that the future will bring you continued opportunity, and success.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 15, 1977.
Resolution 1977-1978-2 Forgiveness Policy
All grades from each attempt at a course will be included in calculation of the grade point average and will be shown on the transcript. This change will be effective at the beginning of the 1978-1979 academic year.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 15, 1977.
Transmitted to Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell on November 18, 1977.
Vice President Gambrell transmitted to President Millican on November 28, 1977.
Approved by Vice President Gambrell on December 1, 1977.
Resolution 1977-1978-3 ALERT Conference
The Faculty Senate, with the support of the FTU Foundation and the Office of Academic Affairs, will sponsor a 1978 Spring Conference for the Advancement of Learning and Educational Research Techniques (ALERT).
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 15, 1977.
Resolution 1977-1978-4 Supplemental Group Health Insurance
The Faculty Senate respectfully requests that the University Insurance Committee entertain bids and attempt to establish at FTU a supplemental Group Health Insurance Plan for dependents of Faculty and Staff to be competitive in price and coverage to that presently offered by Blue Cross-Blue Shield.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 6, 1977.
Resolution 1977-1978-5 Presidential Search Committee Appreciation
Whereas the Presidential Search Committee has completed its assignment by submitting the names of five excellent candidates to the Board of Regents, the Faculty Senate unanimously commends the Committee for doing an outstanding job of completing a difficult and significant task. The Senate, in particular, commends the Chairman, Dean Leslie L. Ellis for providing the leadership which facilitated the smooth completion of a sensitive assignment.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 6, 1977.
Resolution 1977-1978-6 Homecoming Parade Free Hour
That the faculty be encouraged to declare the noon hour on February 3, 1977 an open hour for the purposes of observing the Homecoming Parade.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 17, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-7 Academic Affairs Convention
That the FTU Faculty Senate agrees to co-sponsor an Academic Affairs Convention in conjunction with the UFF and SUSFSC.
Defeated by the Faculty Senate on January 17, 1978.
Rejected by the SUSFSC on February 14, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-8 Partial Tuition Refund Policy Statement
In keeping with the refund policies of other major university systems, the FSC endorses the concept of extending the present Florida SUS refund system to include partial refunds after the first week of classes.
Tabled by the Faculty Senate on January 17, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-9 SUS Role and Scope Study
The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University strongly supports deletion of Policy 26 from the Role and Scope Study.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 14, 1978.
Transmitted to Acting President Leslie Ellis and the SUSFSC.
Notified that Policy 26 was turned down by the Board of Regents on March 7, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-10 Creation of Faculty Senate Budget Committee
Based on the recommendatins of the Ad hoc Allocation Model Committee (ADAM), the Faculty Senate supports the recommendation:
“That the Senate form a budget committee charged to report to the Senate on the University budget and to provide faculty input in the budgeting process.”
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 14, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-11 Ensorse Role of the SUS Faculty Senate Council
The Faculty Senate of Florida Technological University endorses the following draft statement regarding the role of the SUSFSC.
DRAFT Statement
Role of SUS Faculty Senate Council
The State University System Faculty Senate Council is the arm of collegial academic governance on the SUS level. The relationship of the Council to the Board of Regents is similar in nature and scope to the relationship of the individual university senates to university administrations. The Council represents the faculty on those matters that pertain to the conduct and welfare of the State University System as a whole.
As such, the Council addresses matters of concern brought to it by individual faculty senates, by the members of the Council, by the Council of Presidents or the Council of Academic Vice Presidents, by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s staff and by the Board of Regents.
Appropriate matters of concern include (a) statewide curriculum policy and curricular structure, (b) policies of the SUS in regard to academic programs and functions, including budgetary considerations, (c) SUS policies regarding recruitment, admission and retention of students, (d) SUS policies dealing with the development, curtailment, discontinuance or reorganization of academic programs, (e) SUS policies or matters not a part of a collective bargaining agreement, and (f) other matters of traditional concern.
The Council functions in only an advisory capacity to the Board and the Board staff. As such, it does not set policy or make administrative decisions. In its advisory capacity the Council maintains the widest possible latitude in issues to be addressed but within some limitations. In particular, the Council’s neither an alternate nor adjunct to collective bargaining. Matters which have been brought to the bargaining table by a union but rejected by the Board as inappropriate to collective bargaining are appropriate matters for discussion and action by the Council.
The Council serves as a resource for the Board and individual senates and as a representative of the faculty senates to the Board. Consequently, it accepts the responsibility of advising the senates, the Board and the Board staff upon issues brought to it by the Board or Board staff and also initiates with the Board or staff matters of concern to faculty on either a system-wide or local university level.
Endorsed by the Faculty Senate on February 21, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-12 Accept CLEP Recommendations
The Faculty Senate endorses the recommendations of the Admissions and Standards Committee on CLEP procedures.
- That all credit by examination programs which are in use be vigorously examined.
- That the CLEP program remain voluntary on the part of the student. Students should not be compelled to participate in the program. If a student voluntarily participates in the program and earns scores high enough to acquire credit but decides against receiving credit, there should be no compulsion for the student to have these scores included on the transcript and credit awarded.
- That if students wish to participate in the CLEP General Examination program, they be required to do so during or prior to the first term at FTU and that they be allowed to take the exam only one time.
- That the Essay Examination, which will be available for the English portion of the General Examinations in September of 1978, be a required component of the CLEP program in the State of Florida for those students who take the English Examination.
- The committee supports the use of raw scores rather than the practice of awarding credit on a percentile base.
- In view of the scope of the exam, the suggestion was made that specific tests be used only to substitute for specific courses.
Accepted by the Faculty Senate on February 21, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-13 Ad Hoc Allocation Model Committee Recommendations
The Faculty Senate accepts the following recommendations of the Ad Hoc Allocation Model Committee.
- 1.The Senate form a budget committee charged to report to the Senate on the University budget, and to provide faculty input in the budgeting process (see Appendix);
- 2.The Faculty Senate Allocation Model Committee be informed by the Office of Academic Affairs of changes in the SUS and/or FTU allocation models and of redistributions due to changes in the mix of student credit hours;
- 3.The Office of Academic Affairs seek Faculty Senate input as part of any process of changing the faculty allocation model;
- 4.The modes of instruction of current or prospective allocation models be more precisely defined;
- 5.The FTU allocation model be changed to reduce the emphasis on advising, toward the level maintained by the SUS allocation model.
Defeated by the Faculty Senate on March 7, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-14 Creation of a Faculty Senate Budget and Allocation Process Committee
The Senate form a Budget and Allocation Process Committee charged to report to the Senate on the University budget and allocation process and to provide faculty input in the budgeting and allocation process.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 7, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-15 Admission with Certificates of Attendance
Graduation with a Certificate of Attendance from high school will not satisfy the requirements for admission to Florida Technological University.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 7, 1978.
Vice President for Academic Affairs CB Gambrell informed the Senate that he will project the Senate’s position to the Vice Chancellor on March 31, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-16 Tenured Faculty on Leave – Vote
Tenured faculty on leave of absence with or without pay will not be allowed to vote with their departmental faculty in tenure cases.
Defeated by the Faculty Senate on March 14, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-16a Tenured Faculty on Leave – Vote
Tenured faculty on leave of absence with or without pay will upon review of the tenure nomination file be allowed to vote with their departmental faculty in tenure cases.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 14, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-17 Student Evaluation of Faculty Form
The Faculty Senate endorses the attached FTU Student Government’s concept of a Student Evaluation of Faculty Form.
Defeated by the Faculty Senate on March 14, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-18 Salary Allocation Process
Be it resolved, the Faculty Senate shall be consulted before and during the process of decision-making in the University distribution of salary increase dollars to colleges. Further, only studies which demonstrate an accounting for sex-equity and minority group adjustment should be considered for utilization in the distribution of such salary dollars. Lastly, faculty input shall be assessed relative to these matters.
Defeated by the Faculty Senate on April 11, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-19 Nepotism Policy Statement
The Faculty Senate accepts the proposed policy statement:
6C-5.14 – Employment of Relatives
- Employment of related persons in a single organizational unit or in job-related organizational units, where such employment involves a conflict of interest, actual or potential, and where the employee has or would have direct or indirect administrative or decision-making authority over the related person or where the decisions of such employee may affect such other person, is discouraged, except where the employment of a related person becomes necessary and where the President shall certify to the Chancellor that the employee in a supervisory role will abstain from departmental or divisional decisions with regard to his or her relative’s continued employment, evaluation, promotion, assignment, or advancement. A person employed under this policy will have the same rights and privileges as any other university employee.
- Relatives or related persons means those within a one-degree relationship – husbands, wives, parents, children, brothers, sisters, their husbands or wives.
Specific Authority 240.042, F.S. Law implemented 240.042, F.S. History – – Formerly 6C-2.27. Amended 12-8-72, 6-7-71, renumbered 12-16-74.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 11, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-20 Health Insurance
The Faculty Senate strongly objects to the manner in which the change in the state health insurance program has been implemented. The process appears arbitrary in its implementation and provides even fewer benefits than before with a concomitant reduction in premium.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 11, 1978.
Resolution 1977-1978-21 Search Procedures for FTU Upper Level Administrators
The Faculty Senate recommends the following procedures relative to Search Procedures for FTU Upper Level Administrators.
I. College Dean Selection Procedure
“Part A: College Dean Selection Procedure:”
- Committee composition1
- One tenured or tenure-earning elected representative from each department2.
- One administrator from outside the college (selected by the administrators).
- One faculty representative from outside the college – elected by faculty senate.
- One student representative (major from college).
- Procedure within committee secret balloting, either/or balloting, no ranking or preferential voting.
- Secret balloting, either/or balloting, no ranking or preferential voting.
- The committee will operate under Sunshine procedures.
- The central administration will provide resource allocations sufficient to cover the expenses incurred in the search.
- The search committee chairpersons will be elected by the committee membership. The chairperson can come from outside the committee and can be either a voting or non-voting member upon the vote of the committee.
1each committee member has an equal weighted vote.
2each department will hold a meeting at which the representative will be selected by secret ballot, chairpersons are eligible for selection.
II. Vice Presidential Search Committee
“Part B: Vice Presidential Search Committee”
(Faculty Representation Only)
Committee composition
- Each college has a minimum of one tenured or tenure-earning faculty representative – chairpersons and teaching faculty eligible for selection.
- Faculty representatives elected in college-wide process – faculty senators act as the election agent.
either college meeting or ballot dissemination down to departments. - Alternates may be selected but still only one vote.
- Other representation on the committee is to be worked out by the administration with Faculty Senate input relative to particular offices.
- The committee will operate under Sunshine procedures.
- The central administration will provide resource allocations sufficient to cover the expenses incurred in the search.
- The search committee chairperson will be elected by the committee membership. The chairperson can come from outside the committee and can be either a voting or non-voting member upon the vote of the committee.”
Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 28, 1978.
Faculty Senate Activites report dated December 13, 1979:
Resolution was used to create search committees for the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Vice President for Research, and Dean of Graduate Studies.