Table of Contents
Archived 1979-1980 Resolutions
Resolution 1979-1980-1 Ad Hoc Committee – Formation of a College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty Senate recommends the establishment and operation of an Ad Hoc Steering Committee relative to the formation of a College of Arts and Sciences at UCF.
Committee Function
To consider all facets of the merger of the Colleges of Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and to make recommendations relative to this merger which will allow for the smoothest possible transition.
Considerations should include, but not necessarily be 1imlted to, the following:
- Various functions and activities of the existing college structures.
This is a “catch-all” type of consideration but an important one which should insure the meaningful and productive continuation of certain activities within the broader context of a combined college. For example, proficiency exam requirements currently in force in HFA, pre-professional activities in NS, and pre-law activities in SS. - Governance of the new college.
- Faculty Council?
- Chairman’s Council?
- Other?
- Personnel Matters.
Committee structure, operation, criteria for tenure and promotion, etc. - Administrative Support.
What’s now available; what realistically will be needed. - Academic Standards and Policies.
- Faculty Senate representation of new college.
- Questions on a new Basic Education package for the University.
- Search Committee for Dean.
Composition and operation
Committee Structure
- One person from each of the three existing colleges from the 1979-1980 Faculty Senate members from the respective colleges.
- One member, who is not part of one of the three existing colleges, to be appointed by the VPAA.
- One member to be appointed by the President.
- The President shall convene the first meeting of the committee, charge the committee with its function and provide for the election of a chair.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on May 29, 1979.
Committee established on September 27, 1979.
Implemented based on UCF Report Volume 2, Number 27 dated February 27, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-2 Academic Budget Council
(Returned to Committee)
Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommend the following to the Office of Academic Affairs as an alternative to the current process of budget allocation:
- At an appropriate time in the year, such as immediately following the preparation of the annual report, the chairman and faculty of each department meet to identify objectives and resource needs of their programs. Recognizing that funding seldom meets desired levels, the identified objectives should contain options which vary according to available funds. The departmental objectives and funding needs should be approved by a majority vote of the regular faculty in the department.
- The chairmen and one faculty member from each department in the college should then meet with their dean, each department presenting their objectives and resource requirements. In this meeting each department should be prepared to justify its needs to the dean and other departments. Following discussion, the dean, chairmen, and faculty should establish a series of objectives and needed resources for the college, approved by a majority vote.
- The deans and a faculty member of each college and the heads of the major divisions in the office of Academic Affairs should then meet with the Vice President for Academic Affairs to formulate a budget for the next year. Each division head and dean should be prepared to present and defend his objectives and budgetary needs. The total budgetary needs for the Academic Affairs area should then be discussed and approved by a majority vote.
Returned to the Budget Committee by the Faculty Senate on May 29, 1979.
Resolution 1979-1980-2a Academic Budget Council
Academic Budget Council
- Dean
-1 to be appointed by VPAA from among the deans of the colleges of Business, Education, Engineering, Health Related Professions, Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. - Chairperson
-1 to be appointed by VPAA (it is recommended that chairman be from a different college than the member Dean) - Faculty
-2 to be elected from the Faculty Senate Budget Committee by its membership
-3 to be appointed by the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate (from nominations submitted by the academic deans, VPAA, Chairman’s Council, executive committee of the UFF and the Faculty Senate Steering Committee). - The Vice President for Academic Affairs will act as an ex-officio member of the Academic Budget Council.
Terms of Memberhsip
- There should be at least one representative from each college and no more than two from any one college.
- A member of the Academic Budget Council will be able to serve no more than two successive terms.
- The ABC will be expected to function on a regular basis throughout the calendar year (including summers). Should a faculty member of the ABC not participate in ABC activities during a given quarter (e.g., summer) the Faculty Senate Steering Committee shall appoint a temporary replacement for the period of absence.
- Council members will serve three year terms beginning in September with staggered appointments to ensure continuity. Since election to the Faculty Senate is for a period of less than three years, ABC representation might have to serve a period in excess of thei1r active membership in the Senate.
- At the first meeting in September of each year, the Academic Budget Council will elect a chairperson.
- Order of Election
- The first two members will be elected by the Faculty Senate Budget Committee.
- The next three members will be appointed by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.
- Then, the sixth and seventh members (the Dean and Department Chairperson) will be appointed by the VPAA.
- Length of Terms:
- At the end of the first year, the term of the Dean and one of the appointees of the Faculty Senate Steering Committee will be concluded.
- At the end of the second year, the term of the Department Chairperson and one member appointed by the Steering Committee will be concluded.
- At the end of the third year, the terms of the two members elected by the Senate Budget Committee and the other initial member appointed by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee will be concluded.
- Staggered three year terms will be the norm thereafter for each position.
- The Academic Budget Council shall be both active and reactive in recommending budgetary policy to the VPAA at the University of Central Florida.
- The ABC will participate in discussions concerning the allocation and distribution of the following funds:
- Total univeristy funds
- Academic affairs funds
- Monies generated by the allocation model
- Additional funds (endowments, etc.)
- To review other budget considerations and procedures submitted to it by Academic Affairs.
- To work with VPAA in an on-going study of the mechanisms of academic funding.
- To establish a calendar of activities in harmony with fiscal requirements of the state, Board of Regents, and UCF internal policies.
PROPOSAL: Faculty Senate Budget Committee
It is recommended that the Faculty Senate Budget Committee remain an ad hoc Committee for the 1979-80 academic year. A discussion of the future of this committee including possible constitutional status as a standing committee of the Faculty Senate shall begin with the 1980-81 Faculty Senate.
The functions of this committee should include:
- Monitoring and review of the Academic Budget Council.
- Facilitate communications between the faculty, Faculty Senate, and the Academic Budget Council.
- Provide training services for new senators as prospective members of the ABC.
- Provide assistance to the Academic Budget Council.
- Perform such other budget and fiscal related functions as may be requested by the Faculty Senate.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 27, 1979.
Accepted by Academic Affairs with the addition of one chairperson elected by the Chairman’s Council, based on Senate Activities Report dated December 13, 1979. Committee will begin deliberations in January.
Implemented based on UCF Report Volume 2, Number 27, dated February 27, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-3 Congratulations to President Trevor Colbourn
The Faculty Senate wishes to extend its congratulations to Dr. Trevor Colbourn at the conclusion of his first year as President of the University of Central Florida. We recognize and appreciate his efforts to enhance the state and national reputation of this institution, and look forward to working with him in that endeavor. We offer our best wishes for his continued success.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 27, 1979.
Transmited to President Colbourn on October 11, 1979 – No action required.
Resolution 1979-1980-4 Senate Co-sponsorship of ALERT Conference
Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate co-sponsor an ALERT conference to be held in the Winter Quarter.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 16, 1979.
No action required by Academic Affairs.
Resolution 1979-1980-5 Common Academic Calendar Support
The Faculty Senate at the University of Central Florida supports placing the SUS and the Florida Community Colleges on a common academic calendar. It further believes that the “early semester” calendar provides academic and economic advantages that recommend in over the quarter calendar now in effect for the SUS.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 15, 1979.
Transmitted to the Commissioner of Education, Ed Turlington based on Faculty Senate Activities report dated December 13, 1979.
Resolution 1979-1980-6 Faculty for Special and Selection Committees
Eligibility for election to special ad hoc committees and position selection committees will be afforded to those faculty maintaining tenured or tenure-earning positions at the University of Central Florida.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 17, 1980.
Approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs Leslie Ellis based on Faculty Senate Activities report dated May 7, 1980.
Ellis indicates in process of being implemented in the UCF Report Volume 2, Number 32, dated April 7, 1980.
Ellis implemented with memo to deans and chairpersons May 19, 1980 in the UCF Report Volume 2, Number 41, dated June 4, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-7 Administration of Annual Evaluation of Chairmen by Faculty by AA
The Faculty Senate requests that the Office of Academic Affairs assume responsibility for the administration of the annual evaluation of chairmen by the faculty. Academic Affairs now administers the chairmen evaluation of faculty, and it is recommended that the two evaluation procedures be carried out by the same unit of administration. The two evaluations should be coincident in time to avoid reactive bias in either direction.
The faculty evaluation of chairmen instrument and procedure must be acceptable to the Faculty Senate to insure regularity, faculty freedom and objectivity, and fairness. In particular, the collection phase of the procedure must insure complete faculty confidentiality. Instrument collection should either involve individual faculty members mailing to a central point or collection by some neutral office or individual. The Faculty Senate requests that administrative arrangements be open for review and acceptable to the Faculty Senate Personnel committee each year.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 17, 1980.
Transmitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Leslie Ellis.
Approved by Vice President Ellis based on the Faculty Senate Activities report dated May 7, 1980:
Ellis accepted the resolution in principle. Some details involving forms and procedures are being discussed with the Personnel Committee.
Ellis indicated being studied in the UCF Report Volume 2, Number 32, dated April 7, 1980.
Ellis indicated implemented in the UCF Report Volume 2, Number 41, dated June 4, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-8 Revision of Search Procedures for Deans and Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs
The Faculty Senate endorses the following addition to the search procedures for deans and Vice-Presidents for Academic Affairs:
In cases where the search procedures for dean and Vice-President for Academic Affairs set forth in Faculty Senate resolution of April 25th, 1978, fail to provide minority and female representation, the Office of Academic Affairs reserves the option of appointing additional committee members to assure such representation and to conform to Affirmative Action guidelines. Each additional member will be selected from a list of at least three candidates submitted by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 14, 1980.
Implemented based on UCF Report Volume 2, Number 27, dated February 27, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-9 Quality Improvement Program (Q.I.P.) Funds
Be it resolved by the Faculty Senate that:
The results of the Quality Improvement Funds survey should be presented to all administrators and faculty.
Further, the Faculty Senate strongly supports the concept of Quality Improvement Funds and the use of those funds in the most effective ways to achieve true improvements in the quality of teaching, service, and creative endeavors within the University and the State University System.
Further, the Faculty Senate recognizes the woeful inadequacy of past across-the-board salary increases in providing adequate adjustments for increased costs of living.
Further, the Faculty Senate recognizes that the President of the University is equally cognizant of the dire need for increases in faculty salaries, and appreciates his efforts in behalf of gaining salary increases.
Further, provided that a minimum of 13% across-the-board salary raises are made outside the Q.I.P. program to adjust for cost of living increases, the Faculty Senate supports the use of the 1980-81 Quality Improvement Funds for program and University enhancement and Faculty development.
Further, provided a minimum of 13% across-the-board salary increases are not forthcoming by 1980-81, the Faculty Senate believes the objectives of a Quality Improvement Program would then best be achieved through wider dissemination of Q.I.P. funds than that provided by the administrative proposal.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 13, 1980.
Approved by Vice President Leslie Ellis and being implemented based on the UCF Report Volume 2, Number 36, dated April 30, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-10 Ad Hoc Committee for Library Improvement
The Faculty Senate recommends that that Vice President for Academic Affairs appoint an Ad Hoc committee for Library Improvement.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 13, 1980.
Approved by Vice President Ellis.
Vice President Ellis indicated being implemented in the UCF Report Volume 2, Number 32, dated April 2, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-11 Academic Dishonesty
The Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida requests that the following text be published in the UCF Catalog and in the Faculty Staff Handbook.
The policy and procedures below have been assembled for different sources and have been in effect since Fall Quarter 1975 or longer. The following defined and/or described actions constitute University conduct for which students may be subject to administrative action and/or disciplinary penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion.
- Dishonesty of any kind with respect to examinations, course assignments or illegal possession of examinations is considered cheating. Any student helping another to cheat is as guilty as the student he assists.
- Plagiarism is the deliberate use and appropriation of another’s work without any indication of the source. Any student who fails to give credit for ideas or materials taken from another is guilty of plagiarism.
Academic Disciplinary Procedures
In cases of cheating or plagiarism:
- The instructor shall take whatever academic actions he deems appropriate. This may range from loss of credit for a specific assignment, examination, or project, to removal from the course with a grade of “F”. The instructor shall inform the student in writing of the incident, the academic action taken, and the disciplinary action that is being requested. Copies of this letter shall be sent to the Dean of the College and the Dean of Men through the instructor’s department chairman.
- Should the student wish to appeal the instructor’s action resulting from alleged cheating/plagiarism, he shall inform the Dean of the College in which the alleged cheating/plagiarism took place. The Dean will notify the instructor, the Department Chairman and the student’s academic advisor, and arrange for a hearing before a Faculty Review Committee in the College which the alleged cheating/plagiarism took place. Should an instructor request disciplinary action, the Dean of Men will request a hearing before the Faculty Review Committee prior to instituting disciplinary proceedings.
- The Review Committee shall render a report in writing of the case facts and actions subsequently recommended to all concerned and to the Dean of Men. If the Committee report supports the evidence of alleged cheating or plagiarism, the Dean of Men will institute disciplinary proceedings and present the Review Committee’s report to a University disciplinary board which may recommend, in accordance with BOR rules, one of the following disciplinary actions to the Dean of Men:
(a) General Disciplinary Probation1; (b) Restrictive Disciplinary Probation2; (c) Suspension3; (d) Explusion4.
1General Disciplinary Probation has two important implications. The student is given a chance to show his capability and willingness to live in accordance with the University rules without being penalized too severely. However, is a person is found guilty of a second violation while on General Disciplinary Probation, subsequent action will be more severe.
2Restrictive Disciplinary Probation results in loss of good standing and becomes a matter or record. Restrictive conditions may apply to practically any student activity in the University community. Generally, the student will not be eligible to receive any University award, scholarship, loan, honorary recognition, or initiation into any local or national organizations. The student may not occupy a position of leadership or responsibility in any University or student organization, publication, or activity. Restrictions are in effect through the stated date of the probationary period.
3A student involved in an offense warranting consideration of action more serious than probation, or one involved in repeated misconduct will face suspension. The length of the suspension period is clearly defined, and may extend from days to a number of quarters. During suspension, a student may not attend classes.
4When an offense is sufficiently severe, the University will expel the student and the student will not be allowed to enroll. When a student has been expelled from the University for disciplinary reasons, a full report will be placed in the permanent record of the individual concerned.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 10, 1980.
Ellis indicates being studied in the UCF Report Volume 2, Number 36 dated April 30, 1980.
Resolution 1979-1980-12 Modified Semester System
In reference to the change of the SUS from the quarter system to modified semester system, and for the sake of assuring quality teaching and research, the Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida recommends that:
- The regular full-time assignment of faculty at the University of Central Florida include not more than a nine semester-hour load, based on teaching, research and community and University service, and not more than 3 course preparations per semester.
- The faculty be offered the opportunity to teach full time in one of the summer terms and that this be equivalent in salary to 0.5 FTE based on a full term semester. Payment for summer employment shall not be counted as part of the base salary.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 24, 1980.