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Archived 1980-1981 Resolutions

Resolution 1980-1981-1 General Education Program Recommendations

The Faculty Senate accepts the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on General Education Program.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 28, 1980.
Transmitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Leslie L. Ellis.
Approved by Vice President Ellis and President Colbourn on December 2, 1980:

“Add U.S. history I, II (6hrs) as an option in Section IB1 and add Earth Sciences as an option in Section IE2 to Biological Sciences.” Approved version.

Resolution 1980-1981-2 Faculty Senate Constitutional Changes
(Returned to Committee)

  1. Editorial change from Florida Technological University to University of Central Florida throughout the document;
  2. Editorial change section 3.10.8 of name from Faculty Senate Council to Faculty Forum.
  3. Change section 3.2 Membership. The Faculty Senate shall consist of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, elected members, and the immediate past chairman of the Faculty Senate as an ex-officio member. The term of office for an elected member shall be two years, with approximately one half of the members being elected each year.
  4. Change in appointment of chairmen to Standing and Special Committees of the Faculty Senate:

    3.11.2 Membership. All Faculty Senate standing committees except the Steering Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Faculty Senate from a list of nominees provided by the Steering Committee. Unless otherwise specified, a term of office will be for one year. Consecutive terms may be served. No Senator may serve on more than two standing committees. The chairman of the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Steering Committee shall appoint the chairman of each committee. A secretary will be elected by each committee, except the Steering Committee. Each committee will maintain minutes of its meetings and will submit a written annual report to the Faculty Senate.

  5. Changes for reorganization of colleges:

    3.3Apportionment. The number of elected members of the Faculty Senate will be apportioned among the College as follows:

    1. Number of Senators = 50 X (Number of faculty in College)                                                                                          (Number of faculty in University)
    2. In the event that the formula does not produce a whole number, the number of Senators representing a College will be determined by rounding the calculated value to the nearest whole number.
    3. 3.3.1. Each college will have a minimum of four representatives in the Faculty Senate.
    4. 3.3.2. Apportionment will be made only once each year, based on the number of individuals who are listed as faculty on official records of the University on March 1 of that year.
    5. 3.3.3. Each college, may by majority vote of its faculty, decide on a system of internal allocation of Senate representation, e.g., by department, by proportion to department size, by a combination of department and college representation, etc.
  1. 3.10.3 Steering Committee
    1. Membership. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary of the Faculty Senate and one Senator from each College, except Arts and Sciences which shall have three members. College representatives will be elected by and from the elected Senators within a given College. Members of the Steering Committee are not eligible to serve on any other standing committee of the Faculty Senate. The immediate past chairman of the Faculty Senate will serve as an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
  1. Curriculum Committee
    1. Membership. Two Senators from each College, except Arts and Sciences shall have six.
  2. 3.10.5 Personnel Committee
    1. Membership. One Senator from each College, except Arts and Sciences shall have three and three Senator at large. The three at large Senators shall be, if possible, from different colleges.
  3. 3.10.6 Student Admissions, Standards and Activities Committee
    1. Membership. One Senator from each College, except, Arts and Sciences shall have three and three Senators at large. The three at large Senators shall be, if possible, from different colleges.
  4. 3.10.7 Instruction Committee
    1. Membership. Two Senators from each Co1lege, except Arts and Sciences shall have six.

Returned to the Ad Hoc Committee on Constitutional Revisions by the Faculty Senate on November 6, 1980.

Resolution 1980-1981-2a Faculty Senate Constitutional Changes

  1. Editorial change from Florida Technological University to University of Central Florida throughout the document;
  2. Editorial change section 3.10.8 of name from Faculty Senate Council to Faculty Forum.
  3. Change section 3.2 Membership. The Faculty Senate shall consist of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, elected members, and the immediate past chairman of the Faculty Senate as an ex-officio member. The term of office for an elected member shall be two years, with approximately one half of the members being elected each year.
  4. Changes for reorganization of colleges:
    3.3Apportionment. The number of elected members of the Faculty Senate will be apportioned among the College as follows:
    1. Number of Senators = 50 X (Number of faculty in College)                                                                                          (Number of faculty in University)
    2. In the event that the formula does not produce a whole number, the number of Senators representing a College will be determined by rounding the calculated value to the nearest whole number.
    3. 3.3.1. Each college will have a minimum of four representatives in the Faculty Senate.
    4. 3.3.2. Apportionment will be made only once each year, based on the number of individuals who are listed as faculty on official records of the University on March 1 of that year.
    5. 3.3.3. Each college, may by majority vote of its faculty, decide on a system of internal allocation of Senate representation, e.g., by department, by proportion to department size, by a combination of department and college representation, etc.
  5. Change in apportionment for committee and change in appointment for committee chairpersons:
    1. 3.10.2 Membership. All Faculty Senate standing committees, except the Steering Committee, shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Faculty Senate from a list of nominees provided by the Steering Committee. Unless otherwise specified, a term of office will be for one year. Consecutive terms may be served. No Senator may serve on more than two standing committees. The chairman of the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Steering Committee shall appoint the chairman of each committee. A secretary will be elected by each committee, except the Steering Committee. Each committee will maintain minutes of its meetings and will submit a written annual report to the Faculty Senate. Except for the Steering Committee which shall have the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the Secretary of the Faculty Senate elected at large without regard to college affiliation, all faculty senate committees shall have ten (10) members. The steering committee shall have ten (10) members elected in a manner similar to the other committees, in addition to the Senate officers. The apportionment of each committee’s membership shall be derived as follows:
    2. Number of Senators from Each College      (x10)
                         Total Number of Senators

      Each College will be entitled to a minimum of one representative on each Faculty Senate committee.

    3. 3.10.3 Steering Committee
      1. Membership. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary of the Faculty Senate and ten Senators apportioned on the basis set forth in 3.10.2. College representatives will be elected by and from the elected Senators within a given College. Members of the Steering Committee are not eligible to serve on any other standing committee of the Faculty Senate. The immediate past chairman of the Faculty Senate will serve as an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
    4. 3.10.4 Curriculum Committee
      1. Membership. Senators to be apportioned as set forth in 3.10.2.
    5. 3.10.5 Personnel Committee
      1. Membership. Senators to be apportioned as set forth in 3.10.2.
    6. 3.10.6 Student Admissions, Standards and Activities Committee
      1. Membership. Senators to be apportioned as set forth in 3.10.2.
    7. 3.10.7 Instruction Committee
      1. Membership. Senators to be apportioned as set forth in 3.10.2.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 4, 1980.
Approved by the Faculty Assembly on March 12, 1981.
Approved by President Coulbourn on June 29, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-3 Proposed Semester Calendar

The Faculty Senate endorses the proposed semester calendar from the Instruction Committee and recommends that there be two 6 week summer sessions and a 12 week summer session.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 6, 1980.

Resolution 1980-1981-4 Third Annual ALERT Conference

The Faculty Senate endorses the idea of conducting the third annual ALERT Conference, which will examine cross cultural communications and the problems and challenges of working with foreign students.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 15, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-5 Admission Freeze

Due to the budgetary constraints placed upon the University of Central Florida to limit enrollment, the Faculty Senate regrets being unable to serve the needs of the central Florida community and supports the university administration’s immediate freeze on admission of applications for spring quarter.

Approved by the Emergency Faculty Senate Steering Committee on January 12, 1981.
Faculty Senate informed on January 15, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-6 Limited Enrollment

The Faculty Senate is alarmed by the current limitation of enrollment at UCF. While we strongly favor lowering the faculty-student ratio and increasing the available educational facilities, we strongly believe that we should serve all qualified students in the area.

The practical impact of the limitation of enrollment of UCF is highly discriminatory because of this area’s rapidly growing population.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 15, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-7 Academic Budget Council Modifications

The following modifications of the enabling document of the Academic Budget Council are proposed:

  1. Under terms of membership item 5 should read:
    At the May meeting, the Academic Budget Council will elect a chairperson from among the faculty representatives. If the previous years chairperson is no longer a member of the Committee, the Senate chairperson will designate a committee member to call the first meeting.
  2. Under Function add item 6:
    The chairperson of the Academic Budget Council will report to the regular meetings of the Faculty Senate.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 5, 1981.

Resolution 1981-1982-8 Administration of the General Education Program
(Returned to Committee)

The Faculty Senate recommends the following mechanism to administer the new General Education Program (GEP):

  1. That any committee administering the GEP should be representative of all interests of the university consistent with representative apportionment in the Faculty Senate.
  2. In determining who shall be charged with administering the GEP, primary consideration should be given to the functions of existing representative committees, such as:
    1. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
    2. Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
    3. Faculty Senate Instruction Committee
  3. That any committee with the responsibility to manage and approve changes to the GEP should report to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies and not to the dean of any single college.

Returned to the Curriculum and Instruction Committees by the Faculty Senate on February 5, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-9 Admissions and Standards

The Faculty Senate requests that:

  1. UCF minimum entrance requirements for freshmen and other students who do not fall under the articulation agreement be raised to a 2.5 GPA and an 850 SAT or 19 ACT score.
  2. college deans evaluate all BS and BA degree programs to determine the feasibility of limited access at the junior level, and that they recommend a mechanism for implementation and control.
  3. the following policy for the change of a student’s major be adopted and published in the UCF Catalogue. A student who wishes to change his major must obtain a Change of Major Form from the department to which he wishes to transfer, and the chairman of that department, or a designate, needs to authorize this form by his signature.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 5, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-10 Limited Grade Forgiveness Policy

The UCF Faculty Senate requests that the following Limited Grade Forgiveness Policy be adopted and published in the UCF Catalogue:

The University of Central Florida Grade Forgiveness Policy permits an undergraduate to repeat a course and to have the repeated grade computed in his/her GPA in place of the original grade. Normally Grade Forgiveness may only be applied to a specific course that a student chooses to repeat. Under unusual circumstances a different but similar course may be used if the substitute course has been previously approved by the college dean, and if this approval has been registered in the Office of Records and Registration.

Any undergraduate student who wishes to implement Grade Forgiveness must:

  1. Complete a “Grade Forgiveness Request Form” (available in the Office of Records and Registration) for each course to be repeated. This form must be completed prior to registration, and a copy of the completed form must be returned to the Office of Records and Registration.
  2. Adhere to the following conditions:
    1. Grade Forgiveness is limited to two UCF courses with no more than one repeat per course.
    2. With prior approval of the college dean, a course different from a course on the approved list may be substituted in the following cases:
      1. The substitute course is a change in prefix, number, hours, or title, but not a substantive change in content from the original course.
      2. The substitute course replaces a course no longer offered by UCF.
    3. All grades remain on the transcript. The original course grade will be annotated with an “R” to indicate that the course has subsequently been repeated, and the original grade is not computed in the grade point average.
    4. If a student withdraws from a course repeated under the Grade Forgiveness Policy, the repeat attempt shall count as one of the available repeats.
    5. Since repeat courses should be taken on a “space available” basis only, the Grade Forgiveness Request Form needs to be signed by the department chairman, or designate, of the department offering the course. This signature may be withheld until the drop-add period if a space problem exists.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 2, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-11 Administrative Grade Change
(Returned to Committee)

The Faculty Senate requests that:

  1. Once a grade is assigned by an instructor (catalogue definition of a grade), any administrative change affecting that grade shall involve the instructor. If the instructor is not available, or declines to approve, the case should be referred to the University Admissions & Standards Committee for approval or disapproval of the request.

Returned to the Admissions and Standards Committee by the Faculty Senate on April 2, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-11a Administrative Grade Change

The Faculty Senate requests that the following safeguard measures be implemented immediately in order to avoid a recurrence of the past breaches and abuses of the withdrawal policy:

  1. Once a grade is assigned by an instructor (catalogue definition of a grade), any administrative change affecting that grade shall be initiated by the instructor. If the instructor is not available, his department chairperson shall act in his stead. If the instructor or the chairperson does not approve the grade change, it may be changed only by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who must notify the instructor of his decision.
  2. Withdrawal policies are the same for undergraduate and graduate students. The authority to initiate administrative withdrawals shall rest only with the Office of Undergraduate Studies where undergraduate students are concerned, and with the Office of Graduate Studies where graduate students are concerned.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-12 Withdrawal Policy

The Faculty Senate requests that the following two paragraphs replace the first paragraph of the current withdrawal policy in the UCF Catalogue:

Students may withdraw from classes without penalty until the end of the eighth week of a semester or until the midpoint of any summer term. After that date, any withdrawals are considered administrative and may be granted only when rare and extraordinary circumstances preclude continued class attendance. When such an administrative withdrawal is granted the student will be withdrawn from all courses for which the student is registered.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-13 Class Schedule Start Time

To increase the availability of instruction periods in the morning hours, and to reduce the traffic congestion that occurs each morning, the Faculty Senate recommends that the University’s class schedule be changed so that classes begin on the half hour and end 20 minutes after the hour, beginning at 7:30 a.m., five days per week.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-14 Teaching by Administrators

To help alleviate the high ratio of students to faculty members at the University of Central Florida, to help keep them in close touch with students, and to help them maintain their teaching skills and remain current in their respective fields, the Faculty Senate recommends that full-time administrators who are tenured or who occupy tenure-earning positions should teach a minimum of one class a year. The President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs should be encouraged but not required to do so.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-15 Payroll Direct Deposit

The Faculty Senate requests that the Payroll Office or the Personnel Office contact the Winter Park Bank to arrange direct deposit of checks by the faculty and staff. The same office should put a note in the UCF Report requesting faculty and staff to indicate their interest in such a service so that the requisite fifty names can be acquired.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-16 Payroll Checks

The Faculty Senate requests the Payroll Office make checks available by 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays to conform to the delivery of direct deposit checks to local banks.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-17 Payroll Deduction Codes

The Faculty Senate requests the Payroll Office provide a code to faculty members at least once a year enabling them to interpret various payroll deductions.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-18 Compensation for Commuting to Resident Centers

The Faculty Senate requests compensation for those faculty commuting to resident centers. Allowances for gasoline do not compensate for automobile depreciation or driving time. Additional compensation should be in the form of increased mileage allowance or, over a period of time, release time from teaching.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-19 Final Grades

Resolved that no grades be due earlier than the Monday following the last scheduled final examination.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

Resolution 1980-1981-20 College of Arts and Sciences Personnel Committee Quorum

The Personnel Committee of the Faculty Senate recommends that in view of the unusually large size of the College of Arts and Sciences, the quorum for its Personnel Committee should not necessarily consist of the entire membership of the committee. Rather, the quorum shall be determined by a vote of the majority of the college’s tenured and tenure earning faculty members. This recommendation is in reference to paragraph 10 (p. 5) of the Procedure for Faculty Evaluation of Faculty, revised 11-7-77.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 1981.

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