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Archived 1982-1983 Resolutions

Resolution 1982-1983-1 Library Financial Crisis

The Faculty Senate wishes to express its dismay regarding the current financial crisis of the library and urges the administration to specify this critical need when communicating with the Board of Regents.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 8, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-2 Faculty Senate Constitutional Revisions

The Faculty Senate recommends revisions to the Faculty Senate Constitution.

3.3.1 – Each college will have a minimum of four representatives in the Faculty Senate. The professional librarians shall have one voting representative in the Faculty Senate to be elected by the professional staff of the library.

3.4.1 – Only full-time Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and professional librarians of comparable rank shall be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. – The Chairman shall serve as presiding officer of the Faculty Senate. In his/her absence, the Vice Chairman will preside. 0 – To monitor the process of allocating:

  1. Total university funds
  2. Academic Affairs funds
  3. Funds generated by the Allocation Model
  4. Additional Funds

2.2.2 – The President, Vice President, Deans of Colleges, Directory of Libraries, University Registrar, and Dean for Graduate Studies and Research.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 2, 1982.
Approved by the Faculty Assembly on April 3, 1986.
Approved by President Colbourn on April 18, 1986.

Resolution 1982-1983-3 Student Evaluation of Faculty Form

  1. In as much as most students tend to use only two categories on the Student Evaluation of Faculty form, be it resolved to rename the response categories and to change to a five point scale with categories:
  2. Excellent

  3. In as much as the present form has two major sections, i.e., student background information and procedural questions concerning the conduct of the class, be it resolved that question 15 (The instructor presented the course material effectively.) be expanded into four or five questions measuring teaching effectiveness. These questions are to be formulated by the Instruction Committee and presented to the Senate for consideration before being sent to the administration as an official recommendation of the Senate.
  4. In as much as there is no machine gradable free response section, be it resolved that there be a supplemental section added containing three to four blank questions to provide faculty the opportunity of asking questions specific to his/her discipline, class size, etc.
  5. Question #13 of the SEFF and its utilization will be re-assessed by the committee.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 7, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-4 Use of Student Evaluation of Faculty Form in Evaluation of Faculty

An expanded grade scale to replace the Faculty Senate Resolution passed last year should be made available at the University of Central Florida. The recommended grade scale is:

  1. The numerical results of the student evaluations of faculty forms be used as only one component of a comprehensive package evaluating teaching which would together indicate a general appearance of overall teaching effectiveness. Any statistical evaluation of SEFF’s be given within a range of normed scores.
  2. The Instruction Committee develops a broad-based program of faculty evaluation to include several components such as formal peer level and formal administrative level evaluation.
  3. The title of the form be revised to Student Perceptions of Teaching to underscore the fact that the form is not a comprehensive evaluation of faculty.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 7, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-5 Expanded Grade Scale

An expanded grade scale should be made available at the University of Central Florida. The recommended grade scale is:

    Grade      Quality Points A        4.00 A-        3.67 B+        3.33 B        3.00 B-        2.67 C+        2.33 C        2.00 C-        1.67 D+        1.33 D        1.00 F        0.00

Implementation is to take place as soon as possible, but not later than the 1983-84 catalog.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on October 7, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-6 Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee

A review committee of full Professors of the university be formed to hear appeals of faculty who have been denied tenure or promotion by action of the President of the university. This committee would hear such appeals and make recommendations to the President on a case by case basis. Tenured full Professors shall be eligible to serve upon election by the faculty of their college. This committee shall be composed of three members of the College of Arts and Sciences representative of traditional divisions and one member from each of the other colleges. The committee will be elected bi-annually with staggered two year terms.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 4, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-7 Provisional Admission Category

A provisional admission category should be established for those first time in college students who are admitted to the university without satisfying all of the published University of Central Florida entrance requirements. Once admitted, these students will be treated the same as all other first time in college students with respect to academic probation and disqualification. The provisional admission will just serve as a warning.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 4, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-8 SUS Presidential Selection

The contents of 9/23/82 memorandum on SUS presidential selection be approved, forwarded to Chancellor, BOR, and UCF president and circulated to members of the Faculty Forum.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 4, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-9 Arts and Sciences Personnel Committee Quorum

The A/S Personnel Committee be allowed to have a quorum of 75% of the committee members rather than 100%. (75% = 12.75 or 13 out of 17 members) It was felt that the 100% rule was in use when college personnel committees had 5 – 7 members and no one at the time the rule was made envisioned a committee of 17 members. When an individual’s folder is being considered or voted upon a representative from the individual’s department must be present in committee.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 4, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-10 Promotion and Tenure – Outside Review
(Returned to Committee)

If the policy of outside review of faculty folders for tenure and promotion is to continue, a uniform policy should be established, and all folders should be sent for outside review. Names of persons to review the folders would be from universities/colleges similar in size and mission to UCF. A list of names would be compiled with input from both the department and candidate. Folders for review would be submitted early so that recommendations from the outside review would be available for consideration by the College Personnel Committee.

Returned to the Personnel Committee by the Faculty Senate on December 2, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-10a Promotion and Tenure – Outside Review

Be it resolved that if departments or colleges choose to include outside reviews of promotion/tenure folders, these reviews be made available at the time that the candidate is considered at the department level.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on March 10, 1983.

Resolution 1982-1983-11 Tenure and Promotion Criteria

The criteria and procedures being used to evaluate tenure and promotion candidates by the levels beyond the University Personnel committee need to be clarified.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 2, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-12 General Education Program Changes

The Faculty Senate approves the proposed changes in the General Education Program but recommends further review of the impact of the changes on the program be conducted.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 2, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-13 Student Evaluation of Faculty Form

The Faculty Senate approves the proposed changes in the Student Evaluation of Faculty Form on a trial basis Spring semester and to alter the format on some instruments to include reversed items in order to study the magnitude of response set.

Page 1 and Student Background Information sections approved by the Faculty Senate on December 2, 1982.
Course and Instructor sections approved by the Faculty Senate on December 8, 1982.

Resolution 1982-1983-14 Support Student Government Appeal to the Florida Department of Transportation

The Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida supports the efforts of Student Government to appeal to the Florida Department of Transportation for widening of Alafaya Trail, University Boulevard, and Highway 50. The safety of the university community traveling these roads is a major concern.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 3, 1983.

Resolution 1982-1983-15 Sick Leave Pool

Be it resolved that the procedures presently being used by the sick leave pool be continued with one change. Instead of the pool terminating at the end of each fiscal year, statement V. Duration: be changed to read: “The sick leave pool will continue indefinitely subject to annual review by the President.”

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 10, 1983.

Resolution 1982-1983-16 Procedures used for Supplemental Travel Allocation

Be it resolved that the procedures used in 1982-83 by the travel fund committee be reviewed, and that this committee publish the complete selection criteria that will be used before applications from candidates are submitted.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 10, 1983.
Approved by Provost Leslie Ellis.
Update from Ellis on Ocotober 13, 1983 – procedures have been addressed and criteria will be sent to all faculty by Vice President Trefonas.

Resolution 1982-1983-17 Initiation of Grade Change

Only the instructor of record may initiate a grade change. Exceptions to this rule will be the responsibilities of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The instructor of record will be notified in writing whenever a grade has been changed in a course for which he/she is responsible.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 10, 1983.

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