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Archived 1984-1985 Resolutions
Resolution 1984-1985-1 Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
To comply with 1984 legislative action, State of Florida and to be parallel with the BOR guidelines, the phrase “(may include service to public schools)” is to be added at appropriate places in the tenure and promotion guidelines (Sections 6C-5.225 and 6C7-3.11).
Each of the following recommendations are proposed as a student appeals procedure.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 6, 1984.
Resolution 1984-1985-2 Tenure and Promotion Outside Review
Each faculty member being considered for tenure or for promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor or from Associate to Professor will have his/her application file submitted to three outside experts for evaluation. The outside experts are to be chosen by one of the following three methods which must be agreed upon by the majority of the faculty of the given department:
- All experts are to be chosen by the departmental chairman in consultation with the faculty member being evaluated. In the case where the departmental chairman is being considered for tenure or promotion, the experts will be chosen by his/her immediate supervisor in consultation with the chairman
- All experts to be chosen by a committee of departmental faculty in consultation with the faculty member being evaluated.
- Two experts are to be chosen by a committee of departmental faculty and one expert chosen by the candidate being evaluated.
The University is asked to develop a standard letter which will be used by the chairman for the purpose of submitting a file for outside review. The letter shall explain the evaluation process and the areas to be evaluated. In the case where the chairman is a candidate, his/her immediate supervisor will handle the letters and file distributions.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 17, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-3 Tenure and Promotion to the Rank of Associate Professor
Application for tenure and promotion to the rank of associate professor will involve simultaneous considerations. A positive recommendation on promotion must occur before tenure can be recommended. A positive promotion recommendation can occur prior to the awarding of tenure in those exceptional cases where the progress of a faculty member is such to warrant an exception. (to be implemented Fall, 1986).
Tabled by Faculty Senate on January 17, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-3a Tenure and Promotion to the Rank of Associate Professor
A faculty member should normally be recommended for promotion prior to or at the same time that tenure is recommended. To save time for both faculty member and committees, the necessary papers for both should go forward simultaneously, but it is recommended that a positive vote for promotion precede the vote on tenure.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 7, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-4 Interpretation of Standards for Promotion and Tenure
There should be sufficient discipline flexibility in interpretation of the standards for promotion and tenure so that individuals may have reasonable expectation of fulfilling the requirements. (to be inserted as a philosophical statement under General Policy, Section (2), 6C7.311, Tenure; Section (1a), 6C7.317, Promotion)
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 7, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-5 Promotion to Associate Professor
The rank of Associate Professor signifies significant accomplishment in scholarship, teaching, and service worthy of status as a member of the senior faculty.
Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor calls for substantial contributions in teaching and in scholarship, as well as acceptable service contributions and/or other university duties. The record must demonstrate professional accomplishment beyond the doctoral or terminal degree level of the specific discipline. Contributions must be substantive, although the quality of the contributions or the length of time over which the contributions have been accumulated may be less than that required for the rank of professor. (This would replace Section 2b-parts (a), (b), (c) of 6C7-3.17)
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 7, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-6 Promotion to Professor
The rank of professor reflects not only an individual’s contributions within the institution but also denotes a status of level of significant achievement among one’s disciplinary peers on a national or international level. The standards in each of the colleges call for distinction in scholarship or teaching with substantial accomplishments in service or other university duties. Substantial contributions of a continuing nature in each of the areas, beyond that expected of an Associate Professor, are necessary components for the achievement of the rank of Professor. (to substitute for 6C7-3.17, Section 2c)
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 7, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-7 Faculty Senate By-Law Change
Change the By-laws of the Faculty Senate to read:
1.0 Voting
1. 1 Each senator shall have one vote according to 3.9.7 of the Constitution where the method of voting will be determined by the presiding officer in the form of viva voice (voice vote), show of hands, secret ballot, or absentee ballot.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 7, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-8 Quarter Century Fund Drive
The Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida wishes to express its support for the Quarter Century Fund Drive, the proceeds of which are to be used for library enrichment, faculty enrichment, and scholarships. It wishes, also, to express its appreciation of the generous pledges received from the local community which has moved the endowment campaign to 80% of its $5 million objective. The Senate recommends that those of the faculty who are able and willing add their pledges to help the fund drive achieve its goal.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 7, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-9 General Education Program – Enhancement Options
The Faculty Senate recommends that the GEP section reading “Enhancement Options” be changed to read “Foreign Language Proficiency.”
That for the 1986/87 academic year, the text of that section reads as follows:
Demonstrated proficiency in a testable foreign language equivalent to successful completion of one year at the college level. Students who fail the proficiency exam may satisfy this requirement by the equivalent course work.
That beginning with the 1987-88 academic year, the text of the section reads as follows:
Demonstrated proficiency in a testable foreign language equivalent to successful completion of two years at the college level is required for all BA degrees. Demonstrated proficiency in a testable foreign language equivalent to successful completion of one year at the college level is required for all other Bachelor’s degrees. Students who fail the proficiency exam may satisfy this requirement by the equivalent course work.
The Faculty Senate further recommends that the UCF catalogue urge students to take the Foreign Language Proficiency Examination as early as possible in their course of studies.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 7, 1985.
Resolution 1984-1985-10 Availability of Innovative Instructional Development Grants for Fall Semester
The Office of Instructional Resources should set aside one-third (1/3) of its allocation for innovative instructional development grants to be used for the awarding of grants for the fall semester. The grants announcement to be sent out during the spring semester.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 7, 1985.