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Archived 1987-1988 Resolutions
Resolution 1987-1988-1 Additional Faculty Parking
The Faculty Senate recommends that an additional row of “B” spaces be provided in the parking lot southwest of the administrative lot and west of the visitor’s lot.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro.
Resolution 1987-1988-2 Final Exams and Grade Due Date
There is often very little time allowed between the final examination period and the date when final grades are due in the Registrar’s office. The Fall 1987 term has only one working day between the exam period and the grade due date, and the Spring 1988 semester has no working days between the exam period and the due date for reporting grades to the Registrar’s office.
Withoutallowing for an appropriate time period to grade the final course materials and examinations, the University is adding unnecessary pressure on the faculty during the critical evaluation process; adjustment to this pressure can result in evaluation procedures that dilute the quality of the educational process. Students and faculty both benefit from the extension of the period of time between the final exam period and the due date of reporting the grades to the Registrar’s office.
Therefore, be it resolved that the Faculty Senate Instruction Committee recommends that the University organize the academic calendar to allow for a minimum of two working days between the Final Examination Period and the grade due date at the University Registrar’s office.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro November 24, 1987.
Resolution 1987-1988-3 Reaffirmation of Resolution 1986-87-7 Funding for Sabbatical Leave
Whereas, continuing professional development of the faculty is crucial to the well-being of the University of Central Florida, the Faculty Senate recommended last year (Resolution 1986-87-7) “that the University secure funding from the UCF Foundation and other sources to provide a third category of sabbatical leave.” As the resolution noted, the third category of sabbatical “will allow for a minimum of eight (8) full-year sabbatical research and creative activity leaves at three quarters of the nine (9) month contract rate of pay.”
This resolution was necessitated because the state appropriates only enough funds to provide half-pay for one year sabbaticals and many faculty cannot sustain themselves or their families at half pay for one year.
Whereas, Provost Richard Astro has indicated that he wishes to discuss this question more fully with the Faculty Senate after further consideration of budget issues, the Personnel Committee wishes to reaffirm the Senate Resolution number 7. It invites Provost Astro to meet with either the present Personnel Committee or the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate to discuss further action on this resolution and looks forward to hearing from his office at his earliest convenience. faculty is crucial to the well-being of the University of Central Florida, the Faculty Senate recommended last year (Resolution 1986-87-7) “that the University secure funding from the UCF Foundation and other sources to provide a third category of sabbatical leave.” As the resolution noted, the third category of sabbatical “will allow for a minimum of eight (8) full-year sabbatical research and creative activity leaves at three quarters of the nine (9) month contract rate of pay.” This resolution was necessitated because the state appropriates only enough funds to provide half-pay for one year sabbaticals and many faculty cannot sustain themselves or their families at half pay for one year.
Whereas, Provost Richard Astro has indicated that he wishes to discuss this question more fully with the Faculty Senate after further consideration of budget issues, the Personnel Committee wishes to reaffirm the Senate Resolution number 7. It invites Provost Astro to meet with either the present Personnel Committee or the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate to discuss further action on this resolution and looks forward to hearing from his office at his earliest convenience.
Tabled by the Faculty Senate on November 5, 1987.
Resolution 1987-1988-4 Reaffirmation of Resolution 1986-87-9 Voting on Faculty Hires
Whereas, Dr. Astro has requested the College Deans to supply written documentation of hiring policies and procedures for tenure-track positions by mid-September and since his office is in the process of examining these policies, the Personnel Committee of the Faculty Senate wishes to reaffirm its interest in meeting with Dr. Astro at his earliest convenience. The purpose of this meeting will be to review his findings and to work out with him a policy whereby faculty input into the hiring of tenure track departmental members can be assured.
Tabled by the Faculty Senate on November 5, 1987.
Resolution 1987-1988-5 Student Academic Behavior, Uniform Reporting Requirement for Violations
Whereas, the Student Academic Behavioral Standards, UCF Rule 6C7-5.042 is inconsistent in its reporting requirement when either academic and/or disciplinary action is required.
Whereas, the Instruction Committee has evidence of inconsistencies in the degree to which this rule is promulgated and enforced within the various University Colleges.
Therefore, the UCF Faculty Senate recommends that a Uniform Reporting Requirement of Incidents of Violations of the Student Academic Behavioral Standards be adopted for those cases.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on December 4, 1987.
Resolution 1987-1988-6 University Personnel Committee Voting Procedure
Service on University Personnel Committee: Personnel committee members of the individual departments, colleges, and the University must remove themselves from voting in the following cases:
- Nepotism
- When the personnel committee member is non-tenured and is voting on an applicant, who serves in an administrative capacity over that voting member
- If the faculty member is a candidate for promotion and/or tenure that individual shall not be eligible to serve on the committee.
In these cases, the personnel committee member(s) shall be replaced by an alternate. Members of the personnel committee should remove themselves from voting when in their judgment personal factors might impair their objectivity regarding an individual applicant. In these cases, committee members would be replaced by an alternate.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on December 4, 1987.
Resolution 1987-1988-7 Student Union Construction Support
Whereas, UCF is the only state university in Florida and one of the very few nationwide that does not have a University Union building, and
Whereas, the low priority which the University has heretofore given to such a building:
- deprives students and faculty of a centralized facility for campus life and services, and
- perpetuates the university’s image as a mere “credit mill” where students and campus life have little importance, a four-year community college at best.
Therefore, the Faculty Senate recommends that this project of a University Union Building be made a priority of the 1988-1989 SUS Capital Outlay.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro.
Resolution 1987-1988-8 Phased Retirement Guidelines
Be it Resolved, Faculty positions that become available due to phased retirements in each college shall be converted to the nearest full faculty line and filled with full-time faculty, based on programmatic needs.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-9 Use of Student Evaluation in Evaluating Faculty
Since 1986 a new category, No Response, appears on the student evaluation forms. The values given under the heading number answering this item include those persons who marked No Response, who did not respond to the item or who used a pen. Additionally, computer center personnel feed in all blank forms, and this fact further distorts the calculated values obtained for each questionnaire item. These modifications cannot raise the obtained values for an item; they can, however, have a very serious negative effect on the values.
Because student evaluation results have been calculated in a manner that invalidates the results, i.e., blank answer, blank forms, and those forms marked with ink have been used in the calculations, the Faculty Senate recommends that these results not be considered in any faculty evaluation processes, including promotion, tenure, and annual evaluation.
Tabled by the Faculty Senate on February 25, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-10 Tenure and Promotion Rules Support
There shall be no change in the tenure/promotion rules of the University until such time as the Faculty Senate reviews and votes on any such recommendation.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-11 Notification to Faculty of Student Withdrawals
Course instructors will be provided notification of the withdrawal of students from their courses within two (2) weeks following the withdrawal deadline during each academic term.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-12 Medical Withdrawal Policy
Amend the UCF Catalog to include an explicit policy concerning “medical withdrawal.” The catalog should clearly state that a grade of “W” is permitted after the withdrawal deadline only under extraordinary circumstances, such as serious medical problems. A “medical withdrawal” grade may be assigned, with appropriate documentation, up to the end of the following academic term. The student (or student’s legal representative) is responsible for arranging for the assignment of a “medical withdrawal” grade.
The course instructor shall be given an opportunity to provide input on considering the assignment of a medical withdrawal grade in that course. If it is determined that the course grade will be changed to “W”, the instructor will be notified by the administration.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-13 Book Vendors Support
The administration of UCF should provide temporary space to a limited number of student organization book vendors on campus during the last week of classes, the week of exams for each academic term, and during the registration period and the first two weeks of each term. The number of vendors offered temporary campus space should be no fewer than two (2), with the location selected by the administration on a space available basis.
Pending review by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-14 Exclusion of American Sign Language from the GEP
The Faculty Senate opposes the addition of American Sign Language as an option for fulfilling the foreign language requirement of the general education program.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-15 GEP: Botany 1020 Substitution for Biology 1020
The Faculty Senate recommends that Botany 1020 be accepted as a substitute for Biology 1020 for the meeting of general education requirements.
Tabled by the Faculty Senate on March 17, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-16 Evaluation, Student Timeframe
The Faculty Senate affirms the present practice of student evaluations of teaching being administered during the final ten days of instruction each term.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.
Resolution 1987-1988-17 Overrides and Class Size
At no time should “administrative” overrides result in class sizes which are unmanageable from the perspective of the instructor. This applies to the “home” campus as well as the “satellite” campus locations.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1988.