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Archived 1988-1989 Resolutions
Resolution 1988-1989-1 Organizational Status – Hospitality Management Department
(Not Approved)
The Faculty Senate requests that the Provost provide a definition of the organizational status of the Hospitality Management Department. The purpose of this definition is to provide for Faculty Senate consideration of possible revision of the Constitution, promotion/tenure recommendations, and other academic matters for treatment of this unit and other similarly defined units.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 6, 1988.
Returned by Provost Richard Astro on October 31, 1989:
“I am sensitive to the spirit and substance of this resolution. Clearly, it is not appropriate to have a department without any college home for any prolonged period of time. The issue of Hospitality Management was and is a most unusual one. Currently, discussions are underway (with Senate participation) which could result in the Hospitality Management program being relocated in a reorganized College of Health. Hence, I think it proper to defer a final response to this resolution until those discussions are concluded.”
Resolution 1988-1989-2 Tenure/Promotion – Hospitality Management Department
Since the Department of Hospitality Management is no longer administratively allied with a college, the 1988-1989 tenure/promotion process for faculty within that department shall be the following:
The Provost shall request from the Hospitality Management Department Chair at FSU and FIU recommendations for appropriate outside members. The Faculty Senate Personnel Committee shall consult with the faculty candidates and department chair to solicit suggestions. The panel composition will be determined by the the Faculty Senate Personnel Committee using this input as well as other information in arriving at it’s final list.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on October 6, 1988.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on October 31, 1988:
“I have adhered to the spirit of this resolution while moving to insure that the concerned faculty tenure candidacies are processed in a timely fashion. The appropriate contacts at FIU and FSU were made and recommendations solicited. A five member committee (in place of a college committee) is currently being selected in consultation with the Senate Personnel Committee. Dean Micarelli will serve as the “college dean.””
Resolution 1988-1989-3 Interdisciplinary/Joint Activity – Tenure/Promotion Process
Whereas there are faculty engaged in interdisciplinary/joint research and teaching and it is anticipated that increased interdisciplinary/joint activity will occur, it is necessary that tenure and promotion procedures reflect the unique character of such activity. It is therefore recommended that:
- The tenure and promotion committee be drawn from the departments or units that are the focus of the faculty member’s academic work. This committee shall be comprised of at least 5 and not more than 7 members elected by the tenured/tenure earning members of the respective departments. The Provost shall designate the appropriate number to be drawn from each department.
- When the interdisciplinary area crosses college and department lines, or the line is not formally located within an academic unit, the equivalent of department and college committees shall be drawn from the focus of the faculty member’s assigned responsibilities. The department committee shall be drawn as described above. The inter-, or intra-college committee shall be comprised of at least 5 and not more than 7 members who shall be selected by the respective college committees. The Provost shall designate the appropriate number to be drawn from each department and college.
- When the department (or its equivalent) committee decision is made, a proportionately representative group of tenured faculty from the areas in which the interdisciplinary course are taught shall be assembled to allow for a vote of tenured faculty on the committee recommendation for tenure.
- For all future interdisciplinary/joint appointments, the faculty member’s department affiliations should be specified in the initial contract. The designated affiliations shall not be modified at a later time without the consent of the affected faculty member, and publication of such changes shall be a matter of record for review by Faculty Senate representatives. All faculty who currently hold interdisciplinary/joint appointments shall have the department affiliations for promotion and tenure purposes specified in the next contract they sign with the University.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 1, 1988.
Approved by Provost Astro on January 24, 1989:
“Tenure and promotion decisions should begin at the department level, and in those rare cases where an individual does not have a single departmental home, it should be initiated by a faculty peer panel whose disciplines are closest to those of the candidate. More to the point, though, we believe that it is important to specify the prop departmental affiliation at the time of hiring and that this affiliation should remain unchanged except in truly extraordinary circumstances.”
Resolution 1988-1989-4 Recognition of President Colbourn
Whereas Dr. Trevor Colbourn, as University of Central Florida President, has provided leadership and vision to the University during its years as an emerging institution of academic quality, diversity, and innovations, and
Whereas Dr. Colbourn has established an environment of shared governance and respect,
Therefore, the University of Central Florida Faculty Senate expresses sincere appreciation to Dr. Colbourn for his effectiveness as a leader on the campus and in the Central Florida community and for the many positive examples of his wise guidance, and
Upon the occasion of Dr. Colbourn’s expressed intent to resign from the position of President, the Faculty look forward to many productive years during which Dr. Colbourn will continue to serve the University of Central Florida as faculty, scholar, and colleague.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 3, 1988.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on November 3, 1988.
Resolution 1988-1989-5 Presidential Search Procedures
The UCF Faculty Senate believes that the current procedures governing presidential searches in the SUS are inappropriate to the ideas of the University community. Traditionally, University faculty exercised a strong voice in the selection of their presidents because of the special role of the faculty in the Universities. Since it is impossible for the president to do an effective job without the support of the faculty; since the office of University president is such an important one; and, since the current search process fosters divisiveness and distrust, it is important that the SUS return to a process wherein the faculty plays a significant role through the presidential search process.
Since the current procedures preclude such a role for the faculty, the UCF Faculty Senate strongly recommends that the legislature repeal the revisions to paragraph (a) of Section 240.209 of the Florida Statues which (1) limit the participation of the faculty no the search advisory committees and (2) remove the authority for the initial conduct of the search and screen process from the hands of the Search Advisory Committee. We request that the Florida Legislature provide for presidential searches which are initially conducted by a search advisory committee which has a significant representation from the faculty at the institutions where a president is being sought. We believe that a majority of the Search Advisory Committee should be composed of elected faculty members.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 1, 1988.
Approved by Provost Astro on January 24, 1989:
“No local action taken since this resolution is directed toward legislative action. We will send the resolution forward. We should add, however, that we feel appropriate faculty participation is critical in all academic searches.”
Resolution 1988-1989-6 Disruptive Behavior
Whereas the Golden Rule provides a mechanism for addressing disruptive conduct, it does not include specific reference to faculty/staff being threatened with physical harm as a result of carrying out their academic responsibilities,
It is recommended that the Golden Rule be amended to included:
Upon verified evidence provided to the Provost that a student threatened the safety of or committed physical harm on any faculty/staff member, that student shall be barred from further UCF enrollment for a minimum of three years; the student must submit recent documentation from a certified professional mental health specialist stating the student no longer poses a threat to the health or safety of others.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 12, 1989
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on January 24, 1989:
“Referred to BOR staff for review. Clearly, we as a faculty cannot tolerate threats made against any faculty member, student, or other employee of our University. Whether the specific disciplinary action proposed within current BOR regulations is what we are in the process of determining. We will report back in due course, and, if there are reasons why this resolution cannot be accepted in its present form, we will work with the Senate to develop a policy which protects UCF faculty, staff, and students.”
Resolution 1988-1989-7 Procedure for GEP Changes
The Faculty Senate recommends the following procedures for Senate approval of proposed changes in the General Education Program (GEP):
Immediately upon favorable review by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, all documentation shall be forwarded to the Chair of the Faculty Senate. The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall forward the material to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review. Any recommended changes shall be voted upon by the entire Faculty Senate. The decision of the Faculty Senate shall be forwarded to the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for final acceptance.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 1, 1988.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on January 24, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-8 Addition of Botany, BOT 1020C, TO GEP
The Faculty Senate recommends that BOT 1020C, Botany, be accepted to meet the General Education Requirements, Science Foundations, Group 2.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 1, 1988.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on January 24, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-9 Addition of The Human Species, ANT 3511, to GEP
The Faculty Senate recommends that ANT 3511, The Human Species, be accepted to meet the General Education Requirement, Science Foundations, Group 2.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 12, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on January 24, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-10 Coordination of Holidays with Local Educational Institutions
The Faculty Senate recommends that the University work with the Orange and Seminole County School Systems to coordinate school holidays or breaks where ever possible.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 12, 1989.
Approved by Provost Astro on January 24, 1989:
“We will direct those who oversee the shaping of the UCF academic calendar to contact the Orange and Seminole School Board Offices to attempt to dovetail vacation times wherever possible and whenever it can be done without disrupting the normal flow of classes throughout semesters.”
Resolution 1988-1989-11 Changes in GEP Course Numbering in English
Faculty Senate recommends that AML 2011 and ENL 2010 be deleted from the GEP as alternatives for the Cultural Foundations Group 2 electives and that LIT 2120 be included in Culture al Foundations Group 2 electives.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 12, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on January 24, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-12 Dignity of Graduation
Be it resolved that the Senate develop a committee to study the general policies of graduation, including the awarding of honorary degrees, guest speaker selection, the number and site of ceremonies, and the manner of awarding degrees.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 2, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-13 Quality Copy Services in Library
To provide quality copying services within the Library for students, staff, and faculty, the Faculty Senate recommends that the appropriate library committee clearly define the required level of service and needed equipment, obtain bids from available suppliers, and negotiate a contract for meeting the copying requirements.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 2, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-14 University Personnel Committee Composition
Be it resolved that as a result of deliberations and recommendations made by the University Personnel Committee, and the Senate Personnel Committee, that the following change be made to the existing composition of the University Personnel Committee:
The University Personnel Committee shall be comprised of tenured associate and full professors.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 2, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-15 University Personnel Committee – Outside Reviewer’s Criteria
Be it resolved that as a result of deliberations and recommendations made by the University Personnel Committee, and the Senate Personnel Committee, that the following changes be made to the existing procedures followed by the University Personnel Committee:
Outside reviewers’ comments would be based upon a professional résumé and selected materials provided by the chair and candidate to the outside reviewer. In the event that the selected material could not be agreed upon, the departmental personnel committee will adjudicate the matter.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 2, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-16 University Personnel Committee – Selection of Outside Reviewers
Be it resolved that as a result of deliberations and recommendations made by the University Personnel Committee, and the Senate Personnel Committee, that the following changes be made to the existing procedures followed by the University Personnel Committee:
Outside reviewers would be selected using the following procedure:
- The department chair and the department personnel committee will jointly select a panel of four outside reviewers; the faculty member being considered for tenure or promotion will nominate a panel of four outside reviewers. The final panel of outside reviewers will consist of four persons; two selected by the faculty candidate from the panel proposed by the chair and personnel committee, and two selected from the panel proposed by the faculty candidate by the chair and personnel committee.
- Outside review shall apply to all tenure and promotion candidates.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 2, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1989.
Resolution 1988-1989-17 College Personnel Committees
Whereas the present composition of the College Personnel Committee dates back to the early 1970’s when a mix of faculty ranks was desired to ensure representation of senior as well as junior faculty, it is felt that the faculty composition and growth over the years have made such a requirement unnecessary.
Therefore, be it resolved that annually, each department shall elect a representative to the College Personnel Committee. This representative shall be a tenured faculty member elected by a majority vote of tenured and tenure earning faculty of the department. If the department does not have tenured faculty, then the departmental representative will be elected from the tenure earning faculty of the department.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 2, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on April 11, 1989.