Table of Contents
Archived 1989-1990 Resolutions
Resolution 1989-1990-1 Class Sizes Must Remain Within Legal Capacity for Rooms
No class section shall have more students enrolled than the assigned classroom’s legal capacity as designated by the Fire Marshall.
Approved by Faculty Senate on October 5, 1989.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on November 7, 1989.
Approved by Provost Astro on December 20, 1989:
“We certainly endorse the principle that classes should not enroll students in excess of legal capacity as defined by the Fire Marshall. We also realize that there is a marked and predictable attrition in many classes during the first few days of classes. Hence, we feel it appropriate to adhere to the spirit and substance of the resolution, reserving the right to over-enroll slightly to account for normal attrition which would lower class size to or below legal limits.”
Resolution 1989-1990-2 Undergraduate Studies and Student Advising
Peer Advisement of new undergraduate students shall be the responsibility and under the control of Undergraduate Studies, in order that more emphasis be placed on the academic rather than the social aspects of campus life.
Approved by Faculty Senate on October 5, 1989.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on November 7, 1989.
Pending by Provost Astro on December 20, 1989:
“We believe Peer Advisement (in contrast to student orientation) should be guided by informed faculty judgement and guidance. However, in view of Dean Micarelli’s resignation, we are examining a possible restructuring of the Office of Undergraduate Studies, and we would like to defer action on this resolution until such time as any possible restructuring is accomplished.”
Approved and implementation requested by Provost Astro on February 1, 1990.
Resolution 1989-1990-3 No Grade Designation in School Records
The Faculty Senate recommends that the temporary designator N, representing No Grade, be placed on the students’ records when grade rosters are not turned in by the “Grades Due” deadline. The N designator should be replaced by the earned letter grade at the earliest opportunity and the N will be removed from permanent transcript. The designator N can be assigned only in the case of late grade rosters and will not be assigned by faculty.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 2, 1989.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on November 7, 1989.
Approved by Provost Astro on December 20, 1989.
Resolution 1989-1990-4 Voting Status of Non-tenured and Non-tenure Earning Faculty
Only tenured and tenure earning faculty should determine the voting status of other salaried employees within each college. This determination should be accomplished by a majority vote on an issue by issue basis, with exception for particular issues permitted by majority vote of tenured and tenure earning faculty at the beginning of the year. Current UCF Tenure and Promotion rules will continue to apply.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 7, 1989.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on November 7, 1989.
Approved by Provost Richard Astro on December 20, 1989.
Implemented by Provost Astro on February 28, 1990.
Resolution 1989-1990-5 Informing New Faculty of Health Benefits
Whereas, new faculty have in the past not been adequately informed of health and dental benefits and beginning coverage dates prior to their arrival on campus, let it be resolved that within ten working days of receipt of the signed employment contract, new faculty should be informed that they must arrange for health coverage until University coverage becomes effective.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 7, 1989.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on November 7, 1989.
Approved by Provost Astro on December 20, 1989:
“We will ask Mark Roberts, Director of Personnel to implement an appropriate process to insure that all new employees are informed of policies involving the beginning of health and dental coverage.”
In a memo to Provost Astro dated March 28, 1990, Mark Roberts noted that his office could not comply with the resolution as written, and offered an alternative proposal, available here.
Resolution 1989-1990-6 Audio Visual Materials to be Kept and Circulated through the Library
It is recommended to designate the Library as the principal source to hold, catalog and make available audio-visual materials intended for campus-wide circulation inside and outside the Library.
Instructional Resources would still be responsible for equipment maintenance and delivery as well as the center for production and development.
In accordance with policies and recommendations specified under article 9 of the BOR/UFF agreement, the following is requested:
To ensure the effective retention, use, reuse and long-term control of inventory of instructional technology materials, additional resources are needed to cover equipment, personnel and upgrading of materials as coordinated by the Library as well as classroom projection and presentation of AV equipment as coordinated by Instructional Resources. A minimum of 20 percent of existing classrooms need to be modified to allow for the secured installation of media equipment. All future buildings should be planned for media use. The proposed budget is being worked out for the Provost’s information. The Library will work with the Instructional Committee to develop specific circulation guidelines for AV materials.
Approved by the Faculty Senate February 15, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Pending by Provost Astro on April 18, 1990:
“We concur with the spirit of the resolution but must defer final approval pending receipt of the proposed budget and guidelines concerning the circulation of audiovisual materials. It is our understanding that both matters are being addressed for our review.”
Resolution 1989-1990-7 Course Requirements and Fulfillment
(Returned to Committee)
All students must fulfill the requirements (attendance, tests, and assignments) of the courses they register for as described in the distributed course syllabi. Those students who because of involvement in extracurricular activities cannot meet such requirements should either withdraw or request accommodation from faculty members who have the right to exercise their own judgment to the individual case. Failure to adhere to such a policy has proven to be detrimental to State institutions.
Returned to the Steering Committee by the Faculty Senate onDecember 14, 1989.
Resolution 1989-1990-8 Appointment of Department Chairs
(Not Approved)
Whereas, faculty should be involved in the selection and retention of chairs/directors*, be it resolved:
- The initial appointment of the chair/director shall be upon the recommendation of two-thirds vote of the tenured and tenure earning faculty within the department and such faculty as the latter shall determine eligible to vote. This vote shall be by secret ballot in writing with the results made a permanent record of the department.
- Upon the concurrence of the Dean, Provost, and President of the University, the appointment will be made to the chair position. If the Dean, Provost, or President does not agree with the department’s recommendation, this disagreement will be stated in writing to the respective department.
- Until such time as the faculty of the department can make a mutually acceptable recommendation, an interim chair will be chosen by a majority vote of the department faculty subject to the concurrence of the Dean of the college. If a Dean appoints an interim chair without departmental concurrence, the Dean will inform the department in writing on the rationale for his or her decision.
- The department chair shall serve five year terms. Terms can be renewed subject to the conditions outlined in section (e) of this resolution and it is the expectation that chairs shall normally serve no more than two consecutive terms.
- At the beginning of the fifth year, the Department in question will conduct a secret ballot to consider the reappointment of the chair. This vote will be conducted and communicated in writing to the Dean of the college. A two-thirds positive vote shall result in a reappointment subject to the approval of the Dean, Provost, and President. If the Dean, Provost, or President does not concur, then the procedures under sections (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this resolution will take effect.
- The implementation of the resolution will take effect commencing in the Fall 1991-1992 academic year. All chairs having been in the position five years or longer shall be affected by the provisions of this resolution at that time. In subsequent years, as the fifth year of service commences, this resolution will define the terms of renewal in the position.
*This resolution applies to Chairs and Directors that have faculty in tenure and tenure earning positions in that academic unit.
Approved by Faculty Senate on February 15, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Returned by Provost Astro on October 25, 1990:
Provost Astro offered an alternative to the resolution, available here.
Resolution 1989-1990-9 Concerns for University Decision Making Process and Master Plan
We, the members of the Faculty Senate, express concern with regard to the University decision-making process, especially with regard to the decision-making for the master plan.
We invite the Provost and the President to provide us with their interpretation of the meaning of timely shared governance.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 11, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 18, 1990:
“President Altman did address the issue of shared governance at a subsequent meeting of the Senate.”
Resolution 1989-1990-10 Simplified AA-18 From Recommendation
Faculty Senate recommends that the University of Central Florida Personnel Committees adopt the simplified format for the AA-18 form. (Attached.)
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 1, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 18, 1990.
Resolution 1989-1990-11 Faculty Representation on Academic Dishonesty
The Faculty Senate recommends that, in cases of academic dishonesty, if the accused student selects a hearing before a review board, that review board must include faculty representation. The faculty member will be drawn from a pool of faculty members designated by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.
Approved by Faculty Senate on March 1, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 18, 1990.
Resolution 1989-1990-12 Required No Grade or Withdrawal Designation on the Grade Roster for all Students
The Faculty Senate recommends that a course instructor must assign a letter grade other than N or W to every student listed on a grade roster. The N designator for No Grade is to be used only in situations when an entire grade roster is late or otherwise missing.
Approved by Faculty Senate on March 1, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 18, 1990.
Resolution 1989-1990-13 Anti-Discrimination–Clubs/Institutions by Faculty
(Not Approved)
It is inappropriate for the University to encourage or support faculty involvement or the involvement of other members of the university community with clubs or other institutions which knowingly engage in discriminatory practices on the basis of race, gender, ethnic or religious preferences.
Approved by Faculty Senate on March 1, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Returned by President Altman on April 2, 1990:
President Altman requested that the Faculty Senate reconsider the resolution, available here with the reply by Senate Chair Joels. President Altman issued an open letter to the faculty on his decision, available here.
Resolution 1989-1990-14 Anti-Discrimination–Clubs/Institutions by University
(Not Approved)
It is not appropriate for the university to engage in any activity which may lend support or give credence to any club or private institutions which knowingly engage in discriminatory practices on the basis of race, gender, ethnic or religious preferences.
Approved by Faculty Senate on March 1, 1990.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 6, 1990.
Returned by President Altman on April 2, 1990:
President Altman requested that the Faculty Senate reconsider the resolution, available here with the reply by Senate Chair Joels. President Altman issued an open letter to the faculty on his decision, available here.