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Archived 1991-1992 Resolutions

Resolution 1991-1992-1 Eliminating E & G Transfers for Current Academic Year

The budgetary support of instruction must be given highest priority for the 1991-1992 academic year.

Therefore, be it resolved that all payments involving E & G transfers should be eliminated during the current academic year.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 5, 1991.
Transmitted to Interim President Robert Bryan and Provost Richard Astro on September 19, 1991.
Returned by Interim President Bryan on September 25, 1991:

“I thank the Senate for its concern, but i regret to inform that body, through you, that I am unable to implement that resolution. To do so would seriously cripple our operations as a university.”

Approved by Interim President Bryan on October 4, 1991:

“This is to rescind my letter dated September 25 in which I informed you that I could not approve the Senate’s resolution to prohibit transfers from the I & R budget to auxiliary accounts for the duration of the current budget crisis. Upon a review by the staff of Administration and Finance, the following analysis of the revenues from telephone charges was given to me. Some $320,000 over and beyond the dollars needed to meet payroll and operating costs in the telephone auxiliary fund are planned to be collected during FY 91-92. The plans for these funds were as follows: $227,000 was budgeted for the purchase of a node for the southern part of the campus; $13,000 was budgeted for the beginning of a reserve that would ultimately be large enough to pay for a node on the north campus; and $35,000 was budgeted for the purchase of an emergency telephone system to be installed throughout the campus.

In light of this analysis, I consulted with the Provost and the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the three of us have unanimously agreed that $290,000 will be collected from all units as part of the phone charges, but that this sum will not be put in an auxiliary account; it will, instead, be put into a holding account in the E & G budget to be used to finance as much as Summer Term A, 1992, as possible. The sum of $35,000 will continue to be budgeted for the emergency phone system.”

Resolution 1991-1992-2 Final Exam Policy

It is normally expected that a final examination be given in each course that is taught. Recognizing that there are courses where a final exam, per sé, may be less appropriate, an alternative final assessment may be used. Faculty should provide an explanation of their assessment in course syllabi. Regardless of the type of mechanism employed, it is the expectation that each faculty member will meet his/her class for the scheduled number of sessions, as published in the University Calendar and semester schedule, including the final examination period.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 7, 1991.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on November 15, 1991.
Approved by Provost Astro on November 21, 1991.

Resolution 1991-1992-3 Internal Auditing Inclusion of Faculty Senate Chair

RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate requests that Internal Auditing include the chair of the Faculty Senate in the next and all subsequent invitations to make comments and suggestions for audit attention.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 5, 1991.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on December 10, 1991.
Approved by Provost Astro on January 3, 1992.

Resolution 1991-1992-4 Required Training Sessions for Teaching Assistants

The Faculty Senate recommends that all teaching assistants be required to attend the training sessions offered by the University of Central Florida and Valencia Community College as part of the Title III Articulation Project, or an equivalent program. At the discretion of department chairs, adjuncts and junior faculty would be encouraged to attend these training sessions. It is further recommended that the training be given prior to or concurrent with their first teaching assignment.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on December 5, 1991.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on December 10, 1991.
Approved by Provost Astro on January 3, 1992.

Resolution 1991-1992-5 Amendments to Stated Emeritus Definition

Whereas, there is concern as to the existence and uniform application of policy and procedure regarding the title of emeritus,

Be it resolved that:

The general policy, procedure and responsibility for this designation as stated in The University of Central Florida Procedural Manual – Number 2009 (Rev. 3) be applied on a regular and consistent basis with the following changes:

  1. under the section GENERAL POLICY insert — from this University — at the end of the first sentence;
  2. delete the second sentence under General Policy;
  3. substitute — will — for “may” in the first sentence under the section PROCEDURE.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 9, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on January 16, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on February 11, 1992.

Resolution 1991-1992-6 Continued Involvement of Retired UCF Faculty

Whereas retired faculty and staff of the University of Central Florida served faithfully and well in carrying out the mission of the University while active members of our academic community,

Be it resolved that:

  1. special efforts be made to foster a continued positive relationship by improved communications and inclusion of retired individuals in University social functions and other appropriate academic activities;
  2. retired faculty should be kept informed about academic activities on campus such as guest speakers.
  3. retired personnel specifically be included on all invitation lists for such events as graduation ceremonies, publications, University-wide social events, and appropriate college and department activities.
  4. the University administration develop the appropriate procedures to implement this resolution.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 9, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on January 16, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on February 11, 1992:

“The Office of Academic Affairs will design strategies to implement this resolution as suggested in Part D of the resolution.”

Resolution 1991-1992-7 Honorary Degree Criteria

Whereas, there is concern as to the existence and uniform application of policy and procedure regarding the awarding of honorary degrees,

Be it resolved that:

  1. The general policy, procedure and responsibility for implementation as stated in The University of Central Florida Procedural Manual – Number 1015 be applied on a regular and consistent basis.
  2. The Honorary Degree Advisory Committee send an annual report of its activity to the Chair of the Faculty Senate.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 9, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on January 16, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on February 11, 1992:

“Item 2 which reads “the Honorary Degree Advisory Committee send an annual report of its activity to the Chair of the Faculty Senate,” may have to be adjusted, pending the outcome of the current reform of the Faculty Senate Constitution.”

Resolution 1991-1992-8 Annual Evaluations for Endowed Chairs

WHEREAS, endowed chairs, including eminent scholar chairs, affirm the university’s commitment to excellence,

Be it resolved:

  1. Effective immediately, all future endowed chairs, including eminent scholar chairs, will be subject, as are all ranked faculty, to annual performance reviews. This implies that the endowed chair is not permanently attached to its original holder.
  2. In selecting an endowed chair, the president shall establish a committee to process each application or nomination. The committee shall recommend to the president for his or her approval one or more eligible candidates. The president shall select the candidate to be offered the chair. If a candidate is not selected by the president or if the approved candidate does not accept the chair, the selection process shall be repeated. In addition to meeting the prescribed criteria, the successful candidate can be recommended for professorial rank/tenure only by a favorable vote of the tenured faculty within his or her academic department.
  3. Established faculty evaluation procedures in the academic department of assignment will be followed in evaluating endowed and eminent scholar chairs.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 9, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on January 16, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on February 11, 1992:

“The process of selecting a chair include the appropriate academic administrators at the department and college level, as well as in the Office of Academic Affairs before submission to the President.”

Resolution 1991-1992-9 Condemnation of Office of Instructional Resource’s Decentralization of 16mm Film Collection

Whereas, the use of 16mm films is critical to many instructional programs at UCF; and

Whereas, the Office of Instructional Resources is terminating its 16mm film distribution operation and is allocating its entire film collection to individual departments throughout the university; and

Whereas, this decentralization plan will make it extremely difficult for instructors to use films in their classes;

Be it resolved that the UCF Faculty Senate condemns this action of the Office of Instructional Resources as a detriment to the University’s instructional mission;

Be it further resolved that immediate steps must be taken to maintain the University’s film collection in a central location accessible to all.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 9, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on January 16, 1992.
Acknowledged by Provost Astro on February 11, 1992:

“We acknowledge receipt of this resolution though it is clear that an alternative system for the maintenance of 16mm films must be made to ensure proper storage and handling of those films that are still useful. Please note that the Director of Libraries Allison is working on a system that will prove satisfactory to all those concerned.”

Resolution 1991-1992-10 Foreign Language Requirement

Whereas, the State University System requires that all students admitted to the SUS must have completed two years in a single foreign language in high school or the equivalent instruction (eight semester hours) at the post-secondary level, and students admitted without the necessary units must satisfy this requirement prior to graduation,*

Whereas, an appreciation of other cultures is important for all university graduates;

Whereas, the implementation of UCF’s foreign language requirement has created a multitude of logistical, financial, and philosophical problems;

Yet, reaffirming the fundamental importance of foreign language as a significant component of cultural awareness for a liberal arts education;

Be it resolved that:

All Bachelor of Arts students have a minimum foreign language proficiency equivalent to one college-year; and

Colleges granting degrees other than the Bachelor of Arts review their curricula, encouraging an appreciation of other cultures.

*Only students who earned an AA degree from a Florida public institution prior to 1989 and those who enrolled in AA degree programs at a Florida community college prior to August 1989, are exempt from this requirement.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 23, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on January 29, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on February 11, 1992:

“Interim President Bryan and I accept Resolution 1991/1992-10 concerning an adjustment in UCF’s Foreign Language Requirement effective at the beginning of the Summer semester, 1992. We are currently working on a clear and unequivocal statement that will avoid confusion as current and prospective UCF students are informed of the change in the requirement. Please note however, that individual departments, and even colleges, have the prerogative to implement their own requirement should they desire to do so.”

Resolution 1991-1992-11 Faculty Constitution Revision

Whereas, the current UCF Faculty Constitution falls short of providing for a structure of responsive and informative resolution of university-wide concerns,

Be it resolved that section 3.10 of the current constitution be replaced with the attached sections which give a new structure and list of duties and responsibilities for our Faculty Senate and university-wide committees.

Constitutional Revision packet approved by the Faculty Senate on March 5, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on March 10, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 20, 1992.
Approved by the Faculty Assembly on April 23, 1992.
Approved by President Hitt on June 1, 1992.

Resolution 1991-1992-12 Acceptance, Appointment and Evaluation of Fully Endowed Chairs
(Returned to Committee)

WHEREAS, fully self-supporting endowed chairs affirm the university’s commitment to excellence,


  1. Fully endowed chairs will be appointed for a five to seven year term if the university, college, affected department, and the major donor agree. This appointment may be renewable for successive terms. By definition, fully endowed chairs provide a self-supporting scholarly activity without cost to the university.
  2. When agreement has been reached to accept a major gift of a fully endowed chair, the president shall establish a committee to process each application and nomination. Committee membership should include leading authorities in the academic discipline from inside and outside the university. All other procedures as specified in Faculty Senate Resolution 1991-1992-8 shall be followed regarding selection and performance review of fully endowed chairs.

Returned to the Personnel Committee by the Faculty Senate on March 26, 1992.

Resolution 1991-1992-13 Administrative Reviews

Whereas the faculty handbook and previous Faculty Senate resolutions address review of academic administrators, the level of administrators to be reviewed is not specified; and

Whereas the unit/committee responsible for initiating and establishing the process or dissemination of review results has not been established,

Be it resolved that:

  1. All administrators at the level of Vice-President, Academic Dean, area campus Director, and Director of an Institute or a Center shall be subject to a major review no later than five years after first appointment or five years after the last major review.
  2. The primary purpose of such a review is to assist the administrator in improving his/her performance and effectiveness as well as establishing whether, and if so, for how long, the appointment of the administrator should be continued.
  3. The responsibility for the initiation of the review rests with the Personnel Committee of the Faculty Senate.
  4. The composition of any administrative review committee should reflect the constituency served by that office and the procedures of the review should ensure the input of these constituencies in assessing the administrator/functioning of the office. The review committee will be appointed by the President of the University following consultations with the Faculty Senate Personnel Committee.
  5. The Faculty Senate Personnel Committee will monitor the progress of each of the administrative review committees.
  6. A copy of the evaluation results should be provided to the administrator’s immediate supervisor, the administrator being reviewed, and the Chair of the Faculty Senate. A brief summary of the review and recommendations should be included.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 26, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on April 1, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 20, 1992:

“As we proceed with the implementation of the resolution next year, we may want to make minor adjustments to enhance efficiency. We will notify you of any changes before implementing them.”

Resolution 1991-1992-14 Three Hour Final Exam Period

Whereas, one week in each of fall and spring semesters is reserved for comprehensive final examinations, and

Whereas, there appears to be a substantial majority of responding faculty who believe faculty should have the opportunity to give three hour comprehensive final examinations;

Be it resolved that future comprehensive examination periods be scheduled in three hour blocks.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 26, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on April 1, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 20, 1992.

Resolution 1991-1992-15 Library Funding–Capital Campaign Funds

Whereas, one of the most important hallmarks of a university is a quality library, and

Whereas, library quality depends almost entirely on a reliable (steady) source of funding that keeps pace with academic programs, and enrollment,

Whereas, a severe cut in one year’s allocation reduces the base and thus erodes future support,

Therefore, be it resolved that the library be protected from cuts and given priority for support from capital campaign funds.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 26, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on April 1, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 20, 1992:

“We accept the spirit of the resolution. Indeed, our response to the proposed reductions for next year are perfectly consistent with the Senate proposal. Barring the unforeseen (that is, massive new cuts which leave no other options), we accept the resolution as written.”

Resolution 1991-1992-16 Conflict of Interest and Nepotism Guidelines

No faculty member or administrative official shall participate directly in any recommendation or decision relating to appointment, reappointment, promotion, tenure, or other condition of employment at the University of any family member to include, but Not be limited to, parent, child, spouse, sibling, parent-in-law, sibling-in-law, child-in-law, or stepchild, except under such circumstances as the President of the University may determine as warranting waiver of this prohibition in the best interests of the University.

A faculty member or administrative official should withdraw from participation in any personnel recommendation or decision involving potential conflict of interest.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 26, 1992.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on April 1, 1992.
Approved by Provost Astro on April 20, 1992.

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