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Archived 1992-1993 Resolutions

Resolution 1992-1993-1 Tenure Changes

Whereas, once a candidate enters the tenure process,

Be it resolved:

  1. Deferrals of the tenure decision cannot exceed the six year limit traditionally imposed by the University.
  2. By the end of six (6) years of service at the University, an employee eligible for tenure shall either be awarded tenure by the Board or given notice that further employment will not be offered.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on January 14, 1983.

Resolution 1992-1993-2 Tenure Procedures Revised

Whereas, the acceptance of a tenure track position entails the commitment of an individual to perform to departmental, college, and university standards — faculty may not be moved by the administration from a tenure track to a non-tenured position (line) without a review and approval by the tenured department faculty.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 4, 1993.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on April 12, 1993.
Approved by President Hitt and Vice President Juge on April 20, 1993.

Resolution 1992-1993-3 UCF Technology Upgrades

Whereas UCF President Hitt has established a goal of moving UCF to the position of offering the best program of undergraduate education in the State University System, and,

Whereas modern audiovisual, multimedia, computing technology is a vital element of classroom instruction and interactive learning in today’s university curricula, now, therefore,

Be it resolved that:

It shall be standard practice to require budgets and plans for all new buildings on UCF’s campus that contain at least one classroom designed to seat 50 or more students to include audiovisual and computer resources that are comparable, at a minimum, to the equipment that is described in the attached guidelines.

In addition, any major building renovation in which at least one fourth of the available space in the building is reconfigured should, if it contains classroom space seating 50 or more students, retrofit and equip, if necessary, such classrooms with the technology in the same manner that would be used if the building were new.

Existing classrooms that are designed for 100 or more students should be put on a five year schedule for retrofitting and equipping them with audiovisual and computer resources that are comparable, at a minimum, to the equipment that is described on the attached guidelines.

Because of the sound reinforcement and projection problems in the existing large classrooms that are designed for 200 or more students (HPB 260, BA 107, BA 119), the University administration should consult with the Office of Instructional Resources to develop a schedule for retrofitting and equipping these rooms with sound systems and projection systems that are adequate for classroom instruction.

Protection for this investment technology implies that as money is appropriated and budgeted for these resources, additional funds must be provided to appropriate university departments and divisions for continuing maintenance and operation.

Moreover, any classroom that is designed for 100 or more students should have a telephone installed so that equipment problems that would prevent a teacher from using that classroom can be reported immediately. Provision should be made in the Office of Instructional Resources for the immediate resolution of any equipment problems in these classrooms as soon as it is reported. (These telephones will also help in situations that require an emergency security or medical response.)

Moreover, be it resolved that:

It is the sense of this Faculty Senate that in the construction and renovation of buildings on the UCF campus, the money that is appropriated and budgeted for audiovisual and computer resources for classrooms seating 50 or more students is to be given a high priority for protection during actual construction. It is the sense of this Senate that such money is not to be spent on other routine aspects of constructing and furnishing a building.

(The attached guidelines describe the technology that is recommended at the present time for classrooms seating 50 to 100 students, classrooms seating 100 to 200 students, and classrooms seating more than 200 students. The guidelines also give the estimated cost of purchasing and installing some of this technology in 1992.)

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 4, 1993.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on February 12, 1993.
Approved by President Hitt and Vice President Juge on March 11, 1993.

Resolution 1992-1993-4 Tenure Deferrals Process

In the case of tenure deferrals before the six year limit, the candidate must reapply for tenure at the departmental level.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 14, 1993.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on February 12, 1993.
Approved by President Hitt and Vice President Juge on March 11, 1993.

Resolution 1992-1993-5 Library Budget Priority

Whereas one of the most important hallmarks of a university is a quality library, and

Whereas library quality depends almost entirely on a reliable (steady) source of funding that keeps pace with academic programs, and enrollment, and

Whereas quality undergraduate and graduate teaching, and faculty research efforts require sustained quality in library collections and services,

Therefore, be it resolved that the UCF Library be not only protected from cuts and given priority in capital campaigns, but also be given high priority in ranking of campus budgetary allocations, with the goal of moving the UCF Library as close as possible to the average for the SUS within five years.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 4, 1993.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on February 12, 1993.
Approved by President Hitt and Vice President Juge on March 11, 1993.

Resolution 1992-1993-6 Wage Increase For Staff

Whereas Chancellor Reed, President Hitt, and the BOR have already publicly stated that faculty and staff salaries would be the priority item in this year’s budget, and

Whereas the State Legislature has not provided funding for such salary increases in the past two years, and

Whereas quality faculty and staff are beginning to leave the SUS, and

Whereas faculty morale needs to be positively influenced

Therefore, be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida strongly support Chancellor Reed’s, President Hitt’s, and the BOR’s position that faculty and staff salary and wage increase should be given utmost priority by this year’s state legislature.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 4, 1993.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on February 12, 1993.
Approved by President Hitt and Vice President Juge on March 11, 1993.

Resolution 1992-1993-7

Please note: Resolution 1992-1993-7 was not brought to the full Senate.

Resolution 1992-1993-8 Sign Language

Colleges within the University of Central Florida have an option to allow American Sign Language to fulfill the university Foreign Language graduation requirement.

Defeated by the Faculty Senate on March 25, 1993.

Resolution 1992-1993-9 Grade Authorization

Be it resolved that the University of Central Florida authorize the grade letters of A, B, C, NC, and F For ENC 1101 and ENC 1102.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 25, 1993.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on April 12, 1993.
Approved by President Hitt and Vice President Juge on April 20, 1993.

Resolution 1992-1993-10 Ethnic & Gender Diversity

Be it resolved in recognition of university goals, the Faculty Senate proposes that faculty support ethnic, gender, and equity diversity in every way possible, particularly in the areas of faculty and staff recruitment and retention.

Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 25, 1993.
Transmitted to Provost Richard Astro on April 12, 1993.
Approved by President Hitt and Vice President Juge on April 20, 1993.

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