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Archived 1999-2000 Resolutions
Resolution 1999-2000-1 Heart of Florida United Way
Whereas, UCF as a metropolitan university has a special relationship with the Central Florida community; and
Whereas, the Heart of Florida United Way (HFUW) campaign draws wide support from the community; and
Whereas, the Florida State Employees Charitable Campaign (FSECC) includes the Heart of Florida United Way; and
Whereas, the Faculty Senate is the official representative body of the faculty,
Be It Resolved that the Faculty Senate endorses the FSECC and encourages its senators to work closely with the deans and chairs of their respective colleges to facilitate faculty participation.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on September 23, 1999.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on September 27, 1999.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on September 29, 1999.
Resolution 1999-2000-2 Third Year Tenure and Promotion Review
Whereas, Tenure earning faculty are apprised annually on their progress towards tenure by the department’s Tenure and Promotion Committee, as well as the Chair of their department; and
Whereas, The third year appraisal is an especially important review in the process; and
Whereas, The faculty of UCF believes that it is essential to have a fair, equitable and comprehensive review of each tenure earning candidate=s progress at the critical 3 year point;
Be It Resolved that the Dean of the college shall also apprise the candidate as part of the third year appraisal; and
Be It Resolved the appraisal shall be advisory to the candidate, unless there is substantive cause for additional review/action regarding a particular candidate.
Defeated by the Faculty Senate on November 18, 1999.
Resolution 1999-2000-3 TOEFL Scores
Whereas, Current University policy requires that international students, except those who are from countries where English is the only official language or those who have earned a degree from an accredited American college or university, are required to attain a paper-based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 550 or its computer-based equivalent of 213 unless otherwise specified by the program of study; and
Whereas, Several programs in the University have advertised minimum TOEFL requirements that are below these standards; and
Whereas, With very few exceptions the international students in the programs with standards below the University standard actually meet or exceed the University standard; and
Whereas, The paper-based TOEFL testing procedure has been phased out, and computer-based TOEFL testing is the only method of TOEFL delivery;
Be It Resolved that the University and all graduate programs in the University adopt a common minimum requirement for a score of 220 on the computer-based TOEFL.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 18, 1999.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on November 30, 1999.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on December 23, 1999.
Resolution 1999-2000-4 Incomplete Grades
Whereas, The intent of Resolution 1996-97-1 was to have unresolved incomplete grades changed after one year, or at the time of graduation, to the lowest grade associate with the course in which the incomplete was assigned; and
Whereas, Current catalog wording provides that unresolved incomplete grades be automatically changed to a grade of “F” by the Registrar 12 months after the last day of the semester in which the incomplete grade was earned, or prior to graduation, whichever comes first;
Be It Resolved that the policy be amended to reflect the fact that courses graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis (S/U) will have unresolved incomplete grades revert to a grade of “U” at the aforementioned points in time.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 18, 1999.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on November 30, 1999.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on December 23, 1999.
Resolution 1999-2000-5 Incomplete Grades
(The language of the first Whereas below presupposes that the first resolution will be passed, and that current policy will now dictate changing the grade to the lowest grade associated with the course rather than the old blanket “F”.)
Whereas, Current policy dictates that unresolved incomplete grades be changed after one year, or at the time of graduation, to the lowest grade associate with the course in which the incomplete was assigned; and
Whereas, It is often useful to extend incomplete grades in dissertation hours or thesis hours until the dissertation or thesis is completed, at which point the incomplete grades are changed to a letter grade;
Be It Resolved that incomplete grades in dissertation hours (XXX 7980) or thesis hours (XXX 6971) will be exempt from the 12 month change rule as long as the student is continuously enrolled, and need only be changed prior to graduation.
Aapproved by the Faculty Senate on November 18, 1999.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on November 30, 1999.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on December 23, 1999.
Resolution 1999-2000-6 Full-time Status for Graduate Students
Whereas, the University of Central Florida is the only State University System institution that designates full-time graduate status as 6 hours, and one of the few in the country to do so, and
Whereas, all state public universities require all full-time graduate assistants to be enrolled in six hours during the summer semester, and
Whereas, the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System of the U. S. Department of Education now recognizes 9 hours as a standard for full-time status in graduate education, and
Whereas, the Immigration and Naturalization Service recommends that international students take 9 hours as a full-time load and UCF graduate fellows are required to take 9 hours as a full-time load and having a uniform standard for all graduate student populations would reduce confusion, and
Whereas, UCF is emphasizing graduate education and seeking increased graduate enrollment and increasing the definition of full-time to 9 hours would reduce time to degree and make graduate programs more productive, and
Whereas, in order to use our limited resources to support truly full-time students who graduate in a timely fashion so that funding support can be used to benefit a greater number of students and to recruit new students to our graduate programs and to establish a graduate culture and presence on campus, and
Whereas, commitment has been made by the central administration to provide full tuition support for graduate assistants for this enaction,
Be It Resolved that the definition of full-time status of graduate students be changed such that:
Full-time graduate status is 9 hours in the Fall and Spring semesters and 6 hours in the Summer semesters, until regular graduate course work is completed and until the minimum thesis or dissertation hours required by the program are exhausted. Thereafter, until graduation doctoral students must continuously enroll in dissertation course work (xxx 7980) for a minimum of three hours each semester to be considered full-time and master’s students must continuously enroll in thesis course work (xxx 6971) for a minimum of one hour each semester to be considered full-time.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 24, 1999.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on February 28, 1999.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on March 30, 1999.
Resolution 1999-2000-7 Graduate Certificate Programs
Whereas, since approved in 1997, there are now more than 45 graduate certificate programs, some of which have not attracted enrollment, and
Whereas, the original policies and procedures do not include provisions for oversight and sunset, and
Whereas, the university catalog should include only programs that are active, and
Whereas, graduate certificate programs are to be leading-edge, professional offerings,
Be it resolved that each graduate certificate program coordinator shall deliver to the Course Review and New Programs subcommittee an annual report of its activity by September 15, including course offerings, applications, enrollment, and certificates awarded.
This report shall be submitted to the college curriculum committee in which the program is housed. The college committee shall forward a summary report to the Course Review and New Programs subcommittee of the Graduate Council. Sunset provisions shall apply to any graduate certificate program that is inactive for three consecutive years
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 24, 1999.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on February 28, 1999.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on March 30, 1999.
Resolution 1999-2000-8 Faculty Parking
(Not Approved)
Whereas, area campus faculty are required to come to the main Orlando campus for department and other meetings on an intermittent basis, and
Whereas, adjunct faculty, especially those teaching just one course, use campus facilities on only a part-time basis,
Be It Resolved that the UCF administration should be urged to provide a new, minimal cost parking sticker for selected periodic, yet infrequent visitors to the campus including: adjunct faculty, area campus faculty and staff, and others as deemed appropriate.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 24, 1999.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on February 28, 1999.
Returned by Provost Whitehouse on July 7, 2000.
“After lengthy discussions with President Hitt and Mr. Merck and based upon a desire to keep parking fees consistent throughout the UCF community, it has been determined that we will not be able to support this resolution. Mr. Merck has agreed to continue discussions with various individuals to determine if there are any other alternatives available.”
Resolution 1999-2000-9 Incomplete Grades for Undergraduate Students
Whereas, the intent of Resolution 1996-1997-1 was to have unresolved incomplete grades changed after one year, or at the time of graduation, to the lowest grade associated with the course in which the incomplete was assigned; and
Whereas, the current catalog wording provides that unresolved incomplete grades be automatically changed to a grade of “F” by the registrar 12 months after the last day of the semester/term in which the incomplete grade was earned, or prior to graduation, whichever comes first,
Be It Resolved that the policy be amended to reflect the fact that undergraduate courses graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis (S/U) will have unresolved incomplete grades revert to a grade of “U” at the aforementioned points in time.
Approved by Faculty Senate on March 23, 2000.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on March 28, 2000.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on April 28, 2000.
Resolution 1999-2000-10 Travel Office
Whereas, the UCF Travel Office has made a concerted effort to address faculty concerns relative to the processing of travel requests; and
Whereas, the Travel Office has outlined a plan for continuing to address such issues as improving the consistency in interpretation of procedures, updating procedure manuals, improving training and instruction for both reimbursement preparers and travelers, identifying and addressing system related problems for reimbursements, and upgrading the screening for skills and English proficiency in the hiring process for travel department staff; and
Whereas, the Travel Office has agreed to continue working toward a solution to address the concerns of faculty regarding violation of privacy that exists in the current process for documenting travel expenses,
Be It Resolved that the Faculty Senate commends the Travel Office for its efforts to date in addressing these issues; and
Be It Resolved that the Faculty Senate requests that the Travel Office continue its vigilance in resolving these issues and others that may arise with regards to the processing of faculty travel requests.
Approved by Faculty Senate on March 23, 2000.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on April 4, 2000.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on June 26, 2000.