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Archived 2000-2001 Resolutions
Resolution 2000-2001-1 Doctoral Course Requirement Change
Whereas, research requirements vary across doctoral programs, and
Whereas, current university policy on credit hour requirements affords individual departments little flexibility in designing their programs of doctoral study, and
Whereas, current university policy on credit hour requirements is not consistent with most mature, doctoral granting research institutions,
Be It Resolved that university course requirements for doctoral programs be amended to read: “The course requirements for a doctoral degree will consist of lectures, seminars, discussions, independent research, and independent study. Each program of study will include a minimum of 72 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the baccalaureate degree, with at least 6 semester hours of course work taken at UCF outside the student’s program area. A university-wide minimum of at least 15 hours of dissertation credit is required for all doctoral programs. Specific programs may require more.”
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 25, 2001.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on February 27, 2001.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on March 19, 2001.
Resolution 2000-2001-2 Evaluation of Faculty Teaching and Effectiveness
The Faculty Senate strongly recommends that, while the Student Perception of Instruction form will continue to be the instrument for evaluating faculty teaching effectiveness, other instruments such as peer evaluation, teaching portfolios, or other measures also be used.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 22, 2001.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on February 27, 2001.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on March 19, 2001.
Resolution 2000-2001-3 Student Perception of Instruction Form
Be It Resolved that the current Student Perception of Instruction form be amended to reflect the variety of instruction delivery formats and methods. The additions to the form should be made as necessary by the colleges, schools or departments.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 25, 2001.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on February 2, 2001.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on March 7, 2001.
Resolution 2000-2001-4 New University Governance
Whereas, faculty are vitally concerned about the key issues of university mission, academic freedom and tenure, and compensation and benefits under any new system of university governance,
Be it resolved that the guiding principles under any reorganized system of university governance include: continuation of the current university mission embracing balanced teaching and research, continuation of the present system of academic freedom and tenure, and continuation of the existing structure of compensation and benefits.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on January 25, 2001.
Transmitted to Provost Gary Whitehouse on January 26, 2001.
Approved by Provost Whitehouse on February 8, 2001.