Table of Contents
Resolution 2008-2009-1 Appointment and Evaluation of School
Directors and Department Chairs (Revised)
Whereas, the University of Central Florida seeks to sustain growth, productivity and excellence in education and research,
Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate endorses the following guidelines for appointment and evaluation of directors and department chairs.
All schools/departments must have a full-time director/department chair.
Service Eligibility
A school/department’s director/chair serves a term of five years although the appointment is renewable annually. Normally, a director/department chair will not serve more than two successive five-year terms. Except under special circumstances, no one with another administrative appointment should serve concurrently as a director/department chair, and no director/department chair should serve concurrently in any other administrative position. Where an outside faculty member is considered for director/department chair appointment, customary academic search procedures should be followed.
Each college dean, upon consultation with that college’s faculty, will establish a procedure for the appointment and reappointment of directors/department chairs. After due consideration, as hiring agent, the dean will select a candidate for director/department chair, whose appointment is subject to approval by the provost and the president. College procedures require a vote and a record of the vote for appointment and reappointment. Eligible voters on appointments include all tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty and full-time clinical faculty at the rank of assistant professor and above but eligibility may be extended at the college level by vote of the tenured and tenure-track faculty.
Review & Reappointment
The faculty of the school/department will evaluate directors/department chairs annually.
Department/school faculty and others whom the dean deems appropriate will conduct the review. A full review for reappointment will take place during the fifth year. The dean at his or her own initiative or as a consequence of a request by the school/department faculty can institute an interim review.
Approved by the Senate on January 22, 2009.
Transmitted to the Provost Terry Hickey on January 28, 2009.
Approved by the Provost Hickey on February 11, 2009.
[See original version: 2007-2008-5 not approved here.]
Resolution 2008-2009-2 Budget Management (Revised)
Whereas, the State University System of Florida and faculty and administrators of the University of Central Florida are dedicated to the goals of promoting quality higher education for the metropolitan Orlando and central Florida area, and
Whereas, the current economic environment in Florida challenges the ability of the University of Central Florida to support the necessary instructional expenditures, to prevent faculty and staff reductions, and to keep pace with the cost of living increases, and
Whereas, the University of Central Florida has demonstrated foresight in addressing this year’s budget challenges,
Be it resolved that the University of Central Florida Faculty Senate encourages the administration to make every effort to lower student faculty ratios at the University of Central Florida, and to resist any external effort that may cause the student faculty ratios to increase.
Be it further resolved that the University of Central Florida Faculty Senate encourages the University of Central Florida administration to make every effort to recruit and retain the highest quality faculty and staff at the University of Central Florida through, amongst other things, the use of future funds obtained from increases in tuition and differential tuition.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on August 28, 2008.
Transmitted to Provost Terry Hickey on October 2, 2008.
Approved by the Provost Hickey on October 6, 2008.
[See original version: 2007-2008-6 not approved here.]
Resolution 2008-2009-3 Funding of the Library Materials and Subscriptions in Support of Faculty Research (Revised)
Whereas, the University of Central Florida recognizes the great importance of research performed by its faculty and the need to afford the research community at UCF with all the necessary facilities to maximize productivity and excellence, and
Whereas, the UCF Library performs a vital function of providing access to journals and publications in support of sponsored research being performed by the faculty,
Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida recommends to the university administration that it strive to identify and allocate the resources needed to slow or reverse the downward spiral of funding for the library’s procurement of materials and subscriptions.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on August 28, 2008.
Transmitted to the Provost Terry Hickey on October 2, 2008.
Approved by the Provost Hickey on October 6, 2008.
[See original version: 2007-2008-7 not approved here.]
Resolution 2008-2009-4 Endorsement of Student Government Green Fee (Revised)
Whereas, the University of Central Florida has previously endorsed the Focus the Nation initiative toward environmental concerns, and
Whereas, the Student Government and Student Body of the University of Central Florida has supported creation of a Sustainability Fund through the implementation of a “Green Fee,” and
Whereas, the UCF Senate believes the Student Government and Student Body of the University of Central Florida understands the need to work with the student government associations at all SUS institutions and with the Student Government Association representative on the Florida Board of Governors in order to accomplish their goal,
Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida endorses the concept of environmental sustainability on the UCF campus, and supports the efforts of the Student Government Association to establish a “Green Fee” to generate a Sustainability Fund.
We further urge the Student Government Association to work with the University of Central Florida administration to guarantee reasonable control and proper utilization of such funds.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on August 28, 2008.
Transmitted to Provost Terry Hickey on October 2, 2008.
Approved by the Provost Hickey on October 6, 2008.
[See original version: 2007-2008-8 not approved here.]