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2013-2014 Resolutions
Resolution 2013-2014-1 An Advisory Urging Caution in the Implementation of STEM Initiatives (Revised)
Whereas, the idea of universities as unified entities encompassing and valuing all fields of higher learning is necessary to cultivate an intellectually sophisticated and civically engaged citizenry for the sake of the common good of society as a whole; and
Whereas, the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines have always recognized and promoted incorporating a strong liberal arts foundation to STEM education in enhancing student preparation in terms of practice and accreditation; and
Whereas, the professional preparation of graduates in STEM fields has always been recognized as one important dimension of the purpose and mission of universities historically, but only as one of many similarly important dimensions; and
Whereas, some of the changes of a funding and curricular nature for the sake of increased STEM enrollments are acknowledged to be desirable for those interested in careers in those fields, to satisfy the growing need for graduates in STEM fields in our increasingly technological and scientific state; therefore
Be It Resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida urges the University of Central Florida administration that any plans and actions taken to emphasize placement of students in STEM fields be balanced to maintain the identity and mission of the university as an institution that embraces and fosters learning in all academic fields. And, furthermore, that any implementation of STEM curricular changes be undertaken only with the active involvement of the Faculty Senate, in the spirit of genuine shared governance.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on November 20, 2013.
Transmitted to Provost Tony Waldrop November 26, 2013.
Approved by Provost Waldrop on December 9, 2013.
Resolution 2013-2014-2 Compliance Check for Awards Programs
Whereas, the TIP, RIA, and SoTL programs are designed to identify excellence in teaching, research, and SoTL areas; and
Whereas, the TIP, RIA, and SoTL programs require that faculty submit a substantial folder regarding teaching, research or SoTL areas; and
Whereas, each award is administered by a different committee, many at the College level, and thus each Committee applies award criteria according to its own procedures; and
Whereas, small formatting errors in the submission of the folder (e.g. 501 words vs. 500, not obscuring information about Faculty Annual Review categories other than teaching for TIP) have caused faculty who are otherwise excellent candidates to be excluded from consideration; therefore
Be It Resolved that each College Criteria Committee, where it exists, or College Selection Committee, where it doesn’t, establish a procedure to either allow for or give candidates the opportunity to correct such errors, if they are identified, within a reasonable period of time, so as to avoid rejecting candidates, for non-substantive reasons, from eligibility to be considered.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on February 20, 2014.
Transmitted to Provost Tony Waldrop February 26, 2014.
Approved by Provost Waldrop on March 14, 2014.
Resolution 2013-2014-3 SoTL Eligibility
(Not Approved)
Whereas, the SoTL program rewards scholarship of teaching and learning; scholarship that can benefit the university community in many ways; and
Whereas, the first of three eligibility criteria currently requires “full-time 9 or 12 month appointment as an instructor or as a professor, associate professor, or assistant professor”, yet UCF faculty have other titles not on this list (e.g. Associate and Senior Lecturer, Associate and Senior Instructor); and
Whereas, many other full time UCF faculty, such as librarians, can make a substantial contribution to the scholarship of teaching and learning; therefore
Be It Resolved that the restrictive criterion for eligibility to apply for a SoTL award, in Section III.1, to faculty with the title of Instructor, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor should be removed. This criterion should read: “all general faculty as defined by the Faculty Constitution are eligible to apply for this award”.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 27, 2014.
Transmitted to Interim Provost Diane Chase on April 1, 2014.
Returned by Interim Provost Chase on July 29, 2014:
“Resolution 2013-14-3 SoTL Eligibility is denied. Eligibility is something the overarching award committee, established in Resolution 2013-2014-5, can consider.”
Resolution 2013-2014-4 To encourage implementation of the Chronicle of Higher Education Great Colleges to Work For program (or similar instrument)
Whereas, the University of Central Florida is classified as a Very High Research Institution by the Carnegie Foundation; and
Whereas, to retain this status the University must strive to attract and retain quality faculty; and
Whereas, programs such as the Great Colleges to Work For program, sponsored by the Chronicle of Higher Education, provides administrators with an assessment of the quality of the workplace experience and the competitiveness of the University’s policies and benefits; and
Whereas, participation in programs such as the Great Colleges to Work For program would indicate that the UCF administration is concerned with addressing faculty morale and improving UCF’s standing as a “Great College to Work For”; and
Whereas, registering in the program is simple, and the program is free to participate, and provides benchmarking data; therefore
Be It Resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida urges that within the next academic year the University of Central Florida to join the Great Colleges to Work For program, or another similar instrument to achieve this purpose, and to share the results with the appropriate committees of the Faculty Senate, with the goal of using this information to work with the Faculty Senate in a genuine spirit of shared governance to improve and strengthen the workplace environment at the University of Central Florida.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 27, 2014.
Transmitted to Interim Provost Diane Chase on April 1, 2014.
Approved by Interim Provost Chase on July 29, 2014.
Resolution 2013-2014-5 Establishment of an Awards Procedures Review Committee
Whereas, the TIP, RIA, and SoTL programs are designed to incentivize and reward excellence in teaching, research, and SoTL areas; and
Whereas, the excellence award and incentive award programs have been established by means of sections 23.5 and 23.6 of the UCF Collective Bargaining Agreement; therefore
Be It Resolved that a committee be formed to examine potential improvements to the application, eligibility criteria, selection, and distribution of excellence awards and incentive award programs, and the possibility of new awards (e.g. for excellence in service).
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 27, 2014.
Transmitted to Interim Provost Diane Chase on April 1, 2014.
Approved by Interim Provost Chase on July 29, 2014.
Resolution 2013-2014-6 Universal Parking Fee Pricing
(Not Approved)
Whereas, the purpose of the Parking Services is to provide adequate parking facilities for students, faculty, and staff; and
Whereas, the hangtag permits the UCF student, faculty, or staff to have the freedom of anonymity off campus for safety reasons, the safety of our students, faculty, and staff should not be compromised by the undue burden of a significantly higher cost; and
Whereas, the purchase of either the hangtag or the decal affords students, faculty, or staff with the exact same benefit, namely the renting of one parking space for the duration of the permit; and
Whereas, the decal creates a problem for families with multiple users and two or more vehicles in terms of which vehicle can be used for commuting to work; and
Whereas, the hangtag would encourage carpooling, thus reducing the parking burden on campus, but a higher price associated with the hangtag discourages carpooling; and
Whereas, a survey of students, staff and faculty indicated strong support for equal hangtag and decal prices across each category; therefore
Be It Resolved, that the Faculty Senate of the University of Central Florida urges the University of Central Florida Administration to equalize the prices for Parking Hangtag and Decal to the lowest possible, budget neutral price, within each user category.
Approved by the Faculty Senate on March 27, 2014.
Transmitted to Interim Provost Diane Chase on April 1, 2014.
Returned by Interim Provost Chase on July 29, 2014 with the following comments:
I am happy to report an update following the request of Resolution 2013-2014-6 Universal Parking Fee Pricing.
Parking and Transportation Services has significantly reduced the costs of hangtag fees for faculty, students, and staff beginning academic year 2014-15. Costs of hangtag fees for reserved parking spaces remain the same.