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The Faculty Senate serves as the legislative body of the university, creating a forum for the mutual exchange of ideas between senior administrators and faculty. In this role, the Senate addresses and may legislate on matters concerning colleges, schools, other major academic units, or those of general university interest. To effectively carry out its responsibilities, the Senate creates rules, regulations, and bylaws that guide our community.

Meet your current senators here.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Faculty Senate operates according to the principles of shared governance. The Senate serves as the main channel of communication between faculty members and the central administration of the university. The Senate constitutes the principal advisory body to the president and provost and vice president for Academic Affairs. In this capacity, the Senate has the responsibility to review and make recommendations to them concerning decisions of the university on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the university, focusing particularly on those related to the academic mission. Senators shall report Senate activities regularly to their constituencies. Senators should talk about agenda items and information discussed in senate with faculty from their units to help involve and inform the general faculty about topics of interest.

The Senate may discuss and take a position on any subject of university concern, and may initiate policies on these matters, either directly or through its committees. The Senate appoints faculty members to serve on the Senate committees as well as joint committees and councils; these committees carry out much of the work of the Senate. Faculty members are afforded an opportunity each year to participate in committee service. The Senate has a significant role in the appointment of academic administrators, as well as the periodic performance reviews of such administrators.

Senator Onboarding Webcourse


Attendance is determined by the signing of an attendance roster at the beginning of each Senate meeting. Correction of the electronic attendance roster shall occur no later than the following Senate meeting by contacting the Office of the Faculty Senate.

Any senator who misses more than half of the regularly scheduled Senate meetings in an academic year for which an interim replacement has not been appointed by the Senate is presumed to have resigned from the Faculty Senate.