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Joseph Harrington, Faculty Senate Chair

January 11, 2021

This site’s new design began in the summer of 2020.  Senate Secretary Kristine Shrauger led the team, which included Senate Administrative Assistant Laurie Carroll, web developer Mark Bennett, and communications director Allison Hurtado.

Aside from the beautiful new look, check out:

– Member photos on committee pages
– The Senate Topics List, in browsable, searchable form
– Blogs for committee chairs and the leadership
– Information for those interested in serving and for new Senators
– A calendar of upcoming committee and Senate meeting times and materials

The site has all the functionality of our old site that the WordPress platform can easily support.  We are looking for alternative solutions to the remaining item: continuing to serve all 4,000+ historical documents (agenda, minutes, meeting materials, etc., dating to 1970) in searchable, browsable form. For now, these are available from the Senate Office to anyone who asks.

The job of our website has always been to provide transparency into the Senate’s business, past and present.  To this, we are adding the new task of being a focal point for keeping up with happenings at the university.  Committee chairs and leadership members can use the blog feature to post significant news and announcements.

The President and Provost give reports at the start of every Senate meeting, and the Provost reports at every Steering Committee meeting. Community members and the general public can watch our event livestreams or the recorded videos, to hear directly from them what’s going on at the top.

We hope this site provides a pleasant user experience, quick access to the business of the Senate, including its committees, and news about what’s happening at UCF!  Enjoy your browsing.

