Faculty Senate Committees and Councils
Service on university committees and councils is the primary means of direct participation in university governance by faculty. There are three classes of committees and councils staffed by the Faculty Senate: Senate operational committees, Senate curricular committees and councils, and joint committees and councils. The creation, restructuring, or dissolution of Senate and joint committees and councils is proposed on the Senate floor and is recommended to the president of the university by a majority vote of the Senate. Ad hoc Senate committees may be established by the Senate or by the Steering Committee.
Faculty on one-year, non-renewable contracts and visiting faculty, regardless of their rank or duration of the appointment, are not eligible to serve on committees or councils. A committee member designated as an ex officio member is a contributing member who takes part in all discussions and serves as a resource person but is non-voting and cannot serve as the chair of the committee unless specified otherwise.
For an alphabetical list of all Faculty Senate Committees and Councils, see Committees and Councils.
Senate Operational Committees
Senate Operational Committees serve to expedite the efficient functioning of the Senate and its affairs and to address matters relating to faculty interests and functions and report to the Faculty Senate at each meeting of the Faculty Senate.
- Steering Committee
- Budget and Administrative Committee
- Faculty Senate Parking, Transportation and Safety Committee
- Information Technology Committee
- Personnel Committee
- Research Council
Senate Curricular Councils and Committees
Senate Curricular Committees govern college and university curricular and academic policies and procedures in cooperation with the College of Undergraduate Studies and/or the College of Graduate Studies and report to the Faculty Senate at each meeting of the Faculty Senate. The subcommittees of the councils complete the work of the council.
Senate Joint Committees and Councils
Faculty involvement is important for the disposition of certain key university issues with academic and administrative implications. In the spirit of shared governance, these issues are dealt with by joint committees and provide an annual report to the Faculty Senate. Joint committees and councils are administered by the responsible administrators designated in the bylaws.
- Academic Calendar Committee
- Admissions and Standards Committee
- Commencement, Convocation, and Recognitions Committee
- Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee
- Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee
- General Undergraduate Requirements Committee
- Library Advisory
- Strategic Planning Council
- Textbook Committee
- University Athletics Advisory Committee
- University Honors Committee
- University Master Planning Committee
- University Parking and Transportation Committee
- University Promotion and Tenure Committee
- University Travel Awards Committee
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Senate committees can be established by the Senate or by the Steering Committee. These committees can span academic years however, are short-term committees designed to focus on specific issues. Depending on the topic, Ad Hoc committees may consist of Steering members, senators, or a cross-section of the stakeholders across the university.
For a detailed list of Ad Hoc Committees, click here.