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The Steering Committee acts as the Faculty Senate’s “executive committee” and usually convenes two weeks before the Senate. Resolutions endorsed by the Steering Committee require Senate approval for final adoption.

Meeting Schedule

The Steering committee meets on Thursday from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. The Steering Committee typically meets two weeks prior to the Faculty Senate. Meetings are held in the Charge on Chamber, Student Union Room 340.

Committee Members

Stephen King, Chair
Biomedical Sciences
College of Medicine

  • Crystal Maraj
    College of Graduate Studies-School of Modeling Simulation & Training; Senate Representative; Vice Chair, Graduate Appeals Committee
  • Tina Chiarelli
    College of Medicine-Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences; Senate Representative; Vice Chair, Undergraduate Council; Co-Chair, Undergraduate Course Review Committee
  • Peggy Nuhn
    University Libraries-UCF Connect Libraries; Senate Representative
  • Daniel Seigler
    Faculty Senate Secretary; College of Community Innovation and Education-School of Public Administration; Senate Representative
  • Aimee DeNoyelles
    Division of Digital Learning-Center for Distributed Learning; Senate Representative
  • Linda Walters
    College of Sciences-Biology; Senate Representative; Chair, Research Council
  • Alfons Schulte
    College of Sciences-Physics; Senate Representative
  • Aristide Dogariu
    College of Optics and Photonics; Senate Representative
  • Jay Judy
    Rosen College of Hospitality Management-Foodservice & Lodging Management; Senate Representative
  • Humberto Lopez Castillo
    College of Health Professions and Sciences-Health Sciences; Senate Representative
  • Joy Parchment
    College of Nursing- Nursing Systems; Senate Representative
  • Devon Cadwell Bazata
    College of Undergraduate Studies- Interdisciplinary Studies; Senate Representative
  • Mason Cash
    College of Arts and Humanities- Philosophy; Senate Representative
  • James Gallo
    College of Business Administration-Integrated Business; Senate Representative
  • Jeffrey Kauffman
    Faculty Senate Vice Chair; College of Engineering and Computer Science-Mechanical Aerospace Engineering; Senate Representative; Chair, Committee on Committee; Chair, Undergraduate Council and Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee
  • Stephen King
    Faculty Senate Chair; Steering Committee Chair; College of Medicine- Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences; Senate Representative
  • Reid Oetjen
    College of Community Innovation and Education - Health Management & Informatics; Senate Representative; Chair, Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee
  • Michael Proctor
    College of Engineering and Computer Science-Industrial Engineering & Management Systems; Senate Representative


The Steering Committee is composed of the chair of the Faculty Senate, the vice chair, the secretary of the Faculty Senate, and the immediate past chair of the Senate. In addition to the current officers and the immediate past chair of the Faculty Senate, the total number of senators on the Steering Committee shall be no greater than one-fifth (15) of the total number of senators (75) and apportioned as provided below. Steering Committee members shall be elected by a majority vote of senators present and voting within each of the academic units. There shall be no voting by proxy.

Meeting Materials

Below are the official agendas, materials distributed, and approved minutes and materials for each meeting. Resolutions approved by the Steering Committee must be submitted to the Senate for final approval.

To view a recording of a meeting, click on the meeting minutes for a YouTube link.

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Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To serve as the “executive committee” of the Faculty Senate.
  2. To act on behalf of the Senate on matters declared by the chair of the Faculty Senate to be of an emergency nature. Any action taken in this respect by the Steering Committee shall be reported by the chair of the Faculty Senate to the members of the Faculty Senate at or before the next regular meeting. The Senate shall then review such action. The chair of the Faculty Senate will give the members of the Senate advance notice of the emergency meeting of the Steering Committee, if feasible.
  3. To serve as an advisory body of the chair of the Faculty Senate on any matter which the chair of the Faculty Senate brings before it. Meetings of an advisory nature need not be announced or reported to the Faculty Senate either before or after they occur.
  4. To monitor Senate elections and maintain election records.
  5. To develop Faculty Senate agendas. Items may be added to the agenda at any meeting of the Senate under new business by majority vote. Final action on the resolutions not on the agenda cannotbe taken prior to the next Senate meeting.
  6. To consider resolutions forwarded by Senate committees and to forward them to the full Senate or refer them back to the Senate committee.
  7. To appoint from its membership liaisons to each of the Senate committees who shall serve as non-voting members of these committees. Liaisons shall act as a resource to the committees and reporton committee activities at Steering Committee meetings.
  8. To act as a committee on amendments to the constitution and the bylaws.
  9. To periodically review Senate operational, curricular, and joint committees and councils. Creation of new committees and changes in any committee’s charter, membership, or duties and responsibilities shall be conveyed to the Faculty Senate for consideration asamendments to the bylaws.
  10. To serve as a faculty advisory body to the president of the university and to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs when requested.
  11. To act in executive session when the Faculty Senate is not in session. In this capacity, a majority of the committee shall constitute a quorum. All recommendations made as the Senate’s”executive committee” shall be reported to the Senate and besubject to review and approval by the Faculty Senate.
  12. To request information from any member of the faculty or administration and invite any such person to meet with it for consultation or advice on matters within its jurisdiction.
  13. To establish ad hoc committees to facilitate its work.

In addition to the above duties, Steering Committee members collaborate with the dean’s office to solicit Grand Marshals and Faculty Representatives as a member of the platform party at each commencement ceremony. The Faculty Senate office coordinates the scheduling of Grand Marshals and Faculty Representatives.

Committee Guidance

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