The Budget and Administrative Committee evaluates and recommends policies and procedures concerning university budget with special emphasis on the academic budget.
Meeting Schedule
On April 7, 2016, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee established Wednesday as the standard meeting day, and 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. as the standard meeting time for the committee. Minor deviations in time are based on the agreement of the committee members. The meeting schedule and location is determined by the chair of the committee.
Committee Members
Amanda Major, Chair
Division of Digital Learning
Center for Distributed Learning
Peter Sinelli, Vice Chair
College of Sciences
University Libraries-Acquisitions & Collections; Faculty Representative
College of Nursing-Nursing Systems; Faculty Representative
College of Medicine-Burnett College of Biomedical Sciences; Faculty Representative; Vice Chair, University Promotion and Tenure Committee; 2021-2023 (P&T)
Administration and Finance-Finance; Ex Officio; Committee Administrator
College of Graduate Studies-School of Modeling, Simulation & Training; Senate Representative; Physical; Chair, Information Technology Committee
College of Optics and Photonics; Faculty Representative
College of Business Administration-Marketing; Senate Representative
College of Business-Management; Senate Representative
Division of Digital Learning- Center for Distributed Learning; Senate Representative; Chair- Budget and Administrative Committee
Rosen College of Hospitality Management- Hospitality Management Services; Faculty Represenative
College of Sciences- Anthropology; Senate Representative; Vice Chair- Budget and Administrative Committee
College of Sciences- Nicholson School of Communication & Media; Senate Representative
College of Arts and Humanities- School of Visual Arts and Design; Senate Representative
College of Engineering and Computer Science-Civil, Environmental & Construction Engineering; Senate Representative
College of Health Professions and Sciences - School of Kinesiology and Physical Therapy; Senate Representative
Meeting Materials and Reports
Agendas and related materials are distributed to committee members one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Minutes and materials are posted once approved at the next meeting. Below are the official agendas, materials distributed, and approved minutes and materials for each meeting.
The committee consists of at least fourteen members of the general faculty, at least eight of whom are current members of the Faculty Senate; the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs or his/her designee (ex officio); and the Chief Financial Officer or his/her designee (ex officio). Committee members shall be selected by the Committee on Committees, in consultation with the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs. It is expected that each academic unit shall have one representative. The remaining members are unrestricted with regard to academic unit affiliation. Terms of service are two years, staggered. The committee chair and vice chair shall be elected annually by its membership at the first meeting of the committee after the new Faculty Senate is elected, normally in the early fall term. Committee members continue to serve until their replacements are appointed.
A committee member designated as an ex officio member is a contributing member who takes part in all discussions and serves as a resource person but is non-voting and cannot serve as the chair of the committee.
Duties and Responsibilities
- To evaluate and recommend policies and procedures concerning the university budget with special emphasis on the academic budget.
- To make recommendations on any administrative procedure that affects faculty members in the performance of their work.
- To participate in the academic planning process as appropriate.
- To make recommendations to the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate.