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Resolutions 1984-1985

Archived 1984-1985 Resolutions Resolutions 1984-1985———————————————–1. Tenure and Promotion Guidelines2. Tenure and Promotion Outside Review3. Tenure and Promotion to the Rank of Associate Professor (tabled)3a. Tenure and Promotion to the Rank of Associate Professor4. Interpretation of Standards for Promotion and Tenure5….

Resolutions 1987-1988

Archived 1987-1988 Resolutions Resolutions 1987-1988———————————————–1. Additional Faculty Parking 2. Final Exams and Grade Due Date3. Reaffirmation of Resolution 1986-87-7 Funding        for Sabbatical Leave (tabled)4. Reaffirmation of Resolution 1986-87-9 Voting         on Faculty Hires (tabled)5….

Resolutions 1986-1987

Archived 1986-1987 Resolutions Resolutions 1986-1987———————————————–1. Abolishment of the Time-Shortened Degree Program2. Special Student Admissions3. Withdrawal Grades4. Operation of Centers and Institutes5. Final Exam Period (returned to committee)6. Structure of Graduate Studies7. Funding for Sabbatical Leaves (not approved)8. Sabbatical Leave Committee9….

Resolutions 1989-1990

Archived 1989-1990 Resolutions Resolutions 1989-1990———————————————–1. Class Sizes and Classroom Capacity2. Undergraduate Studies & Student Advising3. No Grade Designation in School Records4. Voting Status of Non-tenured Faculty 5. Informing New Faculty of Health Benefits 6. Library Audio Visual Materials7. Course Requirements…

Resolutions 1988-1989

Archived 1988-1989 Resolutions Resolutions 1988-1989———————————————–1. Organizational Status – Hospitality        Management (not approved)2. Tenure/Promotion – Hospitality Management3. Interdisciplinary/Joint Activity – Tenure/Promotion4. Recognition of President Colbourn5. Presidential Search Procedures6. Disruptive Behavior7. Procedure for GEP Changes8. Addition of Botany to…

Resolutions 1992-1993

Archived 1992-1993 Resolutions Resolutions 1992-1993———————————————–1. Tenure Changes (defeated)2. Tenure Procedures Revised3. UCF Technology Upgrades4. Tenure Deferrals Process5. Library Budget Priority6. Wage Increase For Staff7. 1992-1993-78. Sign Language (defeated)9. Grade Authorization10. Ethnic & Gender Diversity Resolution 1992-1993-1 Tenure Changes (Defeated) Whereas,…

Resolutions 1991-1992

Archived 1991-1992 Resolutions Resolutions 1991-1992———————————————–1. Eliminating Current E & G Transfers2. Final Exam Policy3. Internal Auditing Inclusion of Faculty Senate Chair4. Required Training for Teaching Assistants5. Amendments to Stated Emeritus Definition6. Continued Involvement of Retired UCF Faculty7. Honorary Degree Criteria8….

Resolutions 1990-1991

Archived 1990-1991 Resolutions Resolutions 1990-1991———————————————–1. University Research Council Annual Report 2. Research Council Membership3. Establishing a Non-Research ICU Council (returned)4. Degree Program Guidelines5. Class Size 6. Limits on A.A. Enrollments 7. Annual Tenure Earning Reviews8. Appointment of Department Chairs 9….

Resolutions 1993-1994

Archived 1993-1994 Resolutions Resolutions 1993-1994———————————————–1. UCF Support Funding2. Support for UCF Equitable Funding3. Library Funding4. 1993-1994-45. Inform Senate of Allocation of UCF Funds6. Revised Tuition Waiver7. Arboretum Preservation Resolution 1993-1994-1 UCF Support Funding Whereas, the University of Central Florida funding…

Resolutions 1995-1996

Archived 1995-1996 Resolutions Resolutions 1995-1996———————————————–1. GEP Program Requirement 2. Awarding Posthumous Degrees3. Employment of Part-time Faculty4. Overload Compensation for Chairs5. Teaching Responsibilities of Chairs (not approved)6. Plus/Minus Grading 7. Withdrawal Deadline (not approved)8. Length of Academic Calendar (returned)9. American Sign…