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Resolutions 2015-2016

2015-2016 Resolutions Resolutions 2015-2016———————————————–1. Appreciation for Ida Cook2. Declaration of Support for the Advisory Council        of Faculty Senates Resolution on Opposition        to Concealed Weapons or Firearms on State        University Systems Campuses…

Resolutions 2016-2017

2016-2017 Resolutions Resolutions 2016-2017———————————————–1. Faculty Senate Bylaw Change, Section VIII. Joint        Committees and Councils2. Faculty Senate Bylaw Change, Various Joint Committees        and Councils3. Faculty Senate Bylaw Change, University Promotion        and Tenure…

Resolutions 2017-2018

Resolution 2017-2018-1 Availability of Lactation Rooms for UCF Women Whereas, UCF currently has 7 publicly available lactation rooms: one is on the College of Medicine campus at Lake Nona, one is in Research Park at the College of Nursing University…

Resolutions 2018-2019

Resolution 2018-2019-1 Faculty Senate Bylaw Change, Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee Membership Whereas, the Faculty & Staff Benefits Committee makes recommendations on policies and programs and other benefits and services provided faculty and staff; and Whereas, the current membership includes…

Resolutions 2020-2021

Resolution 2020-2021-1 Faculty Senate Bylaw Change – Resolutions Whereas, when the Faculty Constitution was separated into two separate documents, Faculty Constitution and Bylaws, language regarding the process of adopting Senate resolutions was inadvertently left out of the Bylaws; and Whereas,…

Resolutions 2019-2020

Resolution 2019-2020-1 Faculty Senate Bylaw Change – Promotion Procedures for Non-Tenure Earning Faculty Whereas, Non-Tenure Earning Assistant and Associate Professors, as well as Assistant and Associate Medical Librarians, who are candidates for promotion currently undergo a review by the UCF…